
Killua Zoldyck in MHA

The last thing he expected after being cornered by his family members was for Alluka to teleport him to a new world. Now the assassin is stuck inside strange world where people have weird powers called ... Quirks? Release schedule might be pretty messed up as I try to find time between school and sports. Updates will typically be on weekends with maybe 1-2 throughout the week or more if I’m not too busy. Chapter average is 2000 but might go over or under slightly. Inspiration and some ideas from Dr.Writer21 for My Hunter Academia on FF.net so I recommend you check it out. Real good story, but author stopped updating. Not everything will line up, so don’t get all offended if I butcher the plot. Events will turn out very different most likely in different orders so just mark it up to his interference changing the timeline. AU take on many parts, but I will keep most of the plot lines along with it. He will be very op since power levels of hxh are above most hero’s and I’m not going to nerf, so don’t expect some desperate come from behind victory for a fight. Might be a bit dark at some parts since most people forget behind that cheery kid, is a childhood pretty much filled with torture both physical and mental. Nothing else to say so don’t take too seriously, and Enjoy Killua being badass in the world of heroes. Cover by EDIPTUS on deviant art *I own nothing

Dato · Anime y Cómics
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19 Chs

Chapter 10-Hero Uniforms

"I am here, coming through the door like a normal person!"

"Oh my god, It's all-might, he really is a teacher here!" more than half of the class began panicking

Meanwhile Killua looked at him trying hard not to cringe. 'Why the spandex man' was his first question as all might walked through the door.

"OMG that costume was for his first year as a hero, later on he adapted to a new time of polymer fiber made to better resist the wear and tear....." Midoriya the resident fan boy began muttering to himself not looking like he was going to stop anytime soon

While that was going on, All-might had walked to the front of the class and began his speech "Welcome to the most important class of U.A!" he exclaimed with a broad grin "Here you will learn the basics of how to be a hero, what better way to start it off is with a battle!" he exclaimed exciting the class

"Real combat?" MIdoriya spoke nervoulsy

"Yeah, I'm going to beat your ass Deku" Bakugo shouted jumping out of his seat with a ready expression

"Now now, before you become a hero you need to start looking good" he proudly said as compartments in the wall opened up "Here are your hero uniforms made from the suggestions you gave on the registration forms previously, get dressed and meet me outside" he spoke walking out of the room as the rest of the class hurried up grabbing their boxes which contained their uniforms before they moved off onto their respective gender changing rooms.

"Killua what is your uniform?" said Kaminari beside him in the changing room curiously as he changed into his black sweats and jacket both with yellow lightning bolts running down the sides

Killua didn't respond as he held the heavy box with some excitement 'Let's see if the support department is as good as they say they are" as he opened up the box revealing multiple things.

The first he took out was a pair of black sweats, but they were made out of a pretty strong stretchy material that wouldn't break easily. They were at just the perfect tightness where it wouldn't impede him at all while still being loose and comfortable.

The top was a simple black long sleeve made out of a similar material covered by a short-sleeve white v-neck, but those weren't the important parts of his outfit. Next, he pulled out a heavy-duty utility belt that he put around his waist. After cinching it on tightly, he clipped his two 50 kilogram yo-yo's at his side as well as a taser he had recently got to help boost his electricity if he would ever need it.

The most important part he pulled out were heavy, yet unobtrusive weights he had been very specific about. They almost looked like some kind of brace or sleeve you would put on the muscle to support it, but instead each of these weighed about 60 kilos and he had two for his legs, and two for his arms. It was pretty light weight for now, but he didn't plan on destroying the floor with every step even with his skill in transferring weight easily, so just a light workout would be fine for now.

Support items such as weapons were allowed if they were non lethal, so he had a Bo-staff from Brazilian ebony one of the hardest woods in the world made to go along with it, so it should last him a decent amount of time if he didn't slam use it with all his strength.

It was a very dark wood almost black, and he simply slung it across his back quite satisfied with his outfit. He debated adding heavy duty leather, and Kevlar gloves, but he should be fine with just his nen. If something strong enough came around that could break his ten defenses or especially ken defenses, he doubted kevlar would be any help in the first place. He even got the white ultra boosts lookin hella fresh.

