
King of the skies: I reincarnated as a bird?!

In the Year 2222, all Humans in the Universe were forced to take part in a higher Being's Scheme, not as fellow Schemers but as mere Pawns. Pawns that can become much greater Pieces should they walk the right Path that is unique to them. Watch as our main Character and all of Humanity struggle to survive in a new and deadly Environment, where survival is all but guaranteed. (The cover does not belong to me; if you are the original creator of this image please comment and I will contact you personally regarding taking down the image)

RiCrease · Fantasía
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14 Chs


(Unknown POV:)

Deep underground, A figure stood behind 2 massive, golden doors.

'It's time.'

Thought the figure, as it started pushing the doors open.

After the doors have opened entirely, you would be greeted by a strange sight; A Straight hallway with Dark-red walls, and a single lantern above a throne where a man-like figure was sitting completely still.

Walking before the grand throne, the figure kowtowed.

"It is time for your awakening once again, my liege."


(Aviseus POV:)

Back at the Colosseum, people were rapidly entering the stands.

'It is much noisier now.'

I thought in disdain. There was a very loud noise of people talking and walking, so much that it just sounded like flowing water.

The other beasts in the room were also restless, well, all the beasts but the golem. The only thing the golem has done so far was turn its head to look at its temporary roommates.

As I tried to change into a more comfortable position, two men wearing chainmail armor entered the room.

One grabbed the snake's cage, and the other grabbed the Golem's cage, then they left the room.

'It seems like the first fight will begin soon.'

I thought while turning my head to look at the only remaining beast in the room, the Red Bull with 3 eyes.

'It seems the bull will be my opponent.'

I thought, Unfortunately, The bull will be a formidable enemy, especially against my fighting style.

I already noticed the bull's weakness, it had 2 very clear weaknesses, they were:

The bull was very clumsy, its dexterity was probably very low.

Like other bulls, it didn't have many ways to damage the enemy. He was limited to kicking and charging at the enemy, but his charge has been severely weakened because of the eyes on his forehead that was initially supposed to smash into his enemy.

'I only need to be careful of his kicks.'

I concluded.

'Oh, and for whatever reason he has a third eye.'

There must be a reason for any unusual mutation in creatures, most of them are due to a special ability the creature was gifted with.

'As for the golem and the snake...'

I already knew The snake was doomed.

Snakes are known to sometimes be extremely venomous and deadly, meaning it is a very formidable enemy for me and the red bull. Unfortunately, Poison Can't affect the golem that's made of stone- meaning the snake's most powerful weapon is useless against the golem.

Thinking of the Yellow-Eyed Living sculpture, I wondered, could he be reincarnated too? I only encountered one so far, and he didn't treat me so well.

I didn't know how many people were sent into this world with me, it might have been just humans on Earth, or humans from the entire Galaxy or Universe.

Just now I realize how quickly I adapted to the situation.

'There must be another thing influencing my psyche.'

I thought, no matter how adaptable a man is; being reincarnated is a very shocking experience.

'I should be grateful I now enjoy being freed from the shackles of society.'

I thought slowly, In my previous life, it wasn't the survival of the strongest, or survival of the most adaptable, it was the survival of the richest. Humans went from fighting animals for survival to fighting each other.

Two other men came into the room, One wore silver armor with a long stick that looked like a snake tong, and the other wore Grey Chainmail armor and had a snake-tong-like stick too.

'It seems I will be fighting the red bull now.'

I concluded, I was a bit nervous; I didn't know what to expect, the red bull might be very powerful, and I'll end up dying due to my own misjudgment.

As the silver-armored man grabbed my cage, I started to stretch my legs to prepare for the fight, I already decided on my tactic; a classic hit and run. I'll fly above the bull and descend once in a while to claw at him and wait for him to bleed out. It sounds like a cowardly tactic but I didn't have a choice, the bull will definitely overpower me on the ground.

As the men walked through Hallways with grey walls litten with torches and lanterns, They split up, the one carrying me went to the left, and the one carrying the bull went to the right.

Walking through a long hallway that curved to the right, we finally arrived at a single room.

As the man opened the door, I could see 2 Walls of bars, with blinding light coming out of the further away wall of bars.


The man opened the metal door of the first wall and placed my cage inside.

As he retreated backward, he didn't look away from me until he walked out the metal door and locked it.

Using his long Snake-tong stick, He opened my cage.

'The grand feel of freedom.'

I enjoyed the feeling of being free again very much.

Looking around I noticed a level on The Man's side of the room, which he was about to pull.


The front wall of bars opened, revealing a sandy arena. stepping out, I saw the bull doing the same.

