
King Hollywood

In a parallel world that's almost identical to Earth's, Wolf Stevenson, an aspiring college student, is trying to realize his dream of being in Hollywood. However, he found that the celebrities, brands and famous works in this world had all disappeared! In order to realize his ambition and create a new entertainment empire, Wolf must use the magical Hollywood system at his disposal to reshape the world of movies, TV series and literary works. From directing future classics to writing popular TV series, Wolf is about to embark on a life-changing adventure that will propel him to star-studded heights.

ElReyCoronado18112 · Cómic
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Blair Witch

The story of "Blair Witch" is fairly simple.

It happened in October 1994: Three student filmmakers traveled to Burkittsville with handheld cameras planning to investigate the legendary Blair Witch. In order to find the Blair Witch, they entered the woods near the town, but soon disappeared.

Afterwards, townspeople and the U.S. government began searching for them, even using helicopters and satellites. However, no clues were found and people had to give up.

A year later, another group of students went on an adventure into the woods and discovered a package in a very secluded cabin. Inside the package is a diary of the missing student, as well as an edited copy of the film chronicling the horrific story of three students who disappeared a year ago.

The edited film is the film that the audience will see.

This is the basic plot of "Blair Witch."

When the film was promoted, the production team told the world that the film was edited directly from the copy in the story. The movie looks real, but it's not.

This is just another false story.

This marketing technique worked wonders for the movie and made it a huge hit.

"Movies succeed not because of plot, but because of realism, marketing and luck."

Wolf thought after returning from his run.

Sitting at his desk, he thought about how to continue the project.

The plot of this movie is not the most important factor, so it can be modified appropriately.

The most important thing is to ensure a sense of reality.

"The script is only 35 pages. Most of the lines are improvised by the actors. Well... the plot can be faster and the lines can be more concise. Here, a foreshadowing can be added."

Wolf said as he started typing on his laptop.

Although the script is short, he has tried his best to localize it while trying to write a better version of the story. Even though the movie is considered the scariest movie of the 90s in American history, Wolf wanted to add a few things and make a few changes here and there to make it more interesting,

In the actual movie, Blair Witch never appears.

Many believe this was due to a lack of budget and technology at the time, but the truth is they had four different endings and chose one without Blair Witch to create a feeling of unknown and uncertainty in the audience.

But there were also a lot of people who criticized it, mostly because to them the movie felt like a cheap horror outing video with no real scares.

Wolf decided to give Blair Witch a real backstory and a character who would play the role of Blair Witch.

While all this would only increase production costs, the resulting film and overall excitement would be at least tripled.

He spent a week writing the entire script and revising it.

Unlike "17 Again," he was in less of a hurry this time around, so he didn't sacrifice time for sleep or exercise.

Therefore, he writes slowly and easily.

"Joan, I'm sorry. You were rejected from James West's next movie."

A sly-looking man sat in front of Joan and said.

He is her agent.

Hearing his words, joan felt half-hearted.

"Did they give a reason?"

Trying to hide the sadness and disappointment in her voice, she asked, "Didn't they give a reason?"

"No, they just said you weren't right for the part." Her agent frowned. "That's bullshit. They gave the part to Britney Colvers because she was in a relationship with one of the producers. The film maker is asleep!"

"Did she really do this?"

"Yeah, I told you, that producer likes you. But you didn't want to meet him alone, and Britney took a chance. That's the way this industry works. If you don't know your stuff, someone else will. Take what is rightfully yours."

That last sentence was something her agent told her all the time, and she knew he was right.

But she didn't want to sleep with someone for a role.

It felt like she was using her body rather than her talent to get a job.

Although many people told her that using one's body in this industry is also an art form.

They continued chatting for a while, discussing some other roles that Joan could audition for and some upcoming audition opportunities, but Joan wasn't entirely listening.

Her mind was in turmoil.

There was a fierce battle between reason and reality, but this battle was soon denied by her.

"In this way, I can only be a small actor forever."

She sighed secretly, and the image of the man she met yesterday suddenly appeared in her mind.

He told her he was planning a movie and was writing a script for it.

It was an independent film and he wanted her to audition for it.

"If this was an independent film, then I could at least play the lead."

This was what was going through her mind as she considered his invitation.

Maybe, just maybe, this would be of value?

She was thinking and hesitating, wondering if she should call him.


"Hahaha, Wolf, congratulations on your successful signing."

After Wolf signed the contract, Benjamin expressed his heartfelt congratulations.

What Wolf has in front of him is the contract for the movie "17 Again", and now MCA has bought its rights.

Wolf read the contract twice before signing, but now he feels both regret and happiness.

He was happy because the deal netted him $500,000, and he was regretful because he knew he could make more money with "17 Again."

But now, he doesn't have the resources to make a movie like "17 Again."

It requires at least $40 million.

"Anyway, it's a good start. There will be more opportunities in the future."

He thought to himself.

Benjamin suddenly changed the subject. "You know, I was talking to Edward Friedman yesterday and he seemed very interested in Seventeen Again. I'm going to send him the script today and I have a feeling it's going to be made into a movie very soon. Movie."

It is worth mentioning that Edward Friedman is a director at MCA. He initially produced thrillers, but has recently turned to romantic comedies. He is a well-known figure in the industry and has the skills to back up his reputation.

"You mean '17 Again' is going to be a movie?" Wolf was surprised because projects usually don't happen that quickly.

Even a good script usually takes 1-2 years before it is picked up and made into a movie.

"Yeah, Edward is a good friend of mine and he wanted a movie like 17 Again. It's a popular genre and it's a pretty good romantic comedy. So he wanted to speed up the production. "

"Then I wish him good movies."

"I bet he does," Benjamin said with a smile.

He and Wolf talked for a while about movies and other things. He told him about an actor he managed who he would recommend for the lead role in 17 Again and talked about Wolf's future. He even advised him not to spend all his money but to save some for the future, because in Hollywood you can be rich on Monday but broke on Saturday.

Benjamin asked after talking for a while.

"Wolf, do you really want to direct an independent film? Why don't you just be a screenwriter for a few years before turning into a director?"

He remained skeptical of Wolf's choice and did not want the latter to spoil a good opportunity for a new career.

"Uncle, I've told you that I'm not too interested in screenwriting. I want to be a director." Wolf shook his head and replied, "Besides, I don't like doing the work of commissioning screenwriters."

Because there are so many screenwriters in the United States, but only a few hundred movies and TV series are accepted every year, it is really difficult for ordinary screenwriters to make a living.

Because of this, there are many jobs like writing commissioned scripts or adapting scripts.

"I understand. If that's what you want."

Benjamin said, and decided not to persuade Wolf.

Since the signing of the contract was successful, Wolf received a credit card with $500,000 in it.

In the industry, most of the time, people use checks or credit cards for transactions, while transfers or cash are rarely used.

Benjamin then talks to Wolf about his father.

Benjamin regrets that his best friend left him.

He reassured Wolf that as long as he acted maturely and didn't make impulsive decisions, everything would be fine.

Life in America moves faster than a bullet train, and those who adapt to its speed will succeed, while those who are slower will be left behind.

There was nothing to talk about after that, Benjamin still had work to do, and Wolf left the MCA company quietly.

Now that he had money, he decided to go to the mall to buy some clothes and get a haircut.

His hair was already a little too long, and he needed to shave off the beard that had grown in.

But as he was walking, the phone suddenly rang.


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