
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Urban
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46 Chs

Spill the beans

Dimka decided to drive me home since it was late. There were a few women who gave us the angry eyes as we left. But he looked like he won the lottery. I knew what was coming so I braced myself. True enough he waited till we turned the corner to ask me questions. He wanted to know if I killed his partner. I swore I didn't. Then he asked SHE did it. I told him when SHE is out doing her thing I am mentally strapped to a chair and forced to watch what SHE does. I remember all of the victims. His partner never made the list. This calmed him down. He asked me how it works. I told him I am not talking about it. It is too painful. He asked me if I could box her some other part of my subconscious. I told him "I tried that. And I had waking nightmares and couldn't sleep for three days. I had to let her out so the nightmares would stop". He asked what happened.

I told him "There are people who would pop out of the wall and tried to grab me. I got stabbed by swords. There was a moment where I imagined that I was in a circus act where I was tied to this thing that was turning slowly and everyone threw knives at me." He looked at me, "Where is SHE?" I implored, "Be nice to her. SHE and I have been getting along with each other. Don't mess it up, please." He asked again, "Where is SHE?" I told him frankly, "I only see her reflection in the mirror. I let her roam around in my mind, SHE only shows up when SHE has the itch and we switch places. I do the investigation SHE delivers the final blow. Me being a photographer made it easier to roam around." He asked, "Can you ask her to come out for a few minutes?" I nod my head and closed my eyes, "Knock Knock. Dinner time" I fell an ice-cold hand grab me and strap me down before kissing my forehead. I looked to see her talking to him. I felt her gave him a cunning smile, "You wanted to see me? Missed our last fight that much?" He kept a neutral face as he opened his laptop. He showed the cases he worked on since he and I started dating. That around the time when he joined Homicide. She cackled as she reminisced on those dead carcasses. She even told him why they were chosen how I kept a detailed file that told her everything. The philanthropist was her favorite. She was selling kids to pedos and she was getting money to stop people like herself. The previous body was given a quick death in her honor. SHE said SHE operated on her for a few days. The trick was to keep her awake. She kept passing out. Finally, she got bored with her and she did as the woman asked. She killed her but she did slowly so she would know the horror those girls felt when they were being violated and humiliated daily. He asked her another question and SHE clocked out. I was unstrapped and she disappeared into the mist.

I opened my eyes, "You shouldn't have asked that question. She and I were getting along with each other. If she retaliates then we are going to have problems. Say sorry." He gave me an angry look, "I am sorry I said that. It won't happen again." I looked in the side mirror of the car and she was there contemplating what to do next. I asked her if she forgave him and she gave me a shrug. This was better than the usual finger across the throat. I gave him a nod. He stopped at a red light and picked up his phone and ordered Thai food. I told him let's go to his favorite Georgian restaurant. We can have khinkali and other stuff. I know he hates Thai food. "But you love it" he reminded me. "It is the one food I can eat without feeling guilty. I can eat as much as I want without the concern that I will get fat. So yes, I love it. But I like Georgian food too. I love the way your eyes twinkle when you eat. You used to speak in Russian. It sounded sexy. I recall you used to have an accent. It was amazing. What did you do with it?" He wrinkled his nose, "I don't understand why people like my accent I hate it." I answered, "It makes you stand out as one of a kind. It is very special." This brought a smile to his face. "Tell me more about what you like about me." I told him, "Take me to your apartment, and then I will do more than tell you, I will show you." He gave me a nod and drove me to a dilapidated apartment. It was a room with a bed, a tv and a small bathroom. The bed was actually a dirty mattress. The bathroom wall had a huge hole. The place had a foul smell. The ceiling had a leak. I asked how has he been living here. He said he makes due. I was so annoyed that I told him, "We are going to my apartment" he happily followed my lead and he even let me drive his car. Which was a first. If I remember correctly, even if he was in my car I am not allowed to drive it, he would do it. When he walked into my apartment and he took two steps back. There was a samurai armor at the foyer. One of the walls in the living room wall was decorated with an assortment of knives and swords. The other wall is dedicated to the four-leaf clover field shots. The next was decorated with battle axes, spears, a few shields and a huge Vikings painting. He looked at me concerned, "Did SHE ever use these?" I laughed, "These are just ornaments. SHE would shot herself before SHE allows herself to even touch these. If you are concerned don't look at the photos behind you. This is the only wall in the apartment she wanted to decorate." He retorted, "These were in our old apartment. I doubt these are deadly." I answered back, "These are the last pictures of these awful people just hours before they died. I don't collect things from my victims that often so these pictures help HER identify with each victim." He looked at them again he couldn't find the victims in those pictures. I took off my coat and hung it on hanger and placed it in a closet, "Honey, Find those people after you change the address on the food order." I walked into the bathroom to wash my hands and face. When I came back he was standing exactly where I left him. He didn't hear me coming so when I asked if he found Waldo. He jumped out of his skin. I asked him if he was ok. He said he has searched the photo from every angle he can think of and he can't find them. He was curious to know who Waldo was. I plucked a kid's book and gave it to him. He laughed, "Where is Waldo? Why do you have this?" I smiled, "It was my favorite game before daddy broke me." His smile disappeared just like that and it reappeared just as quickly. "If I find Waldo faster than you what do I get?" I teased him, "You couldn't find the people in the photos. This is not going to be easy." He asked again, "What will I get?" I teased him, "You can move in with me" he rolled his sleeve. "Challenge accepted" By the time the food was brought it was a draw. It was fifty-fifty. He nestled next to me in bed and slept like a baby.

The monster decided I should be punished for not getting a sincere apology from him.

I was in a car with dad and uncle. They were going camping and decided at the last minute that I should come with them. Dad was nervous but uncle was excited. He brought his Rottweilers for extra fun. He drove us into a forest area in Oregon. We stopped at a cabin where uncle popped the trunk and yanked out his toy. He tied the guy to a bed then soaked the guy in blood and added chucked of meat. He waited till he was lucid and unleashed the dogs. The man screamed as the dogs ate him and the pieces of meat.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I looked at the mirror and said I was sorry. She gave me a satisfactory nod and mouthed a good night. I walked out to see he was waiting for me. The first thing I did was asked him to be nice to her or she will give me nightmares. He looked me in the eye and gave HER a genuine sorry. I felt HER quiver with joy. Finally, I was able to sleep peacefully.