Naturally the extra cost for fancy extra's such as the weights, or the bo-staff came from his own account since they only covered the simple outfit part, but he didn't mind.

"Dude you look badass" was Kaminari's next words since he had been watching from the side. "It's not very flashy like most heroes, but it's cool in its own way and you look like your ready to solo an entire army" he complimented and Killua nodded

Contrary to the bright and flashy colors of most hero outfits, his looked more simple yet effective. Instead of having way too much protective gear or showy accessories that were pretty much useless, his outfit looked a lot more practical, and the belt along with the bo staff gave off an intimidating aura.

The groups of guys and females walked out together towards the other city where they planned to meet with all-might and the others. They talked about each other's uniforms of course, and naturally Killua got quite a few questions

"Doesn't seem too protective" said Kirishima walking beside him. Even though he himself had a hardening quirk which helped protect him more than others, he still had high grade protective gear lining his arms since they would take the brunt of the damage while he left his chest bare. On the other hand, Killua didn't have anything covering his hands at all with only light clothing on his arms and legs.

"Killua shrugged "My skin is really resistant also able to even shrug off knife slashes. It is mostly a result of my quirk which strengthens my body as well as my defense" he said simply not going into much detail

"I'm so jealous" immediately Kaminari standing to the side sulked "My electricity is only for surrounding my body, and attacking. It doesn't raise my natural defenses, or make me stronger and faster" he said wondering why god was so unfair

"It's okay, you just have to pratice to reach that level" Killua assured completely bullshitting him, but he didn't have to know that...

"Really?" he spoke excitedly as if he had just been shown a new path

"Of course" Killua said warmly almost thankful for the lie training he had gone through making him capable of spouting the most unbelievable bullshit with a straight face

As this was going on, he was looking towards a certain pair of floating gloves and shoes walked near them. Tooru Hagakure was her name, wasn't it? Invisibility is a very useful ability but isn't it a little too.... Exhibitionist? Just imagine what it would be like if a perv like Mineta had an ability like that, it would not end well or Hisoka...

'Hmm better make sure she won't be able to sneak up on me, Gyo!' he thought drawing the nen to his eyes


*Cough *Cough *COugh 'Turns out instead of just revealing the nen signature, it breaks through the invisibility completely. Good to know...'

"Hmm you alright?" asked Momo to his side

"Yeah just got some water in my throat..." he answered expressionlessly as he continued walking

"By the way are those... Yo-Yo's at your side she asked confused noticing the silver yo-yo's at his side one with a pentagram, and another with a hexagram

He had been waiting for this question "They are actually weapons. They are quite heavy with long steel wires that can conduct electricty, so I can use it as almost a ranged attack to zap people" he explained as a few heads nodded in agreement at the explanation.

They misunderstood the quite heavy part as maybe a pound at most, and that's the way he wanted it. He probably wouldn't use it on a student anyway, that would be overkill.

They arrived at the mock city where they would be holding the battles. Killua almost laughed when he saw All-might stiffen as he saw Midoriya's costume. He tried to hide it, but as good as he was at reading facial expressions it didn't slip him and he could see the annoyance.

MIdoriya had a green rabbit like costume with a wide smile over the mouth. The little rabbit like ears looked exactly like the hair standing up on all-might's head along with the smile similar to the broad smile he always wore. If that wasn't an obvious sign of copying, he didn't know what was...

All might went on to explain how they would be conducting 2v2 battles indoors instead of outside and he was immediatly hit by a barrage of questions

"How much can we hurt the other team?" Bakugo yelled with an excited gleam in his eyes

"Does the loser get expelled?" Uraraka said nervously

"Do you decide who wins the battle?" Momo asked intelligently

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Killua asked with a bored look

All might groaned "I wasn't finished talking, you will be split into two teams. The villains will have secretly hidden the nuclear weapon in their hide out. It is the job of the hero team to win either by subduing the villain team, or the capturing the weapon.

Naturally, the villains will win if they protect the weapon, or they subdue the hero team. There is a limited amount of team, and we will chose teams by drawing lots" he explained holding out a box as everyone drew out a number.

There were two sets of numbers 1-10, and you were team members with whoever had the same number as you. Killua pulled a '3' and he looked around looking for his partner. He noticed he got the same number as Momo the girl with long black hair so he walked over


"Hey" he briefly responded looking around at the other teams taking note of a few.

