
Knowing you changed me

Daoistr1ScVT · Fantasía
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21 Chs

9: Mind your business

Anut Maya. Tacha you are back when did you come back Anut Maya asked. When you were talking about my personal life with strangers Anut you know i don't like it because i love my privacy and i hate people commenting on my life so Anut why do you want to tell people about my life especially. enough Tacha firstly you see them as strangers but the are not strangers to me i regard them as my family and secondly you do not talk to me like that so watch your tongue young lady Anut Maya said. Anut you regard them as family or should i say you see them as your family that's fine with me but Anut please do not discuss my personal life with people please Anut Maya I am sorry if i spoke to you rudely i am sorry. Anut remind me what you said again about her she is kind well she is the opposite of what you said Anut. I think Gerald is right on this one what is wrong with her David asked. I'm so sorry i will talk to her I will be right back Anut Maya said and left.

Ma am can i come in Anita asked. yes you can Tacha said. ma am can i talk to you Anita asked. go on you know you can tell me what ever you want i am all ears. ma I think the way you spoke to your Anut today I know you are sad but that doesn't give you the right to talk to your Anut like that ma. Anita thanks for the advice and i have apologized to my Anut and before you leave I need you to understand this my personal life is none of your business and i would like it if you do your work and mind your business okay Tacha said.ma i am sorry please don't fire me I need this job Anita said.come on why would i do that you only came to give me an advice but i only told you this because i don't want you to do it outside cause not everyone will understand your point ok so please get up and go do your work Tacha said. thank you ma do have a nice day.same and please do take care and can you send someone to clean up my room for me i don't think it is that neat i mean i am not comfortable with the arrangements thank you i will be down stairs Natasha said. okay ma am thank you anything else Anita asked. ah yes i need a cup of juice please and room temperature please thanks Natasha said.

Um David, Michael and Gerald can i talk to you Natasha asked. okay sure Michael said. please be fast we were busy before you came Gerald said. sure I just wanted to say i am sorry for the way i spoke earlier on just had a rough day at work and i just vented all my work stress on you guys i am sorry Natasha said.it is ok i don't know for the rest but i have forgiven you although i was hurt but not anymore so forget about it okay David said.just like David said I have forgiven you it is nothing okay Michael said.i have also forgiven at least you have apologized that is what matters Gerald said. awwwn thank you guys i have to get going one more thing has anyone one of you seen Anut Maya around. Ah yes Nat she has gone to pick the kids from school David said. Okay and why did you call me Nat Tacha asked.well you said we can't call you Tacha so i decided to call you Nat David said. thanks alot I prefer you calling me Natasha thank you i need to get going. how rude can you be you know what i am out of here Gerald said. hey what happened and why are you angry and were is Tacha going to Anut Maya asked. well i gave her a pet name and she did not like it and told me to call her by her name Natacha David said. okay what name was that. David called her Nat and she told him not to call her by that name Nat i really don't know what she feels like one hand she is apologizing to us on the other hand she is being rude she can never change Gerald said. no Uncle Gerald don't call her Nat cause Anut Tacha's mum used to call her Nat and since she died Anut doesn't like people calling her that and Anut Tacha will not say anything because she is to secretive Matt and Mary both said. Anut are the speaking the truth Michael asked. yes dear that was why she told you not to call her that you guys do not know her but when you get to know her you will understand everything i have been saying oh my were are this two rushing to be careful Anut Maya said. mum we are going to see my girlfriend Matt said. okay be careful on the stairs okay Anut Maya said. i am sorry i never knew and she told me not to call her that in a kind way i will go apologise to her now David said. no don't do that she doesn't like sympathy and she will get upset if you do just act as if you do not know anything about it okay Maya said.

Anut we missed you so much the kids said.oh my but i did not miss you because. you only miss those you have forgotten the kids both said.wow you are right so how are you guys and how was school Natasha asked while removing there clothes. it was great we learnt so many things and we understood all of it Matt said. that is great okay did you finish your food and how was it guess who made it. yes Anut we did because you made it and all our friends wanted to join us in eating our food but we refused Mary said. no dearest there is love in sharing but do not give all away keep some for your stomach she tickles there stomach and both giggled okay let's freshen you up you eat and we go do your homework together before having dinner okay now let's go Natasha said.