
King Hollywood

In a parallel world that's almost identical to Earth's, Wolf Stevenson, an aspiring college student, is trying to realize his dream of being in Hollywood. However, he found that the celebrities, brands and famous works in this world had all disappeared! In order to realize his ambition and create a new entertainment empire, Wolf must use the magical Hollywood system at his disposal to reshape the world of movies, TV series and literary works. From directing future classics to writing popular TV series, Wolf is about to embark on a life-changing adventure that will propel him to star-studded heights.

ElReyCoronado18112 · Cómic
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the heroine who comes to your door

Joan Roberts has been an aspiring actress working in Hollywood since she was 14 years old.

She made her debut as an extra in a hit movie.

Since then, she's had a number of such roles, but none particularly outstanding.

She made some connections and the work came in, but she didn't hold a major role.

That 'infamous' 'big break' never came to her.

Lately, she has even begun to feel depressed about it.

Joan longed to be part of the main cast and always dreamed of one day making it big.

She had the same dream as many other aspiring actresses, but she really thought she would become famous.

She just needed a big break.

Joan is already 22 years old but has not achieved any major success. As she grew older, her desire and desperation to become famous also intensified.

Joan was confident in her appearance.

She has black hair, fair skin, green eyes, and a small pointed face. Most people who see her would call her a beauty.

And she has been honing her acting skills since she was a teenager.

She just needs a chance.

Because of this, an agent from MCA noticed her two years ago and offered her a contract.

But as luck would have it, MCA was just starting to go downhill.

Generally speaking, it is the agent's job to help find roles for an actor and allow her to use her talents.

There is a saying in the industry: "The quality of an actor depends on his agent." For her, this sentence is very appropriate.

For the past two years, her agents have been able to secure her only mediocre roles in small films.

There was even one time when she was asked to do a nude scene, but she refused and left.

Although she kept arguing with her agent, asking for better roles, nothing came of it, and she even considered leaving MCA.

That's when she heard a rumor that one of the veteran agents, Benjamin Charles, was planning to cast his actors in a movie backed by a major studio.

Upon hearing the news, a thought flashed through her mind.

What if she could impress Benjamin? Maybe she'll get at least a supporting role? She didn't know if it would work, but at least she wanted to try.

After all, she would rather find someone who might change her future than rely on her agent, who has, in fact, done nothing in the past two years.

She'd been hanging around outside Benjamin's office lately, hoping to meet with him.

But until today, she has not been able to do so because his schedule is too full.

It was the same situation today, his assistant had rejected her.

As Joan was talking to Benjamin's assistant, trying to convince him to schedule a meeting, she saw the door to Benjamin's office open.

A young man who looked to be in his early twenties came out.

The first thing that caught her attention were his dark eyes.

He has wavy black hair, defined cheekbones and a strong chin.

His face was handsome enough and stood out from the crowd.

Maybe he's an actor?

Maybe someone who can help her.

Although she couldn't remember his face, there was something quite unique about him.

She hoped to slightly increase her chances of talking to Benjamin.

And Hollywood is all about relationships, and even if she can't meet Benjamin, she can at least establish another relationship that will hopefully pay dividends in her future.

Joan followed him subconsciously, opened her mouth, and spoke as politely as possible.

"Uh, hello. I'm Joan. Do you have a minute?"

She held out her hand for a handshake.

She had been looking for a chance to talk to Benjamin and this guy just walked out of his office like it was no big deal.

Wolf thought in his mind as she looked at him.

'who is she? '

He stared at the girl in front of him, confused.

A moment later, as he looked at Benjamin's assistant, who was sighing behind him, Wolf understood.

She might be a struggling actress who wants to talk to Benjamin, might be desperately trying to get a role.

As far as he knows, this is very common in the industry.

To be honest, if he didn't have a system or didn't know Benjamin, he would be even harder to get along with than this girl.

That's why, out of a bit of sympathy, he shook her hand.

"Hello, my name is Wolf, um, I'm free."

He said, smiling at her.

--Later, when publishing her autobiography, Joan described the meeting as a moment that changed her entire life.

And specifically pointed out that without this encounter, she would always be just a small actor.

After receiving Wolf's positive response, Joan shook his hand and asked:

"Are you an actor too?"

Wolf shook his head, paused, and then said:

"Well, you could say I'm a screenwriter and an aspiring director."

He showed the script in his hand, and Joan's eyes widened.

"Oh, really?"

Joan replied a little skeptically.

In the eyes of actors, screenwriters are the originators of the characters they play.

Therefore, the respect and admiration that actors have for screenwriters is much higher than that of ordinary viewers.

But most screenwriters are already over 30 years old.

That's why Joan couldn't quite believe the words of this young man who looked to be in his early twenties.

If he said he was an actor, she would believe it without a doubt

Looking at her expression, Wolf chuckled inwardly.

"Yeah, what about you? I bet someone with your face must be a famous actor."

Joan smiled at Wolf's outright flattery, but remained modest.

"Well, I'm an actor, but I'm not that famous yet."

Wolf, who had searched his memory and already knew she wasn't that famous, raised an eyebrow.

It's funny the way she says it, like she's trying to say that she's not famous yet, but things won't be the same in the future.

"Want a cup of coffee? I'm a little thirsty and need something to soothe my throat. If you'd like, we can chat for a while. You seem like someone with a story."

"Ah, okay."

Joan hesitated.

Although she took the initiative to find Wolf, she came here to meet Benjamin.

Seeing Joan looking at Benjamin's office, Wolf secretly felt sorry for her.

"Oh, forget it if you're not available. Maybe next time. By the way, if you want to meet Uncle Charles, I can arrange a meeting for you."

Although Wolf was no philanthropist, he was not one to refuse to help others in similar situations.

The key to Joan's ability to impress Benjamin lies with herself.

Wolf was just making another connection, because after all, Hollywood is all about connections.

It would be great if Joan could really impress Benjamin and get a role in some movie. She would at least be grateful, and Wolf could use the opportunity to ask for a favor from her in the future.

Seeing Benjamin's assistant close the office door, Joan sighed inwardly.

"I won't see Benjamin today either."

Then she looked up at the man speaking to her. Although she had some suspicions, she couldn't deny that this man had just walked out of Benjamin's office.

Benjamin wouldn't let anyone outside his office, so the man in front of him must have some talent.

Moreover, she was curious about his identity.

In this industry, relationships are more important than wealth.

For most actors, getting to know a writer or director is almost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Since she didn't expect to see Benjamin today, she decided to have a cup of coffee to adjust her mood.

"About coffee, let's go. My treat." 

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