"My quirk is creation, and as long as I know the chemical composition, and intricate parts, I can create it from my skin" she explained her quirk before looking at him inquiringly

*sigh "Alright, I can use electricity to boost my physical attributes, as well as us it to shock or electrocute people" he said since she obviously wanted to know his abilities to make some sort of plan

She suddenly grinned "Nice, I see you know Bojutsu" she said gesturing to the staff on his back before adding "I typically don't meet many others like me who know martial arts" she said concentrating for a moment, before a wooden staff broke away from her skin.

"Figured we might as well use similar weapons" she spoke with amusement and he grinned back in response 'she seems like a pretty fun person' he thought slinging his darkwood staff from behind his back. She was pretty well muscled and obviously works out very often. He was beginning to thing most of the people here were dumb enough to think they were strong just because they had a cool quirk. Body strength and fighting technique is just as important especially those with quirks that don't give them much of a physical boost.

"All right, the teams fighting each other will be as followed 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10. Simple enough right?

That means the first match is Midoriya and Uraraka vs Bakugo and Tenya Lida" he said since they were teams 1 and 2 respectively.

Odd numbers will be the villain team, and even numbers will be the hero team" he said as Bakugo literally growled like a dog towards Midoriya

He then gave them 5 minutes to go in and set up while the class was directed to a seperate room where they could watch on monitors

Killua watched on interested as the pair of hero's crept through the corridors. They had no pov on the villains which made it more suspenseful almost like a movie.

Suddenly from behind the corner, Bakugo rushed out slamming his explosive fist down cracking the wall as MIdoriya barely dodged tackling Uraraka out of the way

"Sneak attack that's quite low" Mina Ashido naively said while All-might only shook his head "It is a viable strategy, and you shouldn't expect a fair fight. They are only properly acting out the role of villains" he said which Killua agreed with. Only an idiot would think fights should be fair and with honor. When your life was on the line, nothing is off limits and he knew that better than anyone...

They immediately began playing a game of cat and mouse as Deku backed up running through the corridors they didn't have any audio but the pure anger he showed on his face was obvious to everyone

"He has some pretty serious anger issues" one guy commented

The time was starting to run out, and the pair had been split up with Bakugo and Izuku running through the corridors while Uraraka and Tenya were fighting in the room with the weapon.

Right when Bakugo and MIdoriya were going head to head, Izuku punched straight up with his quirk smashing a hole through the entire building. Meanwhile, Uraraka used that chance to grab on the rocket as right as the time ran out ending the match in a suspenseful manner.

Even if they had won, the Izuku/Ochaco team looked really beat up, and the only reason they won was because it the bomb wasn't real, and they could use destructive attacks around it.

The rest of the class stood watching as Midoriya was carried out on a stretcher while everyone else was relatively fine besides a few bruises.


"That was interesting..."

Finally it was time for their match and since they were team 3, they were fighting against team 4 which happened to be Todoroki, and Kirishima. Todoroki had a really powerful ice quirk while he already knew Kirishima could harden his body making it stronger with better defense

They were directed to a separate building with similar features to continue going since the other was pretty much destroyed. All-might had given them the earpieces they could use to communicate with both each other, as well as him if anything happened.

They got 5 minutes to set up for the match and they had to walk up several floors arriving at the large chamber with the replica bomb sitting in the middle. Stone pillars frequented the room and their was only 1 entrance so it would be quite easy to defend. The first thing Momo did, was creat a bunch of steel thread out of her body hanging it at different intervals around the room "This will help hold them back" she explained as it created an almost spiderweb like pattern in front of the entrance to the room.

"How much do you know about Todoroki's ability" Killua asked since the she seemed to have known him longer

She seemed to hesitate a bit before answering "He actually can create both fire and ice, and his dad is the 2nd ranked hero endeavor" she said surprising him "He didn't show it during the quirk tests though?" he questioned

"He and his dad do not get along well, so he refuses to use it" she replied causing Killua to frown 'Not using your own power because it came from

someone you dislike is idiotic' he thought but didn't say aloud

"Also, watch out for ice traveling along the ground, I've seen him do that in the past to trap people" she spoke as they heard All'might's voice in their ears

"Battle starts in 3. 2. 1 GO!"
