
Kingdoms of Dust: Rebuilding The Nation

The Crown of the Kingdom is purchased in blood and bodies alone. Once the Kingdom of Ethereo was the fuel of the world, but times have changed and it has fallen from Grace, and only dust remains. Torn apart by the civil war, five kingdoms under the legends of rebellion rise and fight against each other. The victor of this war will be remembered as the lord of wits, gold, tactics and people. For that bloo and trust must spill for all. Which kingdom will rise to see themselves rule over the White Throne?

D2_E2_V2 · Real
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166 Chs

The Battle of Port Trafalgar-Round-2

The forces of Asphodel waged war against Lynx to take their only port. Commander Yuuka took the lead and Won against the Lynx's army. Still, the enemy was just pushed at the backfoot and the fight was still on.

The fire caused by Asphodel's ships caused the port to emerge in flames. It was nearly extinguished by blowing winds.

"Sir, all the cannons are ready to fire."

"Okay, wait until I give the Command."

The commander walks out of his room. Setting himself with the binoculars gaining a glimpse of small groups of soldiers trying to position themselves on the port.

"1 2 3 FIRE!."


On the Lynx side, the army discussed their plans. The claws of Asphodel were slowly choking them down.

Meanwhile, The commanding officer of the second army with the embellishment of a single star and the name 'Haruki Ikegami' sat on his seat. Relying upon his order to the soldiers.

"Prepare to fight, get cannons ready, the fire will go off in a few minutes."

"Yes, sir."



The loud noise was heard by every soldier from both sides. For fog to make things unclear it was too early to attack but that was directly used by Yuuka to get the element of surprise.

"What happened?" Haruki was caught off guard and asked about the condition of the situation.

"Asphodel IS FIRING ON US."



The sudden attack on the unprepared Lynx sent into pure chaos,

"Load up the cannons again, they must be panicking."

In the heat of the battle, Yuuka missed an environmental change.

"Sir, The rain is already falling."

The rain was a bad signal for Asphodel forces as their boats could be stricken with lightning, and wind could push the fog towards them, which would give the enemy time to prepare.

"Everyone, take your ships near the port. We need to close the distance and capture the port. Still don't stop firing we need to push them back as much we can."

"Yes, Sir."

The fire didn't stop and they kept pushing against the wind towards the port but a large no. of soldiers went to move the boats, so the situation was at their disadvantage.

"Everyone get back on your ships and fire on the troops."

The fog moved towards the incoming ships while the clueless soldiers thought it would be their advantage but the fog was nearly all gone.

"Look there!"

One soldier pointed to the incoming ships that pierced through and brought hell for them.

The Small vessel had sneaked to the destroyed port's edge and started to fire at the army place near the harbour along the debris of the burned boat. The enemy's positions were now apparent to the cannons of Asphodel's ships.

The enemy was destroyed by this development.


"How many forces have we, lost?!"

"SIR! 300 men are already dead."

"We need to retreat, Asphodel is firing volley after volley of artillery."

"Sir, we can't."

"The Yangzo River has flooded and the flow of water is too high to carry all the cannons we need to cross the bridge but that too is already destroyed."

"What already broken, is there an imposter among us?!"

"Sir, I highly suspect so."

"Anyways, we need to retreat at any cost, take all you can run towards the bank of the river, and try to take as less casualties as possible."

The army ran through the attacking cannons making their way and wishing for their lives.

They managed to get to the Yangzo River's bank, but couldn't cross it.

"Their artillery can't reach us here we are safe."

The Lynx army just lost and lost, again and again, the captain could do nothing but run away seeing the corpses of his dying comrades.

"Sir, we are near the port and our artillery can't reach them, shall we make landings?"

"Yes, make landings on the port and tell the troops to take all the resources stored in the metal containers and get some cloth to wrap up these bodies."

Levi standing beside Yuuka raises his opinion.

"Sir, I think we should attack the Lynx army."

"They are too scared to fight us, it won't be of any advantage to chase them. Take the cargo, and put them in the ships."

The port was in Asphodel's hands. The first blow of the battle came from them.

During the rainy period, the soldier kept moving the cargo, extinguishing the area with fire and covering up the bodies of the dead.


"Enemy ambush!!!"


After the rain started to calm down, the sunlight began to spilt the clouds apart.

"There are so many of them."

The soldiers of Asphodel saw more than 25 ships coming to the ports. It seemed as if they covered the entire horizon with their sheer size.

" What the hell?!"

Asphodel never expected this development. The Scouts and Yuuka pulled out their binoculars and looked at the approaching naval monster.

" It's Britannia.... "

After seeing the flag, and the three stars, Yuuka realized that it was Brittania who came to fight.

"Chh... the forces of Brittania are here, PREPARE FOR BATTLE."

All the Asphodel forces were panicked, believing that Britannia was Lynx's ally.

The soldier started running back to the ships, the cannons on the port left by Lynx soldiers were being loaded and Yuuka was already scheming to win.


A loud bang came from the ships as a large green flare surrounded the sky and the mood of the environment completely changed.

"They are not here to attack us?"

But A clear green flare signal defused the situation and a small boat with five men on it began approaching the ships.

"Everybody hold your positions, they are here to talk."

Yuuka ordered his soldier to be ready for an attack but not to show any malicious intent. The soldier here however were a bit surprised by his order to hold their positions.

As, 𝐵𝓇𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒾𝒶 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝒹𝑒𝒸𝓁𝒶𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓃𝑜 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝓃 𝒻𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔.

The small boat landed on the port and the men got off, they walked with their heads up in pride within the mass of enemy soldiers.

Just from the appearance, Yuuka remembered the identity the of two of them.

The commander of Britannia's naval fleet Alexandar Aubryand the commander of the ground forces Captain Edith Clarke was there.

Edith recognized Yuuka and walked up to him, facing him directly with an intent smile on his face,

"Commander Yuuka Sakaguchi, We are not here to fight you." he continued.

"However we are here to take this port and the entire kingdom. So, How about we have a good chat about our plans at tonight's drinks? "

Edith leaned closer to Yuuka his mouth near Yuuka's ear as he whispered,

"Your army doesn't stand a single chance against us. I hope you understand that."

Britannia's forces now made the port-capturing mission go one step forward.

They negotiated from the port and ships. Britannia had the same plan as they did, so they allied together making an enormous army of 10,000 armed men and women dressed in white and green, along with three-star collars on their shirts.

Britannia also brought ground artillery, ammo, and food. With all this, a grand plan was formed during the meeting.

"We plan to push and conquer all of Lynx in this attack."


My pacing is faster than flash.

D2_E2_V2creators' thoughts