

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 64 : Darkness


" .... " Fenrir and Michelle were still silent. Staring at the lady defensively. When she finally spoke , they both fidgeted.

" Calm down.... " , she said in a soft tone, " I am not an enemy."

The two of them still didnt say a word when Michelle finally spoke,

" Then...what is this energy emanating from you .... that's oppressing us..."

Ever since the woman had stepped inside , Fenrir and Michelle had felt immense power from her that was making their hearts sink and foreheads sweat.

" Ah..I am sorry..wait.." She took a deep breath , in a meditating poisition , her legs crossed.

As she did , the oppression slowly reduced and then disappeared completely.

" It happens when I get too excited. " she said with a chuckle.

Fenrir and Michelle , threw themselves backwards and took a deep breath of relief.

"Who are you...and where are we? Weren't we supposed to be back outside the entrance ?" Michelle could finally speak.

" Ah yeah...about that...your escape routes are blocked." She said softly with a smile.

"By who?" Michelle asked, suspicious.

" I too have to figure that out actually."

"Huh? Wait...who are you?"

The lady looked at the both of them and then , after a few seconds of silence ,

" I was on a mission , sent in search of this island by the Princple of BlackWing Academy."

" The principle!?" Fenrir said loudly.

" Yes...I am sure you two are aware of the Red Night?"

" Ofcourse.." they both replied.

" Well...this is the island where the events that lead to the Red Night's existence occured."

" B..but this is the island where the tournament is held every time , I have never heard of anything ..."

" That is because this is not the island where it's held. "

The news came as a shock to the two of them .

"Um..what do you mean..."

"Exactly what I said.." The lady lookes at the floor , " I only recently found this island and held up a barrier to know if anyone comes in , funnily enough, a whole bunch of students came and before I knew it , the whole tournament was being held here. "

" Have you tried to-"

" Escape this place ? " she said shakimg her head , " Not yet , I can't leave all of you children here , but I don't think it will be that easy. We have to know who came up with this barrier ...but it was likely put up from the outside...after the moment all of you entered."

" How are you sure?"

" Speculations , nothing else. I merely felt a subtle change to my barrier , but nothing more."

The room went silent again.

" You two get some rest and regain your strengths , your friends out there might be in danger ." She got up to leave when Michelle asked another question ,

" You didn't tell us your name.."

" Clara." she replied.

" Miss Clara , how is it that we ended up here after our pendants were removed...and not at the enemy's foot who set up the barrier."

" The Blackwing Principle...Sir Lucas...this is likely his doing. He used the similarity in our DNA signatures so that you might end up at my house or near me once the pendants are removed....which leads me to believe he knew this would happen...how did he get to all of the pendants from all academies evades me though..."

" Similarity in DNA..?"

" He is my father."




" It's night outside now..." Malak thought inside the darkness he was trapped in.

" I can't escape ..... " a sudden flash of memory interrupted his thought process.

* It is light that creates the most shadows.*

" There shouldnt be any more shadows now...my shadow that devoured me ...should have disappeared....oh my god AAAAAAGHHHHHHHH I can't figure this out and I am going insane!!! Can anyone hear me!!!!!!?" Malak cried out but there was no reply , only his own voice echoed back.

" Light will only make a shadow stronger....WAIT!!!"

"I can't defeat this darkness with light.... I have to defeat it using the darkness of my own...." He took a deep breath.

Memories of his own flashed through his mind . Malak , a child , taking the life of his mother . His mother who raised him , all alone in a lonely mansion.

Memories of her cuddling him , memories of her tucking him in . Her beautiful hair , her beautiful eyes full of love for her only child . Her hands that caressed his cheeks , suddenly turned to red.

Malak leaving the mansion as he grew older and destroying it completely with his wind.

The memories made him suffer , they dropped him to his knees in the darkness but as he struggled to breath he suddenly opened his eyes .

"HAA!!" He took a deep breath , as if he was hungry for air.

He felt the grass beneath his body , the red moom right above him . Its light reflecting off his pendant.

However , instead of sitting up he continued to lay on the wet grass and put his arm over his eyes , even though they failed to stop the torrent of tears rolling down his face.

Malak cried , as he did on the day he lost his mother to his own hands.

He had escaped Somnium's curse but at the cost of his peace.

" I cannot believe...your darkness was greater than mine..."

Somnium said , as he stood, appearing out of nowhere, next to Malak's lying figure.

" It is a ...complicated world... the more beauty you see.... the greater the misery it is trying to hide..." Malak said as he remained as he was. His face still covered.

" You lost control of your ability and ended up taking your own mother's life.." Somnium said , " I am sorry ....that you had to go through such pain..."

"I.....was a child who was spoiled rotten and would often lose his temper.Once , I had a tantrum and ended up unleashing my powers. It was the first time so they were not in my control. My mother tried to help me but I ...ended up ..hurting her..fatally.... She.... made it look like she had taken her own life so I would be allowed to stay in the mansion...but.. I couldn't forgive myself..so when it was time to join the academy , I left , and destroyed the part , where I had lived with my mother. "

" .... I am sorry .."

" .... "

" I will let you leave....do not return...I donot wish to fight you."

"Why?... You are at your best right now...You can take me out easily..."

" I donot want to devour a heart when its so heavy.... it leaves a bad taste ."

" .....pfft" Malak chuckled which turned into laughter.

Somnium smiled and disappeared completely. Malak finally removed his arm that was covering his eyes , that were now dried up and glowing.
