
Kingdoms of Dust: Rebuilding The Nation

The Crown of the Kingdom is purchased in blood and bodies alone. Once the Kingdom of Ethereo was the fuel of the world, but times have changed and it has fallen from Grace, and only dust remains. Torn apart by the civil war, five kingdoms under the legends of rebellion rise and fight against each other. The victor of this war will be remembered as the lord of wits, gold, tactics and people. For that bloo and trust must spill for all. Which kingdom will rise to see themselves rule over the White Throne? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

D2_E2_V2 · Real
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170 Chs

Home and Family

A/N: This and the chapter after it can be skipped since I am not the best at writing these sorts of chapters.


The commander, tired from work and preparation hours, sat in his car and left for his house.

"It has been a while since I've seen both of them. ."

The past few months of development and planning have kept the busy workaholic from spending time with his family.

He drove down the road while looking at the different buildings and people suffering due to what seemed like an endless war; several people had given up on their lives due to the trauma and the tension of the situation they had to be in.

"Even if we work our best we can't create a perfect world, right."

The commander was a realist and acknowledged his limits and biases, saying that he couldn't save everyone. Knowing and accepting reality makes man different from other people. He respected every man who stood for their kingdom in the war from his very heart.


Thinking about the current situation, he finally reached his home.

An above-average-looking house with no special features. Something you would never expect from a person with such a high rank and importance lives in.

It was a way to show the people how their leaders weren't living a life of total luxury while they suffered. It was the idea of the commander's wife agreeing to live in a simple home away from war.

He walked up to the door and pressed the doorbell.

"Who is there?" a small girl's voice replied to the bell, asking for the person at the door.

"Well, it's your commander, my queen."

"Ohhh!, Mom, daddy's back."

The excited girl came running to the door and opened it.

"My queen, Arata Sakaguchi, I've returned from my mission," Yuuka said.

in a joyful and polite tone, you would never hear when he is doing anything besides being with his family.

Even if the commander seemed to be the person who was serious all the time when it came to his daughter,

He was just another caring and loving father every man tried to be to keep her happy.

"Pick me up, my minion." The girl was ordered to be lifted by her father.

Kneeling, the man picked up his daughter on his shoulders, and the daughter had a charming smile.

"So, how is your mother?" the commander asked regarding his wife.

"Mama is fine, just like me."

"So, you're finally home." A beautiful young lady with short white hair and red eyes left one of the rooms.

Giving a slight nod, he put the girl down, walked to the young woman, and kissed her on the forehead, putting a slight blush on her face.

"Even after 6 years of marriage you still blush to this day."

Yuuka said in a sarcastic tone, trying to tease Kriska.

"It is because of the lack of kisses I get!"

Kriska replied in a shy manner, but her tone showed that she was a bit frustrated too.

"Well, too bad, you aren't getting some for a while."

"Where are you going somewhere again?"

" Yes, we plan on taking over Lynx in our next campaign."

"I see..."

These words hurt Kriska, and she felt a bit sad, as she supported the idea that all the kingdoms should be separate and run as they are. Though she never shared the thought of it,.

"Don't worry, we will win for sure."

"I know. Anyway, how long are you staying before the attack?"

"1 hour at its best"

"Huh..! Just one hour, you're joking, right?"

"No, just stay for a month this time."

The daughter and mother were quite unsatisfied by the lack of attention they were getting in recent times.

Noticing their impatience, the Yuuka sat on a nearby couch.

"Well, we have an hour so why don't we spend it the best way possible? Look what I've got for the both of you!" The commander brought out a knife from his left pocket.

"Yay! My gift!" the little girl quickly forgot the whole ordeal and lept in joy as she saw her toy.

"Seriously, why did you buy her a knife?!-" Kriska was furious at the idea of giving a child near the age of 5, a knife.

"- and from when did you want a knife? You never even told me."

"It is Papa's and Arata's little secret."

Arata had a smug expression on her face,

"Here I come, my minion." Arata jumped at Yuuka, trying to stab him with her new weapon.

"Arata don't!!!" the worried lady shouted, her heartbeat rising to a punch.

"I'll attack you from here, here, here, here." the knife was nothing but a mechanical toy whose blade was made of rubber and shifted back and then touched by a body.

"Heh!" the commander gave nothing but a smirk, seeing her reaction to a toy.

"Oh my god! I hate you so much." the lady was so annoyed by the 'secret' that she walked to the kitchen.

"Mama is angry." the girl looked worried.

"So, you want Mama happy right?"

"Yes, mamma is super scary when she gets angry."

"Well, you play with your toy; Papa will make Mamma happy."

"Yes." Hearing reassuring words, Arata got lost in her world again. She got off the couch and stabbed anything she found in the house.

"She is very mature for her age." Yuuka gave a remark about Arata's mental growth.

"Well, we have an angry wife to deal with."

Yuuka got off the couch and walked towards the bedroom, where Kriska generally went when annoyed. As a maiden even after getting married, she still has that habit.

Arriving at the door of the bedroom, he gently opened the door.


Editor's note- comment if you got the reference in the last line.

I know my narration is a bit bad but ill try to improve over time and the same goes for writing.

D2_E2_V2creators' thoughts