
Body Transformation Path and Soul Transformation Path (1).

'Finally, with this <Mana Drawing Mantra> I can conquer this hateful energy know as Mana,' he thought as he looked at the book in his hands.

Mana is an omnipresent energy present on this planet.

Earth also had similar omnipresent energy called Qi.

After awakening the memories of his past life, Alphonse believed he could cultivate the Martial Path once again using Mana instead of Qi.

Sadly things were not that simple.

He awakened his memories when he was 3 years old a few months after he was tested for Mage talent.

The following few months, apart from George's training he also trained in a meditation technique known as the Eternal Bodhi Tree.

The Eternal Bodhi Tree is the best soul cultivation technique he created during his 5000 year-long search for immortality.

In his past life as Edward, he had cultivated this technique to a very high level. Alphonse believes that the reason why Edward's memories were sealed and not erased was due to this technique.

After cultivating it for 3 months, his soul was powerful enough to produce spirit sense, an extrasensory perception that allows him to sense everything around in the range of the spirit sense.

Using his spirit sense he scanned his body, and he was shocked to see that he did not have a Dantian-meridian network.

Because of the memories of his past life, he did not panic. The next day he used his spirit sense and scanned the insides of all the servants in George's mansion, and just as he predicted none of them had Dantian-meridian network.

Even George himself was devoid of Dantian-meridian network.

Even though he had never scanned a Mage's body yet, he is sure that the Mages body are also devoid of the Dantian-meridian network from the descriptions that George had given him.

This basically meant that humans of this world were unsuitable for the Martial Path. And almost all the knowledge Edward had accumulated in his previous life is also useless.

Apart from lacking the Dantian-meridian network the humans on this planet are exactly the same as those on Earth.

This meant that their Body structure and Soul structure are the same.

On Earth, apart from the Martial path, there were two other paths, they where the Soul path, and the Body path.

But the Martial path was much more popular as it was much more cost effective. It took lesser time and money to cultivate the Martial path, and also gave a better result than the other two paths.

In his path to attain immortality, Edward researched both these paths, and what he discovered shocked him.

He found out these two paths(Soul path, and the Body path) are fundamentally flawed.

After several more years of research in trying to solve these flaws, he came to another shocking realization. It was not just the Body Path and Soul Path that are flawed but also the human body and soul.

The body and soul are fundamentally flawed, these flaws exist for a reason. If they were perfect then further evolution or change will be impossible.

That's when an idea formed in him.

'If the human Body and Soul, are imperfect for the sake of evolution then transforming them into a stronger form should be possible.'

So he researched for a way to transform the body and soul into a stronger form.

And after years of research and meditation, he created two new cultivation paths. The Body Transformation Path and Soul Transformation Path.

Eternal Bodhi Tree is the Soul Transformation Path cultivation technique he created. It transformed the human soul into a Bodhi Tree.

Edward took a common Bodhi tree seed nourishing it with his Qi. For a hundred years Edward nourished it with his Qi and watched its growth and meditated under it, and finally, he created the Eternal Bodhi Tree technique

And for the Body Transformation Path, first, he took a seed and egg of random man and women respectively, he allowed the seed to fertilize outside under the protection and the nourishment of his Qi, he watched it as it developed and absorbed Qi, he intentionally destroyed the Dantian-meridian network to preventing it from absorbing and circulating the Qi he provided. He also destroyed the soul that was formed in the body, just in case if the abomination he created is an evil one that he can't contain or kill.

The body of the first abomination developed very slowly, it took 10 years for it to become a fully developed baby. In those 10 years of development, Edward observed, researched, and meditated on the development of it.

By the fourth year, he was shocked by the path it was developing, it was circulating Qi, not through the Dantian-meridian network(as it was already destroyed) but through the Heart-Artery-Vein network.

This was something that was though as impossible in the Martial Path community. This was because circulating Qi through the Heart-Artery-Vein network will damage the blood cell due to collision with the fast-moving Qi.

But now he was seeing the impossible it happened before his eyes, Edward was not only shocked but also ecstatic.

First, he examined the blood cells of the abomination. Its blood cells have now developed a new organelle ( tiny organ inside a cell), which seems to act like a miniature dantian, he named this organelle micro-dantian. This micro-dantian absorbs and stores a tiny amount of Qi.

He next checked the spleen and bone marrow as these parts are what produce blood cells. They too have mutated but their functions remain the same.

Next, he observed the heart, but to his disappointment, the heart did not mutate much, it did become tougher and stronger and the pumping of the blood became very fast.

The heart rate of the abomination was a staggering 900-1000 beats per minute.

Next, he observed the lunges, as he noticed that most (almost 90%) of the Qi that he supplied to the abomination is being absorbed through the lunges.

He discovered that the alveoli (small air sacks in the lungs used for gas exchange) of the lungs have adapted for exchanging both Qi and air.

But this is where Edward became disappointed in the abomination.

yeah science bitch

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