

20 000 Years ago""

Somewhere in the universe on a distant planet similar to earth....●●●●●"

In the depths of history, when the world was still young and its mysteries untamed, there existed an ancient and powerful civilization. Their name has long since been forgotten, whispered only in the forgotten halls of time. This fabled civilization had reached heights of knowledge and prosperity that seemed unimaginable to the rest of the world.

Nestled in a hidden valley surrounded by towering mountains, this civilization had mastered the secrets of nature and harnessed the energies of the cosmos. Their cities were marvels of architectural grandeur, adorned with ornate carvings and shimmering gems. Each building seemed to be infused with a mystical energy, pulsating with life and power.

The people of this civilization were as remarkable as their cities. They possessed a wisdom that surpassed the boundaries of ordinary understanding. Their scholars delved into the secrets of the universe, exploring the depths of philosophy, mathematics, and the arcane arts. They revered knowledge and saw it as the key to unlocking the full potential of humanity.

At the heart of their civilization was the Council of Elders, a group of sages who had dedicated their lives to the pursuit of wisdom. These wise men and women possessed ancient knowledge passed down through generations, guiding their people with profound insights and foresight. Their decisions were not made lightly, as they understood the delicate balance between power and responsibility.

One day, a young prodigy named Aria emerged from the ranks of the common people. She possessed an insatiable curiosity and an innate gift for magic. Her abilities were unmatched, and even the Council of Elders marveled at her potential. Recognizing her extraordinary talents, they took her under their wing, nurturing her intellect and guiding her along the path of enlightenment.

As Aria delved deeper into the mysteries of her civilization, she stumbled upon a long-lost prophecy etched in ancient texts. The prophecy spoke of a cataclysmic event that would shake the very foundations of their world. It foretold of a time when darkness would descend upon their civilization, threatening to plunge them into eternal oblivion.

Alarmed by this revelation, Aria approached the Council of Elders, sharing her discovery and pleading for action. The elders, wise and cautious, studied the prophecy in great detail. After days of deliberation, they came to a unanimous decision. Aria was to be their champion, their last hope in the face of impending doom.

With their blessing, Aria embarked on a perilous journey across treacherous landscapes and unforgiving wilderness. She sought ancient artifacts imbued with unimaginable power, relics said to be capable of warding off the encroaching darkness. Along her journey, she encountered allies and adversaries, facing trials that tested her resolve and forced her to confront her own limitations.

Finally, after months of tireless effort, Aria returned to her civilization, carrying the artifacts she had sought. The Council of Elders, filled with both hope and trepidation, performed a solemn ritual, infusing the relics with their combined magic. Aria, now the vessel of their collective power, stood at the precipice of destiny.

As the prophesied darkness descended upon their civilization, Aria unleashed the full might of the relics. A dazzling display of light erupted, pushing back the shadows and banishing the impending doom. The ancient civilization was saved, and Aria emerged as a revered hero, forever etched into the annals of their history.

The civilization flourished for centuries, their gratitude for Aria's bravery resonating through the generations. The Council of Elders continued to guide their people, upholding the wisdom and values that had sustained them for millennia. Aria, having fulfilled her destiny, chose to live a life of solitude, dedicating herself to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

And so, the ancient civilization thrived, a beacon of light and wisdom in a world full of uncertainties. Their legacy lived on, a testament to the power of intellect, courage, and the enduring spirit of humanity, but these attributes were not they'res to manifest without the Imperial help of a God that hovered about the skys with blue lighting flickering around the powerful creatures arms...

This being of superiority in its excellence clasped its hands and the effect of just lazily Clapping his hands was immense, just from that alone a bluish orb like shoke wave made of lightning was released, it expanded at exaggerated speeds like a massive nuclear explosion just happened in the sky....it was bright and blinding, sending ripples through space as the ground cracked and rumble in shear force of this energy burst...

Eventually expanding encompassing the entire prominent civilization wiping them out from the memory of this planet

But no, not yet, it still expanded eventually the hole planet was absorbed inside the Blue orb of destruction eliminating all life while also slowly destroying the planet, one could see massive earth quacks that made the tallest of mountains collapse, and the oceans were in turmoil as a huge wave that reached the sky's themselves wiped the land void of life...

Through the massive cracks in the ground, lava and molten rocks were visible as burst of lava surfaced the land and more and more hot terrifying lava bursted from underground onto the surface like it was trying to escape the confinements of being underground for over a millennia....

Eventually, the planets core burst upon huge impulse, and the entire planet exploded !!

A blinding light was emitted from space, and this was the destruction of a planet from one clap of a hand

AN: More comments pls, it's weird how people read my stuff but never comment or review, like what am I doing wrong...pls guys, reviews will attract more audience so comments and criticism are accepted whatever bothers you, do tell

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