
King of the skies: I reincarnated as a bird?!

In the Year 2222, all Humans in the Universe were forced to take part in a higher Being's Scheme, not as fellow Schemers but as mere Pawns. Pawns that can become much greater Pieces should they walk the right Path that is unique to them. Watch as our main Character and all of Humanity struggle to survive in a new and deadly Environment, where survival is all but guaranteed. (The cover does not belong to me; if you are the original creator of this image please comment and I will contact you personally regarding taking down the image)

RiCrease · Fantasía
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14 Chs


'So much meat!'

I thought excitedly, there were at least 2 cow's worth of meat in the room!

The meat also looked fresh, with next to no signs of rotting.

'Well, Bon app- wait, how does it go again? Aw screw it!'

I quickly began gobbling up the meat, stuffing as much as I can into my mouth each bite.

After I finished eating the meat, I checked the System's notifications.

[Host has killed a Level 46 Earthly Elf!]

[11,300 EXP gained!]

[Host has consumed food, +30 Biomass, +20 EXP!]

'Wait, what?'

I was confused, the notification wasn't for the meat I ate, otherwise it would have been Multiple separate notifications, so what was it for?

I scanned my memory to try and remember.

'Oh...The elf's head!'

I didn't even notice I swallowed it.

I would initially be disgusted, but Ive been through enough recently to know that swallowing a head is considered a pleasant experience.

As for the Biomass from the meat, I gained a total of 180 Biomass and 120 EXP, which leveled me up to level 69.

As I opened Apex Body's interface, I was surprised to see it was changed drastically!

[Body Level: 1]

[Cost to Upgrade to level 2: 150 Biomass]

[Soul Level: 2]

[Cost to Upgrade to level 3: 200 Biomass]

[Rank: Baron]

[Cost to Upgrade to Viscount: 500 Biomass]

[Host is advised to upgrade Soul and Body to level 3 before increasing His rank]

'Why the change?'

I wondered with a curious expressions as I laid down, supported by a wall.

[Apex Body ability mutated due to Bloodline]

The System quickly explained the reason for the change.


I currently had 210 Biomass, meaning I can afford either a Soul upgrade or a body upgrade.

I wondered which one I should choose, on one hand, a body upgrade would increase my chances of survival in fights, and is likely to be of help in surviving the song of the earth.

The soul, on the other hand, is a topic foreign to me.

I was am atheist before reincarnating, I didn't believe souls existed- what is Upgrading my soul gonna do?

I wondered once again as my mind drifted away...


After hours of killing time and suffering from indecisiveness, I decided to upgrade my soul.

'That means I'll already have 50% of the requirements to advance to the next rank!'

I encouraged myself.

As I opened Apex Body's interface, I clicked on the Soul upgrade option in my mind.

[Would you like to upgrade your Soul to Level 3 for a Cost of 200 Biomass?]


[Initiating Soul upgrade.]

Finally drifting into Sleep, I was relaxed, however, just before I fully lost consciousness, I saw something in the Corner of my Eye.

[You have 1 new mes-..]

I didn't manage to read the full sentence before it all went dark.


I opened my eyes, but I couldn't move.

'Where am I?'

I wondered, as instead of being in a dark room, I was up in the sky, looking down at an endless plain with mountains and Oceans in the distance.


A deep sound deafened me as the ground started trembling.


I watched as a massive ravine, with endless depth, formed in the middle of the landscape.


I moved to a different place, I was in what seemed to be a stadium of dirt and stone, with brown stone covering me from all directions.

"Brace yourself Soldiers."

An extremely deep voice resounded, as I looked backwards.

To my shock, I saw Hundreds of thousands of Humanoid Golems, each made of brown rock and the size of a car, Kneeling before a figure sitting on a throne made of pure gold.

The Figure also seemed to be a golem, but it was tall and skinny, and instead of brown rock- it was made of Dark gems, and on its head were a pair of Shining Red Eyes.

It scanned the army of golems kneeling before it, before its gazed quickly looked up.

It locked eyes with me, feeling me with terror.

Then, I blinked, and appeared back in the dark room that seemed much more welcoming now.

'What the hell?'

[Host Has Upgraded his Soul to Level 3!]

[Host has Experienced Phenomenon: Soul Vision]

[New Skills: Available: Deincarnate]

[Deincarnate: Extract the Soul of a being who's Soul Level is 2 levels Lower than yours, and who's body level isn't higher than yours by more than 3 levels. Soul Extraction resulte Immediate death.]

'That's Amazing!'

I thought to myself, an insta kill ability would be of endless value to anyone.

While The Restrictions were quite heavy, I could definitely see it being an amazing ability later on!

'There's also the system notification!'

I remembered seeing a notification right before passing out, something about a message?

'Ah, There it is!'

I found it after scrolling down the notifications of the system.

[You have new message from the System, Would you like to read it?]

'A message from the system?'

That's the first time the system has sent me a message, I didn't even know it could do that!


[Opening message]

[Greetings, dear Reincarnators.]

[I Hope you've found your second life to be pleasant so far!]

[I would like to announce the date of The Reincarnator League for the 6th generation!]

[The League will begin in 30 Days, and it's prizes are simply unbelievable!]

[As for 1st to 5th generation reincarnators, don't worry, you will be allowed to watch the League!]

[Wishing you luck, A.]

'Interesting, but it lacks a few important details doesn't it?'

I thought to myself, it didn't specific where the League will take place, or what will be its format, or what were the prizes!

'Well, there's still a long time until it begins, I guess I'll have to wait and see.'

I concluded before going to the next subject... The Song of the earth!

'If my intuition is correct, soul vision must be a type of prophecy... and what I saw is likely the song of the earth.'

I moved around the room nervously.

I didn't know what time it was, but it should be around midnight, meaning the song of the earth will start in just a few hours!

'I need to prepare!'

I thought to myself.

First of all, I needed to be clear about what I'm gonna do, am I gonna escape or fight the golems?

 I'm also not sure if the golems will attack me or not, because while I never particularly tried to harm to earth- I did have a few rough landings, and did some harm to the ground.

'I'll have to escape!'

I decided after a few seconds of consideration, but there's a more important thing!

'Where will I go?'

I wondered, I didn't know where I could go! I've been evolving for a large part of my life, and the only home I ever had was the forest that I didn't know how to get to!

'The elven empire..'

It quickly popped into my mind, The elves were very in tune with nature, so it's unlikely the song of the earth will affect them, and the elves are also very tolerant of animals and beasts, according to the myths.

'I should find the turtle and ask him!'

I recalled the most knowledgeable creature I know.

'Now, for the specifics..'

I studied the walls and the rood of the room, to see where they were the weakest and avoid being crushed by them during the earthquake!

'Wait, what's that?'

I noticed something... there was a Crack in the wall opposite to the door!

Hey fellas, what do you think about the whole song of earth thing? and how do you think it should go?

Also, if you find any spelling mistakes or repeated words, please tell me!

RiCreasecreators' thoughts