

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 60 : Achilles

* ISLAND DAY 5 * *


" Now I have told you everything , the truth of it all .... I know you might find it a little confusing but bear with it...oi.....snap out of it...aren't you a mighty dragon!?." Achilles snapped his fingers to bring back Noir , who had lost his mind in his own mind....ironic.

" Uh.... so.." Noir mumbled as he slowly regained control of his senses.

" You are not to speak a word of this to anyone Noir.."

" Why not?"

" Because you are weak , which is why I am weak . Eisen will be playing with your bones once he finds out I am inside you."

" Ouch man..." Noir said with a disappointed look.

" We have to find my human friend first ...do you have any idea who it might be?"


" A wild goose chase...and if Eisen finds us out while we don't even know who he is...uhhhhh....." Achilles retreated his head into his knees , like a child...that he was...or wasn't?

"Now now...no need to be so depressed." Noir said trying to cheer him up , " I mean he might not even be here..."

" Why wouldn't he be?" Achilles looked up with a serious look " He is here to look for my body , he needs it. I already told you why."

" Why didn't he come here before tho...why infiltrate the academy and then make his way into the tournament..." Noir was thinking out loud when Achilles had a sudden moment of realization.

" Y..you...why...I mean what's the prize for the one who wins..this tournament?" Achilles said , his lip shaking with fear.

" The crystal of control.." Noir said with a confused expression.

" What crystal...wait...what's it like!? Have you ever seen it !??" Achilles grabbed his shoulders and clenched them tightly.

" Ow .. your tiny dragon hands are tough...and uh..n..no...but it is something that whomever posessed has full control to the activities of the other species...but it hasnt ever been used in a very evil way to wipe out a whole -"

" That is because they can't use it...only Eisen can use it to its full potential....that crystal is the core of his powers...his ability to control and make people submit to him....with that he can...regain all his shards of power that have been significantly multiplied by now inside those humans... I told you...he didn't give his powers to , his soul to Basem for no reason....he did it because his own powers were not strong enough to open the temple...the temple where the first Yosei , Blackwing and human were born...Noir we have to hurry and gain the crystal for ourselves and destroy it completely!" Achilles said with a desperate tone.

" You told me ,you don't know what is inside the temple and what he will gain from it...but seeing you panic like this makes me feel you infact do know....are you lying to me ?" Noir asked as he looked at Achilles directly in his eyes.

" I am not lying , I really donot know...all I know is that the temple was hidden for a purpose and he always wanted to get to it...he would even kill his own family to get to it somehow....as I told you...how he helped Basem kill his family when they were about to attack the humans. Basem losing control and spreading his soul was all part of Eisen's plan , But I...ran away...."

" You tried to stop Eisen from giving Basem his powers and Basem ended up attacking you and you seemed to have died when you were actually saved by your own people..."

" But I didn't have the courage to go back to Basem...I knew it was Eisen who made him do what he did....so I just hid away. I looked for a way to stop Eisen from returning.....I made a decision to protect him from Eisen when he returns as I was sure he would..."

" So, you told a Yosei family everything, who had his memory and to hide his body well , away from this island , hidden in the depths of a garden....."

" I physically moved the whole cave to that location ... and myself ...I stayed here...where it all happened ...until I passed away without meeting Basem..even once."

" Achilles , the way you found...do you think you can stop Eisen with it .... ?"

" If I find Basem ...before Eisen gets to him...I can stop him...." his eyes lit up neon green as he said that.

"Sigh" Noir sighed as he got up after the long loong discussion and stretched his arms.

" I am not the kind of person to worry too much . Sort of a , happy go lucky dragon. I will look for Eisen and Basem but , I cannot promise you that I will find them."

" Gotta make do with what I got." Achilles shrugged his shoulders and snapped his fingers.

Noir , suddenly , found himself lying on the ground.

" Wha...uh...." Noir slowly opened his eyes and felt a drop of water on his cheek. As the blurry image got clearer he found Aag's face , hanging over his body , crying.

" Woah! OW!!" Noir , shocked, got up in haste and ended up bumping his head with Aag's. Both of them groveling from the pain for a while. But Aag quickly recovered, her cheeks and nose rosy from all the crying and eyes slightly swollen.

" N...NOIR!! You are alive!!!!" She said as she looked at him with wide eyes.

" H..how long was I out for...?" Noir asked , finally recovered but with a bump on his forehead.

" Half an hour.." she replied , wiping her tears.

" A...Aag...are you okay? I am sorry I scared you..." Noir said in a soft , worried tone.

" It's not your fault...I am just glad you..a..are..alright.." Aag said in a low voice.

" Thankyou for not leaving me behind Aag." Noir said with a smile.

" Ofcourse...no problem."

After this exchange , they both rested silently for another hour before they moved on . Noir didnot mention anything about Achilles to Aag , as he had promised.
