
Killer Reborn: I have an adorable daughter

Immediately after transmigrating to a parallel world, Mikael was a bit stunned to see an adorable little girl calling him father. Well, Luci is 100% my daughter, I hope she doesn't realize that her father was a cold-blooded murderer. --Separata Note-- DeepL is used to translate, sorry for any errors, it is a novel of life recounts, so don't look for a complex plot.

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Chapter 5: Saving the night

Chapter 5: Saving the night

The atmosphere of the bar enveloped Mikael in an amalgam of sensations. The dim lights created dancing shadows on the worn walls, while the murmur of conversations intermingled with the soft clinking of glasses. A haze of smoke hung in the air, permeating every corner with the unmistakable aroma of tobacco and alcohol, a decadent but captivating perfume.

The music, which traveled from jazz classics to the powerful chords of rock, weaving a tapestry of sound that enveloped those present in its melodic spell. The soft sound of a saxophone slipped between the piano notes, while the frenetic rhythms of an electric guitar shook the atmosphere with vibrant energy.

Mikael immersed himself in this sensory world with every sip of his Old Fashioned, letting the amber bourbon caress his palate with its warm embrace. The chicken skewers, marinated in a blend of exotic spices, offered a tantalizing contrast to the smoky flavor of the liquor.

He was alone, as Lucila had already returned to her mother, and Mikael would not see her again for weeks, so he went out to a bar for a drink and a quiet smoke.

Mikael finished eating the chicken skewers, and lit a cigarette quietly, while looking around curiously because people around him were complaining.

Curious he started listening to conversations to see what they were complaining about.

"Dude, the band was supposed to go on stage 30 minutes ago... Why haven't they started yet?" one man complained to his friend.

"I don't know, I'll see if there's another place on the internet with real music" His friend replied as he pulled out his cell phone and started searching.

"Good idea, if they don't start singing in 10 minutes, we're out of here" The man exclaimed.

Overhearing that conversation and a few more, Mika, already had an idea of what was going on.

Apparently today was the day that the official band of this bar was playing, and it was when more people came to see it, but 30 minutes passed and the band did not arrive, and as it was the last band of the day, there was no other next band to replace them.

With a thoughtful gesture, Mikael put out his cigarette and prepared to witness the drama unfold in this corner of the city.

"Hello everyone, I apologize for the inconvenience, but apparently the Dark Flames guitarist and vocalist had an accident, so they won't be able to perform tonight..." The bar owner was speaking into the microphone, and every word, only frustrated the people more.

Seeing the audience's reaction, he tried to think of some way to solve this problem to keep the audience from leaving and said, "If someone knows how to play the guitar and sing, we can start the performance."

When he talked about playing the guitar, many people were interested, but when they heard that they had to sing, most of them gave up, as few people were familiar with singing and playing the guitar.

Mikael, thinking of something and lighting another cigarette, got up from his chair and raised his hand, making everyone look at him, as his stature and features made him stand out quite a bit.

The owner saw Mikael, and asked, "Are you sure?". Mikael simply nodded at his words. "Then meet me backstage."

As he walked to the stage, Mikael started thinking about what song he could play, as most of them needed at least one drummer.

Feeling the taste of tobacco, Mikael simply, laughed and thought, 'May it be what god wills.


When I arrived backstage, I noticed a man's thick voice.

"Arnold, are you sure about this, an unknown guy, alone, up on stage, doesn't look like a good picture, haha." His bored and slightly tired voice could be heard from far away.

"The bar is full of people who came to listen to your band, and because of your guitarist and singer friend, have an overdose, and don't tell me, it doesn't even give me time to call another band, you know what I mean?"

Entering the room backstage, Mikael was met with a peculiar scene. A dark-haired, purple-haired man stood out in the gloom, a cigarette between his fingers and painted fingernails, a figure that defied convention with his vibrant, eccentric presence.

When I got to where they were standing, I asked, "Do you still need me?"

When the purple-haired man saw me, he laughed quietly, and shook my hand. "Hey bro, best of luck up there."

Mikael only replied with a smile, "Thanks, bro."

The man, with purple hair, started gathering his chopsticks, and stuff to leave.

Mikael reached out to stop the purple-haired man before he left.

"Wait a moment," Mikael said in a calm voice, his gaze fixed on the man in front of him. "Don't go just yet. I know this is a little crazy, but I need your help."

The purple-haired man arched an eyebrow curiously, pausing his movement as he watched Mikael with a mixture of surprise and amusement.

"My help?" he replied with a slight comical tone, and pointing to himself. "What can I help you with, brother?"

Mikael exhaled the smoke, gathering his thoughts before continuing. He knew what he was about to ask was not common or conventional, but the song he wanted to play at least needed a drummer.

"I need a partner on stage," Mikael explained calmly. "Someone who can accompany me on drums, what do you say?"

The purple-haired man looked at him for a moment, evaluating the proposal carefully. Then, with an enigmatic smile, he nodded his head.

"I'm in" He said as he extended his hand to me. "I'm Frank, the former drummer in this band, since I'm probably not here anymore."

I nodded and held out my hand to him as I introduced myself. "I'm Mikael."

"Do you have any famous songs in mind to play, or what do you have planned?" Frank asked, as he pulled some stuff out of his backpack.

I picked up a guitar, from the corner of the room and played a bit to adjust the tone and tuning, then asked the owner, "Do you have a looper pedal?"

The owner nodded and handed me the looper, after plugging it in and such.

With a quick gesture, Mikael activated the looper and began to play the first chords of a song that resonated deep within him. The melody of Metallica's "One" filled the air, carrying with it the raw energy and intense emotion that only an iconic song could evoke.

Frank joined the music with skill and dexterity, his drumming accompanying each note with a powerful and energetic rhythm. Together, Mikael and Frank created an improvised symphony. Mikael was impressed with Frank, as he followed the song perfectly, when Metallica and One did not exist in this world.

Mikael had only one thought about Frank: a genius.

As the melody soared into the night sky, Mika began to sing, and a beep echoed in his mind and lyrics appeared in front of his vision.

[System Activated]

___ Separate Notes ___

This is Mika's outfit, removing the cap.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Separatacreators' thoughts