
Can Demons have butterflies

(Narrator's pov)

The day he laid his golden hues on you he knew

he had found the love of his life. You were perfect

to him and to everyone around you, he wanted to

confess to you but he couldn't due to how shy he


"Morning short stack.", Logan yawned ruffling your

(h/c) hair.

"Morning Logan.", you cheered.

Kurt smiled watching your happy presence

illuminate the room, how could someone so perfect

in his eyes seem so far away? He was always to

shy to confront you especially since Peter always

seemed to have your attention.

"Vhy dast I alvays fall for vomen I know I cannot

love me back?", the blue mutant sighed bamfing

down to the hallway to walk to his next class.

You noticed your blue furred friend and quickly

ran up to surprise him, you childishly hopped

on his back scaring him into bamfing to the next

room. You both screamed upon impact as you fell

to the ground, Kurt groaned but realized he had

landed on something soft.

"Comfortable Elf?", you chimed with a flushed face.

The blue skinned demon slowly planked himself

before realising what had happened. His yellow

hues stared at your chest where his face had

rested and then into your eyes before rolling

away in embarrassment. You smiled as he began

to apoligize and mumble in german while rolling

around on the floor.


", you called but he only

"Elf...Kurt...Kurt will you please calm down?", you


He still didn't and that's when you made the bold

move to grab his tail, you could feel his body

tremble as he let out a very lewd moan. Thankfully

there was nobody in the room and you both just

stared at eachother in shock. Kurt's face went

bright purple and he ported out of your grip in

seconds. You sat on the ground dazed and stared at

your hand before commenting, "This is the hand of


~in his room~

Kurt hung upside down on the ceiling scolding

himself for letting out such a sinful noise. He

needed to bathe in holy water to cleanse himself

of what he had just done, is he lusting over you or

does he actually genuinely love you?!

"Mein gott I vant to cry!", the raven haired mutant


"You get boob and you want to cry? Man I can't

even get boob, if I could I would've been squeezing

like no mañana.", Peter called from the ground

while he munched on some chips.

Kurt pouted and ported down to the ground to

glare at his silver haired friend. Kurt grew up

touch deprived in the Circus so he might have

just been overreacting but he was so close to (y/

n)'s chest he could practically fell her heartbeat.

Peter chuckled and patted Kurt's head softly before

continued apologizing with his tail swishing

around violently.making a speedy escape from the young demon.

"I need to calm down...I'm blue, I'm blue, I'm blue.",

he repeated while he slowly made his way out of

his room.

He decided he'd go up to you, apologize properly,

and confess his feelings to you. That was easier said

then done, he continuously tried to find an excuse

to turn back but eventually his tail started to act

on its own and grab the closest thing it could wrap

around to keep him from going back.

"I can do this, I can do this, I can't do this!", he

panicked upon seeing you and hid on the ceiling as

you passed by with Ororo.

"So what do you think of Kurt?", Ororo asked

realizing that her blue skinned friend was nearby.

You stopped and pondered it for a bit and Kurt

awaited your reply from above.

"He's very kind, very blue, a total soft boi, and

despite his hardships he's a wonderful person. He's

great in every way and I think his mutation just

makes him cuter.", you smiled, blushing even.

Kurt's heart raced to every word and he even felt

the urge to cry, "But even with how bold I am I

can't bring myself to tell him all this.", you sighed

staring out the mansion window.

"And why not? What can't you tell him?", Ororo

sighed looking up at her blue friend.

You turned towards her with a sad smile and

replied, "I can't tell him I love him despite how

much I yearn to everyday, andI feel like when I

finally have the courage to it'll already be to late."

Kurt's heart sank seeing your misty hues, he never

liked seeing you cry. He had to apologize he had

to say something now! He let himself go from the

ceiling and ported in front of you making you fall

with him. Ororo made a quick escape and you

found yourself resting on top of Kurt. You tried to

get up but his tail wrapped around your waist to

keep you stuck leaving you to sit on his stomach.

You quickly wiped away your tears and looked

anywhere but his gorgeous golden hues.

"(Y/n), häschen, liebling, ssse? Look at me.", Kurt

called trying to get you to look at him.

You tied your hoodie up in frustration, only leaving

your nose visible to him. Kurt chuckled and took

the bold move of placing a kiss on your nose. He

could feel your body jerk from the kiss and took

this as an oppurtunity to port to the garden. You

could hear the birds and understood that you were

now outside, Kurt held onto your sweater porting

with it so you no longer had it on. You stared at

him, blushing bright red, and tried to get your

sweater back using panther mutation. Kurt ported

to avoid you and slowly but surely your game of

cat and mouse began to make you both laugh. Just

as you were about to catch him Kurt caught you

in his arms and confidently pressed a kiss to your

soft lips. His eyes were shut as he memorized the

velvety sweetness of your plump lips, you soon

joined him. Feeling you relax in his arms made

the moment all the more sweeter. Once you both

started to pull away you found yourself lost in his

golden hues.

"Ich liebe dich.", Kurt purred pressing his forehead

against yours.

"Kurt you know I don-"

"I love you."


"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!",

Kurt cheered spinning you around sweetly before

placing you on the ground.

Your face was bright red but your tail betrayed

you and showed just how happy you were. Kurt's

tail wrapped sweetly with yours while he repeated

those sweet three words one more time for you.

Kurt's sweet expression changed into a look of

worry as he noticed your tears fall from your (e/c)


"-I...I thought you didn't like me...a-and now

you're saying that and kissing me and hugging me

and...why am I so happy?", you sighed hiding your

face against his chest.

Kurt nervously wrapped his arms around you and

let you calm down before saying another word.

"It vas your confession, I-I couldn't bring myself to

say anyzing untilI heard those words come out of

your mouth. Venever I saw you I couldn't speak,

or listen, my tummy felt like bugz vere inside and

I couldn't understand it.", Kurt explained, his tail

nconsciously swinging with yours.

"That's called butterflies Kurt. You had butterflies

in your stomach.", you giggled looking up at him.

"I thought I made you made after zis morning.",

Kurt added, "I'm sorry Liebling please forgive me."

You smiled and rested your head against his chest

one more time, "Tell you what, you forget about

me crying and I'll forget about you falling into my

boobs, got it?"

Kurt nodded softly before leaning towards you one

more time, you smiled and leaned forward so you

Could kiss your sweet elf one more time. I guess even demons can have butterflies,but kurt had always been your angel

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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