

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

Chapter 61: Shadow and Light


Malak walked and walked but there seemed to be no end to the forest.

" I hate how you must be enjoying this. " Malak said as he continued to tread and nearly tripped over a tree root.

" By the way , I know that if I disrupt your sensory unit for even a minute , she will lose all her progress. " Malak said , but there was still no response. After a few minutes of silence , Somnium's voice resonated in the whole forest ,

" If you are so aware , why do you not do it?"

"Because -" Malak finally sat down tired , " I want to know if I am still in the forest?" he said with golden eyes.

"Hoo.... what makes you think you aren't?"

" So I was right huh , you have me trapped mister master of the shadows ."

There was silence again.

" No reply huh.."

Malak sat down , with his head lowered. He leaned his back against a tree and closed his eyes. He seemed to be relaxing under the tree in the dark.

"How to break free of this...." he thought to himself , " He is a master of the shadows....the longer he stays in the dark , the stronger he is...I purposefully said that I am no longer in the forest to mislead him into thinking that I am confused , but in reality I am still at the original forest... I am lost here , that is for sure..should I do it then? Or should I keep walking further inwards....that will be of no use as long as he is watching me. Besides the longer I stay in the dark , the stronger he becomes over me..I suppose it is time to face him."

Malak opened his eyes and stood up , his eyes glowing golden.

" I am sorry but I cannot drag this on longer than I already have , you will have to come out and face me ," as he said that , his hair and clothes began to flow in the air. His eyes shone brighter than they ever had. He raised his hand and pointed it forwards and it was followed by a huge gush of wind that surrounded him in a circle and blew away all of the trees in its path. Not even the strongest tree could resist as it got uprooted . It was utter devastation .

" STOP!!!!" Somnium's voice echoed and Malak lowered his hand , little amount of air still flowing around him.

" Hm? " Malak mumbled as he saw a figure appear in the darkness of trees infront of him that were still to be uprooted.

" Atleast I got you to greet me." Malak said as sunshine shone on him , now that he had uprooted a wide range of trees from the area.

" You will not go in any further. " Somnium said as he stood there with dark shadows , in the form of something inhumane stood next to him.

" You cannot reach me but I can..." Malak said as he raised his hand again only to be suddenly grabbed by his own shadow. His shadow's arms coming out of the ground to grab his legs.

" One thing , my enemy always fails to consider ....." Somnium smiled a devilish smile as his eyes lit neon green,

" Is that.. light...creates more shadows than the dark. You did me a favour. Now be buried in your own shadow...." he said as he raised his hand and Malak slipped into his own shadow , like he was eaten by the ground.

Nowhere to be seen.


" Krystallo , how is Laila inside?" Michelle said, as the sunrays turned orange red , indicating that the night was going to envelope them soon.

" She is fine , infact she looks purified ...." Krystallo said as he leaned back on a tree.

" Huh?"

" I mean...she is glowing like she is some heavenly being or a saint ..." Krystallo struggled to explain.

" Hmm".

" Michelle you still got the pendant with you? I wanted to have a clear look at it. "

"Crystal nerd" Michelle said as she took it out of her pocket and showed it to Krystallo .

It was shining.

"Why is it still shining...they weren't shining until we wore - MICHELLE WATCH OUT!!!!!!" Krystallo ran to grab the pendant from her as it swiftly moved our of her hand and turned into a black feather that cut through Michelle's pendant and she immediately disappeared from sight. Her pendant dropped on the floor.

The black father flew towards a tree , as Krystallo followed it he saw it land into Zahhak's hands as he and Fenrir sat atop a tree branch ,watching the whole spectacle.

"Gehh..." Krystallo stood in battle stance.

As Michelle had been disqualified , the illusion she created was gone with her and the trees behind Krystallo immediately reverted back to the crystal dome they were , protecting Laila.

" Well well...is that the house of our target?" Zahhak said with a soft but evil smile covering his face.

"That lady deserved it , she wasn't very nice..." Fenrir remarked as he and Zahhak jumped down to face Krystallo.

" How did you..." Krystallo muttered.

"How did I? Fool that girl? Is that what you want to ask?" Zahhak said as he completed his sentence.

" I think so." Fenrir replied in Krystallo's stead.

" Well , I was by a cliff when she attacked me. She suddenly showed up behind me and pushed me off after grabbing a hold of my pendant. Little did the hypnosis lady know that I was a winged Blackwing , yet I decided to use this as a chance and hid myself . Also , I replaced my pendant with a feather , barely saving the string from snapping."

Zahhak finished, " It was a good try but...." Zahhak looked at Fenrir who smiled back,

" I guess we were better." Zahhak shrugged his shoulders.

" I see , thankyou for the explanation."

" No probl-" but before Zahhak could finish he felt something sharp fly past his cheek , too fast for him to respond. As a streak of blood leaned down his cheek , his look got more serious.

Krystallo had crystals floating around him in a full circle , big , small ,all sizes. His eyes glowed golden.

" That was a good strategy ." Krystallo said , " But do you know? That we also know where our target is?"

" If that is true , then we have all the more reason to take out our target quickly. Move out of the way and we might just spare you diamond guy." Zahhak' s eyes glowed neon green as his wings appeared from behind.

" Fenrir , try to find a way into that crysta- " but before Zahhak could finish he and Fenrir were attacked by a barrage of crystals.

" Woah slow down ." Zahhak said as he flew in air , holding Fenrir in his arm.

" You know , hunting birds was an old habit of mine and I AM VERY GOOD AT IT." Krystallo said as he shot a crystal almost same his size right towards Zahhak at a speed too fast too dodge. Zahhak ended up having to cover himself with his wings but the impact made him fall to the ground a few miles back. As he fell , he sent a barrage of feathers towards Krystallo who barely moved as he was protected by crystal shield.

" Well, this is going to be a bit troublesome." Zahhak said as he grinned at Krystallo.
