
Break of Dawn

"What the hell kind of name is 'K', anyway? Who has one letter as his name?" Dart poked fun at the extrovert young boy.

Grim laughed at his joke. K was utterly confused as to why he was laughing when nobody else was speaking.

Dart actually regretted his advice of them going along with K because now, he could not come out of the backpack and be free.

They both worried if this would be the case in battling the strong chimera in Kazmir as well.

"So, what kind of secret are you keeping in that backpack of yours, Grim?" K asked.

"You are asking me this for what reason, exactly?" Grim retorted back with a question of his own.

This made K chuckle loudly. Too loud that Grim had to remind them that their room had really thin walls.

"For starters, you are always keeping that brown backpack close to you at all times. I mean look at yourself right now. You are laying in bed yet you are still hugging it."