
KING OF THE UNIVERSE: God in the multiverse

In the vast expanse of eternity, a lonely and powerful god stood at the precipice of creation. With unrivaled strength and boundless wisdom, he molded galaxies and shaped worlds, yet an unquenchable emptiness consumed his essence. For eons, he ruled over the cosmos, unseen and unloved. No mortal dared to comprehend their existence. Until one day, as stars twinkled and nebulae danced, a fragile soul, broken and lost, whispered a prayer into the cosmic winds. Stirred by the plea, the god's heart awakened, and his power became a gift of solace. In that moment, the god found purpose in companionship, for even deities crave connection. What happens when this God steps into the bounds of reality and has nothing but gifts of the divine to offer things to offer.....but is this what he really wants, to usher civilizations to supremacy in his name... WARNING: Very inhumane and horrifying actions in the foreseen future of the chapters, R18+ mature content Neutral Mc has little to no morals , is selfish, cold, ruthless Expect every kind of brutality the human mind can think of to be seen in near chapters Dc transmigration Possibility in near future The cover image is not mine. I found it on pinterest

ANTI_God · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Voyager gone wrong

The abandoned space station loomed silently on the desolate lunar surface, its metallic structure standing as a relic of past human ambition. Once a bustling hub of scientific exploration and discovery, it had been left to decay, forgotten by the world below. Little did anyone know, however, that it was not entirely devoid of life.

Deep within the shadows of the dormant space station, a mischievous monster known as Zephyr made its lair. Zephyr, a peculiar creature born from the cosmic energies that permeated the moon, possessed an insatiable curiosity and an affinity for mischief. Its iridescent scales shimmered in the pale lunar light, reflecting the vastness of the universe it had come to call home.

Zephyr's days were spent exploring the darkened corridors, venturing into long-abandoned laboratories, and investigating the remnants of scientific experiments. It reveled in the remnants of human ingenuity, tinkering with the forgotten machines and playing with the holographic displays that flickered sporadically. The monster's laughter echoed through the empty halls, a haunting melody that bounced off the metallic walls and reverberated into the silence.

News of the abandoned space station and the mysterious creature that resided within began to circulate among the scientific community back on Earth. Some dismissed it as nothing more than an urban legend, a figment of the imagination born from tales spun by weary astronauts. Others, however, were captivated by the possibility of an undiscovered lifeform surviving in the harsh lunar environment.

Dr. Amelia Lawson, a POEL recruited because of her excellence in intelligence, a brilliant astrophysicist with a thirst for the unknown, was determined to unveil the truth behind the rumors She gathered a team of experts, including engineers, biologists, and linguists, and set off on a daring mission to the moon. Their objective was to explore the abandoned space station, document any scientific findings, and, if possible, make contact with the enigmatic creature that had become the subject of speculation.

As the team descended onto the lunar surface, the towering space station loomed above them like a ghostly specter. The airlock doors creaked open, revealing the eerie interior bathed in an otherworldly glow. Armed with scientific equipment, the team ventured cautiously into the heart of the station, guided by the echoes of Zephyr's playful laughter.

One by one, they encountered the monster's pranks—a sudden flicker of lights, misplaced tools, and holographic projections that materialized out of thin air. Yet, despite their frustrations, the team couldn't help but be captivated by Zephyr's mischievous antics. It was as if the creature reveled in the attention and sought to draw them further into its lunar abode.

Dr. Lawson's determination remained unshaken, even as her team grew restless and apprehensive. She believed that understanding Zephyr could hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe itself. So, she pressed on, leaving offerings of energy crystals and puzzle toys as a gesture of goodwill, hoping to establish a line of communication with the lunar monster.

Days turned into weeks as the team and Zephyr engaged in a strange dance of intrigue and discovery. The creature seemed to grow more comfortable in their presence, gradually revealing fragments of its nature through its playful actions. Its laughter, once eerie and haunting, became infectious, filling the space station with joy.

As trust formed between the team and Zephyr, they began to unravel the mysteries of the space station together. With the creature's guidance, they uncovered lost research logs, deciphered alien scripts, and even stumbled upon a hidden laboratory containing experimental technologies far beyond their comprehension. Zephyr reveled in their excitement, a true companion in their quest for knowledge.

Eventually, the team had to leave the desolate moon upon sight on their Rader of a supernatural being....

This being moved unimaginable fast like a shooting star traveling across the stars known as Celestial body's....

In anticipation, it stood above the moon, and with one....not two or multiple, just one clasp of his hands and an intense powerful shockwave that sent ripples throughout space, the results were terrifying

Dr. Amelia and her team watched in shock as a massive wave of dust cloud, with a mixture of moon rocks that were enormous, probably tons in weight flew in all directions...

The ground underneath them literally split apart, with their equipment and venture ships collapsing and fall underground within these gaps, enormous cracks opened up, and ripples of energy surged on this being as it flew into the moon....

Dr Amelia was shocked with a confused expression on her face as she questioned reality

Her team encounters an alien like creature of vast knowledge about advanced alien civilizations light years ahead of humans, and with this information, she can now return to earth, but after a meeting with the team about the cryptic logs of a alien that ounce invaded earth 10 years ago, and it's secret plans were now revealed, they could now return to earth unfortunately leaving Zephyr behind....

But suddenly this occurrence caught them off guard and now they couldn't escape...

Makari flew at light speeds to the core of the moon, and with a snap of his fingers, a mysterious red with black texture black hole appeared in his palm, this black hole exuded an aura of strong force and darkness at the same time

It was a black hole never seen before...

If the scientists back on Earth witnessed this, they would most certainly question their knowledge about space and its mysteries, even most likely go insane with the urge to investigate what exactly is this kind of black hole...

Makari crushed the black hole in his hand, and the entire moon compressed like it was being absorbed from the inside....

Then suddenly it burst, sending meteors of moon remnants everywhere, including earth!!