
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Ciudad
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46 Chs

Sorry I am late. Had a thing

Mozart was playing on the iPod. I was sitting next to an old man who was convulsing badly. I had given him syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting. He had a habit of kidnapping young girls and bringing them here to this secluded area. He would invite his affluent friends and they would do horrible things to her. When they were done. They would shoot her and bury her in a landfill.

His hands were tied behind his back. He was chained to the very wall he strapped those little angels. When his stomach contents were emptied I simply placed a cloth over his face and turned on the hose. He screamed and no one heard him. I finally pulled out the hose when he stopped moving. He was pretending to be dead I knew it the moment I checked his pulse. If he wants to play then ok. I will happily spring his trap. But the darn phone rang to tell me I should get back to the grind. I put a ball gag on his mouth and answered the phone. "Yes!" I was trying to keep the acid out of my voice. An angry woman replied, "There has been a shooting near Madison Square Garden. Get here ASAP" I wanted to scream at her but this was my cover now so. I smiled, "I am stuck in traffic the second it moves I will be there". She hung up without saying anything else. I turned to see he was trying to get out of his restraints. These weren't his. These were mine obviously so he looked like a fool trying to get himself out. I giggled to let him know he has my full attention. His eyes grew wide and worked even harder. I quickly injected him with a nerve agent and watched as his body resemble butter. Then I happily dragged him towards a wood chipper. It took me a few minutes to hoist him over it but every second was worth it. I asked him if he had any final requests he swore like a sailor. Some I have never even heard of. I decided he was boring me so I let go of the rope and watched with satisfaction as he came out of the chute in pieces. He fell into a sack already waiting for his arrival. I removed the garbage bag suit and dropped it in a bucket. I added a chemical to the bucket that my friend recommended and it dissolved as he promised. Now it was his turn to disappear. I dropped him in a hole that was already pre-dug by someone. I thanked them from the bottom of my heart as I dropped him in the hole. I closed my eyes and let the other me out so she can go and find a way back to HIS life. Yuck, he is so annoying. No matter, he knows about me and he won't do anything to compromise his relationship with her. I am going to enjoy my sleep.

I opened my eyes as she retreated to my subconscious or where ever. As I walked towards the car I checked my phone. On the Notes section was 'BOSS CALLED TO SAY THERE HAS BEEN A SHOOTING NEAR MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. GO ASAP.' I quickly got in the car and drove as far as I possible could then used the subway to get there. She was impressed that I decided to ditch my car for the sake of solving a murder.

Dimka was there interviewing the pedestrians. He saw me and said, "You took your sweet time getting here." I looked at him politely, "I am sorry. I had a thing." He raised his eyebrow with intrigue. "Are you ok?" I gave him the shut-up face and walked to ask someone else what happened. I saw Jacob had an ice pack on his forehead and cuts on his face. His car was upside down not far from the ambulance he was in. It was riddled with bullets. He looked at us and grimaced. His dark brown eyes spelled out 'the case has been solved so go home'.

I asked him what happened. He explained that one of the criminals he put away has been released. The guy promised to shoot him when he gets released. The drive-by car used was his. He swore he could identify it in his sleep because he used to work as an undercover police infiltrating drug dealers. This guy was one of the crooks he threw in jail. Since he was smart they never caught him for drug possession. They threw him in jail but it was not for drug possession but a stolen car.

I asked the chief's permission to go through his old cases just to be sure. She had brought it to my desk within the hour. I saw a red flag regarding an internal affairs investigation. It was regarding a dirty police officer. It turns out he was innocent but he was killed in prison before he could exonerate himself. It turns out his old partner was the dirty cop but he was killed before anyone found out who was guilty. What were the authorities going to do? Jacob's testimony was the last nail in the coffin against the good cop. So the prevailing theory was someone wanted revenge. I explained my hypothesis to the chief and she said she will get me a list of people who are likely to shoot Jacob.

I slipped out to get a hotdog. I got two hotdogs with mustard and no relish. And a bottle of water. I sat down and count to five and lift one hotdog, "Dimka please sit and eat with me. It feels lonely." He grabbed the one I handed and sat next to me on the bench. He and I ate quietly as the joggers and parents walked past us with their daily business. I wiped my mouth and threw the paper bag into the thrash as I sat on his lap. He looked at me with delight. He quickly finished and reached for the bottle of water. I saw the uniform cop behind us and I smiled and waved at her. She stomped off without a word. "Miss J was here." He looked everywhere as though he was trying to find a sniper. "Who?" I shrugged, "The uniform cop who has a crush on you. She announced to everyone that I was the one who left you." He didn't seem to recall. That's funny the Dimka I know has eidetic memory. I told him to forget about it. We got up and walked back to the precinct. The cop was waiting for Dimka. I introduced her and he looked at her like she was a total stranger he just met. She looked like he had slapped her across the face hard. He asked her to excuse him as he grabbed my hand and walked to the elevators. The chief confirmed that internal affairs had a break in a few days ago. One of the missing files was the testimony Jacob had given. He had given his testimony in secret to internal affairs and at the courthouse. The other dealer he investigating was growing suspicious that he was a cop so they send him on an errand. In the end, he was discovered and trouble ensued. He decided to switch discipline. The perpetrator turned out to his ex-wife. They were reconciliation their dispute and were going to remarry when this transpired. She was pregnant with his baby. She had a miscarriage when she heard he was murdered. She swore retribution for the loss of her loved ones. It was a day and a half. So Dimka was kind enough to offer me a ride home. Miss J came fuming and demanded a boxing match. Dimka replied, "Please do that and prove what a child you are" he scooped me in his arms and carried me to his car. I kissed him and he laughed joyfully and it was filled with promises of naughtiness.