

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
Not enough ratings
85 Chs

Chapter 65 : Icy arrows




" We are at the last day....but there is still no sign of Dolion..." Jun spoke as he stepped over a bush.

" Are you sure we shouldn't go to the pit to check?" Aleena said as she followed Jun.

" Absolutely...that child can solo us...considering he isn't normal....here it is." Jun said as he held out his arm to hold back Aleena from stepping forward.

"Another pit?" Aleena asked as he touched the ground.

" Yes ...this is the only possible way to reach us...though this is a long shot , we can try to trap him again..."

*BOOOM* !!!!

The ground beneath the two of them shook as they heard a blast , followed by smoke that headed for the sky.

" THE FORT!!!" Aleena shouted as she regained her footing.

" Impossible..." Jun muttered . His heart welled up with fear.


"You..are really overdoing it." Batuhan said as he sat on the ground , bruised , his arms and legs slightly frozen. A huge hole in the fort's first wall , right by his head.

Dolion standing infront of him , looking as if he had lost weight while inside the dark pit.

His hair messy and his eyes tired. His body felt numb but yet , the force of his attacks had not been altered. They were still as strong as ever.

Dolion pulled back his hand , as if holding an arrow , and held up his arm as an ice bow appeared in his hand. The hand he pulled back , created a sharp arrow.

He let go.

The arrow flew at intense speed towards Batuhan , it was shot with the intent to kill. Batuhan closed his eyes but instead of feeling that something pierced through his flesh he heard the sound of impact. As he opened his eyes he saw bow standing infront of him. Dolion's arrow had flown far off to the right.

"Batuhan , go inside the fort...leave this to me." Bow said without looking back.

She held out her right hand and made a curve with it that created a red bow about her own size. As she pulled back her other arm and opened her fist. She disappeared...as if she herself was the arrow that was shot.

Dolion felt sudden punch on his cheek that sent him flying into a tree.

Batuhan stared at the scene with eyes wide open.

But even before the dust had cleared a barrage of ice arrows were shot in Bow's direction who dodged a few before shooting her own barrage of red spinning arrows.

The arrows collided and created a blast .

Dolion stood , tired .breathing heavily.Surrounded by dust clouding his ,his eyes golden but it was exceedingly hard to focus for him.

" I can't do this....Sir Eisen..I am..sorry.."


As Dolion stood there , Bow suddenly appeared to kick his back but he responded swiftly , twisted his own little body and kicking her in the stomach that was wide open. She took the full blow directly and it sent her rolling on the ground.

" Bow!" Batuhan cried and tried to get up but

his arms and legs were almost paralyzed.

*Cough* *Cough* Bow coughed out a small amount of blood and wiped it with the back of her hand.

Dolion , who looked tired and at his wit's end moments earlier was now staring at her , his eyes gleaming with power and hair floating. Surrounded by icicles , the ground , as he walked, turned into ice and he breathed out frost.

He had transformed into an epitome of power.

Bow quickly regained her footing and blocked his swift fist that he had covered with ice . Even though she was pushed back , she still held her ground.

In a second , her arms began to freeze and ice began to creep up her feet .

"HA!!" her eyes glowed ruby red and a barrage of arrows came straight down on Dolion ,who had to jump back to dodge and they hit the ground. The arrows didnot stop , they moved to chase after him , Bow controlling them with her eyes and the wave of her slightly frozen hands .

Dolion was swift , he ran for a while until he was suddenly right infront of Bow . He moved to the side and the arrows following him almost annhilated bow but she waved them back in just enough time. She made a curve with her hand and the arrows went over her towards Dolion who was standing there ready to face them.

Bow increased the arrows in number as they moved at high speed.

Dolion moved back a little and with a swift movement of his hands he froze the arrows and they immediately crashed on the ground.

Dolion and Bow stood but Bow felt a sudden weakness and she fell down on one knee. The ice had creeped up to her right kneecap without a sign at first.

This slight moment was all Dolion needed to unleashe icicles on her way , targetting to pierce her through and through.

Bow positioned her arms as if she held a crossbow and suddenly a huge horizontal arrow appeared that she shot towards the attack . The impact created a blasting sound. The icicles that escaped grazed her but she grabbed one and broke through the ice holding down her leg.

" I have trained hard to be here...you will NOT HAVE ZAKIYYE !" With this scream Bow unleased a huge amount of arrows from above , behind and front directions.

Dolion built a dome of ice to surround him and as she waved down her arm , the arrows attacked him at insane speed and strength.

As the arrows hit the dome , Dolion felt weaker and weaker .

" I cannot push him any further...he rused here without any food or water...this child..."

The dome cracked but the attack had lightened.

Dolion stepped on the ground and a trail of ice ran towards Bow whose feet got caught up in it.

Dolion came down flying towards her , holding a scythe made of ice and she made a bow with her hand.

She shot the bow and he swung the scythe way before he reached her. The swing created a fog that allowed him the time to make a break for it.

After a few seconds , the mist cleared. Batuhan saw Bow standing . Her feet covered with ice. Dolion was gone.

Bow was breathing heavily as she looked towards Batuhan. She smiled...and then she waved her hand at him. At that moment , her hair tie cut loose and her hair fell down her shoulders .The pendant's string broke and as it dropped on the ground...

"Bow!" Batuhan tried to move but Bow had already disappeared.