As I looked around me, A crowd of hundreds, maybe thousands of people was watching from the arena stands.

"Ya better win bull, I better 20 Silver on ya!"

"Skyeus, Destroy that bull! I better 1 gold on you!"

'It seems the Colosseum also had the option for bets, meh, as if it matters for me.'

Seeing as the bull already started approaching, I jumped into the air and started flying in circles as the crowd loudly cheered.


The Bull Moo'd loudly, it seems he didn't even speak a language as I would have understood it.

'It's time to start the plan.'

Descending quickly, I swooped from the bull's side and [Demonic Claw]'d at him, Making him Moo loudly once again and kick powerfully, fortunately, I didn't stay in the same place for even a second, I was already back in the air.

Flying Around, I tried to observe the crowd. Most of them were dressed in regular clothes with Knights walking around with their swords in hand, probably to make sure chaos does not ensue.

North to the stands, A box-shaped Room with a window to the arena could be seen, unfortunately, the window was 1-sided, so I couldn't catch a glimpse of what was inside.


The bull groaned once again.

I flew as high as I could before crashing into an invisible barrier that prevented me from going higher

'So that's how they keep flying beasts from escaping...'

'Let's hit him again!'

I decided gleefully, the plan was going just as planned.

Swooping at the Red Bull for his left, I used Demonic claw on his back once again, but this time, it didn't go as planned.

The Bull's third eye glowed in a red light.

And I crashed on the arena's floor, hitting the wall.

[Host has been inflicted [Mental paralysis], 90% of body movements are now restricted for 20 seconds.]

[Host has been hit! -180 HP]


The bull started to approach me slowly like the grim reaper hovering above his victims.

I couldn't move, I couldn't fly, I couldn't counterattack, What do I do?

'Come on, think!'

I screamed in my mind desperately as the Bull got closer and closer to me.

An Idea sprung into my mind.

Moving my head as much as I could, I looked straight into the incoming bull's eyes.

[Demonic Glance has taken effect on a victim!]

The Bull's Eyes turned red, and a brown substance came out of his bleeding backside, as he was sent into a frenzy.

'Did he just shit himself out of fear?'

I thought in a relieved tone, I managed to save myself at the last second.

After waiting for about 10 seconds, The Paralysis effects finally wore off.

[Mental paralysis effect removed.]

Springing to action once again, I swoop from the bull's side, this time, instead of clawing him and running away, I grabbed onto his back and started using [Demonic crunch] On his exposed flesh.



The Bull's desperate cries rang through the arena.

It was very difficult for me to continue attacking him, his cries tore my heart apart. but it was either me or him.

As the bull finally collapsed, I received a message.

[Host has defeated a Red-Eyed Crimson Bull Level 92. +30,000 EXP]

[Level up X3]

[All stats increased by 1 X3]


Suddenly, The Bull's corpse turned into wisps of light and flew into me.

'System, what happened?

Yet, before the system could answer- a loud voice erupted from the Box room.

"And the Winner is the Skyeus! Thank you for attending our first round of battles, Please attend the 6 other rounds that will occur this week! Bet winners can head to the reception to claim their prize."

Said the loud voice, as the Crowd started to leave the stands.

After most of them left, 15 Muscular Guards armed with spears and Iron armor that Covered their entire bodies Came from where The Bull entered the arena, I already knew what they wanted.

As I headed back to the Arena entrance I came from, I could see that the 15 guards were pleasantly surprised that this intelligent beast did not cause any ruckus.

In the space between the Bar walls, A bigger cage with meat in it awaited me, Probably the prize for winning.

As I entered the cage, I noticed An unarmoured man, with long blond hair, Muscular hands, and Spiky ears, I couldn't see his face as he was wearing a white mask that had 2 holes for eyes, but I could tell he has handsome features from the shape of his face.

'So there are Elves around here too...'

I thought with interest, Elves aren't known for hanging around humans a lot, what is this one doing here?

As The usual armored guard closed my Cage's door with his Stick, I began munching on the meat I received without a care in the world. I had done very well today.

As I munched on the meat carelessly, the guard entered the badly-lit room I was kept in with the beasts before, placed my cage on the grey floor, and left.

As I continued to eat my meal, I suddenly heard a Voice from my right.

"We meet again, Young one."

I thought Red Bull was supposed to give me wings, but this one gave me Mental Paralysis!

Thanks for reading the chapter! Please do mention any mistakes you may have found, and do remember that Constructive criticism is always welcome!

P.S. I will be going ona trip for a few days, So I won't post any chapters until saturday night/sunday

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