

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

Chapter 58 : Infiltration

*Next Day*- Island Day 5

Malak stood next to a waterfall, his hair disshevelled and eyes tired.

" This tournament...is really messing up my sleep schedule..." he said as he closed his eyes , throwing water on his face and wetting his hair a little , rubbing his wet hand over it. As the water dripped down his forehead , he opened his eyes and recalled the look in Dolion's eyes as he said those odd words.

" The Yoseis would be the only species left..." Malak said to himself, " Look for Eisen...who on earth is Eisen." Malak sighed at the lack of information he had when a speck of light , transmitting a familiar voice floated infront of him.

" Malak!" Krystallo said , " We know the location of the BlackWing's sensory unit...you need to go after them right now."

"Hmm why the specific urgency? " Malak said.

" The one guarding the sensory unit is a dark shadow element BlackWing..."

"Ahh..so if I dont take care of him in the morning....I am done for huh.." Malak said as he shook his hair dry.

" Leave it to me , and ...protect Laila."

" Ofcourse."


* Swish *

Malak's gleam lit up the darkness of the thick forest.

" Well he certainly chose ...a good location...the light barely makes its way through here..."Malak looked around," In which case..."

The trees began to shake , as a strong wind blew across them, breaking their branches and throwing them into the sky , exposing the ground to the bright sunlight.

" That is..going to be very troublesome." A voice echoed from inside the forest.

" Sorry about that..." Malak replied to the voice.

" Well, atleast you sound like a decent person..." the voice replied.

" I am flatter-" Malak went silent, then spoke softly with a smile , " You don't like being troubled , but you donot mind troubling someone else...do you?"

Malak's legs were covered by a shadow , and was unable to move them in the slightest.

" You were the one who stepped and wreaked havoc in my territory , I am only repaying back in kind."

" I see.." Malak said calmly, "Well then.." Strong wind blew around Malak as if threw the trees off their roots , such that the trees right above him , blocking the sunlight had been removed. As direct light fell on to his legs , the darkness regressed and became weaker . Malak easily broke free.

" Allow me to inconvenience you a bit further..." Malak said with an angelic smile.

" This will not be as easy as you imagine it to be..." The voice said.

" I am aware.." Malak said as he stepped forwards into the depths of the forest , his breathing a little fast and a sweat drop down his cheek.


" Aag , let's stop for a while." Noir said as he jumped down on to the ground to catch a breather.

" Noir, are you alright?" Aag said concerningly , as Noir had been getting paler and paler by the second.

" Y..yes I am fin-" but before he could finish , he fainted .

"Noir!" Aag caught him before he fell on to the ground. She touched his forehead and found him to have a burning fever. His breathing heavy.

Thankfully , where they had landed , there was a narrow waterfall.

Aag took a piece of cloth from her pouch and put it on Noir's head after taking off his jacket and shoes. She laid him on the grass.

" What else am I supposed to do...is this serious?"

Aag sat down next to Noir , worriedly.

" Should I carry him back to Somnium?...maybe I can find

Fenrir...he might be able to use his heal-"

" A...ag.." Noir let out a few words hesitantly.

" Noir! Are you alright??!" Aag asked in a desperate tone.

" I am..not...sure...what's happening..." Noir said as he breathed heavy and fast.

" Has this ever happened before?" Aag asked , in a desperate attempt to figure out the problem.

" Once..when I was a child..."

" And it decided to happen now?"

"Ah..ahaha..s..sorry" Noir chuckled.

" Ah no I mean , I am sorry." Aag said hastily ,

" Maybe Aranea can help us but we can't disturb her..."

Aag sat there , thinking of all the possible solutions.

"Think Aag think! ...he was fine when we left the group...what happened in the last few hours...retrace your steps ...retrace your thoughts ...you must have seen something....something...." She kept thinking hard , " Noir is a dragon type....and this has happened once , when he was a child...f..forget everything Aag what are you doing! You have to treat his fever first!" Aag got up to get more wet clothes and put them over his forehead.

"F..food!" She thought to herself as she kept taking out things from her pouch and started gathering sticks.

"Ugh!!!" Noir let out a cry as his head hurt , beat like a drum in his ears.

" N..Noir!" Aag ran up next to his side when suddenly his eyes lit up neon entirely , his scales showed up in his face. He felt his blood boil that made him writhe in agony when suddenly his body went limp.

"O..oi...Noir.." Aag shook him but there was no reponse.


"Whe..where am I..." Noir said as he stood in utter darkness , underneath him , a pool of blood.

" Finally!!! FINALLY!!!!!" A voice said , behind him.

He turned back to see a young boy , white skin with scales on his face just like Noir , neon green hair and green eyes lighting up his dark pupil standing behind him , smiling.

"Finally , I found someone...." the boy said and stepped towards Noir.

Noir tried to move but instead his knees gave way and he fell.

The boy put his hand on his shoulder and patted him.

" I am sorry , I will be placing a heavy burden on you , but it is important...important enough for a dead me to come back you know! " The boy said with a cheeky smile.

" Who are you?" Noir asked .

"Achilles..." The boy replied as he knelt down infront of Noir.

" Who...I mean what heavy burden are you talking about..." Noir asked.

" .... " Achilles didn't say a word but instead bumped his head into the ground.

"!!" Noir was shocked by the sudden movement and as he was about to place his hand on the boy , Achilles spoke up , without raising his head.

" I failed to protect my friend! and I made him carry a heavy burden he wouldn't have to if he hadn't met me. I need this chance to make things right! For the sake of all the species that exist in this world!"

Noir went speechless for a few minutes and then finally spoke ,

" Are ...you...one of the three friends..the BlackWing child...who caused the start of the red night? Noir said and the boy immediately raised his head.

"H..how do you know...?"

"You kids....made it to our history books.." Noir said with a small laugh.

"You are joking..."

"No...but...there are many lies surrounding you three....can I trust what you say to be the absolute truth of what really happened?" Noir asked with sharp eyes.

" Yes ...you can...you will be able to confirm what I say too..." The child said.

" How?"

" You will.." Achilles said as he sat crossed his legs.

"Where do I begin?" Achilles said.


"T..that was too much travel for a small house!!" Noel said as he stood infront of a door to an almost broken house. One room house with a roof that was almost giving away.

Iris knocked on the door and it fell.

" Well..." She said embarassingly.

" You make your great grandfather live like this...?" Noel said sarcastically.

" Hey! I have asked him many times but he refuses to come along! It's not my faul-"

" Iris?! Why are you back here!!?" said an old voice from behind.

Both Iris and Noel turned back to face an old man , his hair and moustache grey , holding a cactus in his hand , with a walking stick in the other.

"Grandfather! Thank goodness you are still alive!" Iris said happily.

" What kind of insensitive..." Noel was rendered speechless.

"You will not convince me Iri-"

" Eisen has awakened . " Iris cut off her grandfather , who was shocked by the sudden declaration.

" H..how...his body...he was hidden..no one knew his location..." he mumbled.

" Someone did grandfather , and that someone is in our memories..please release the barrier...we need to know who it is! Who is working with Eisen and what are his true intentions....."

Iris said in a calm but determined tone.

Noel stared at the both of them , as he still stood at the foot of the fallen door.


Fenrir went around like a lost little cub when he finally gave up and sat down under the shade of a tree and began to cry like a little child.

" I miss Aranea...!!..I am going back!!" he cried but as he was about to get up , a shadow fell upon his face and a hand placed itself on his shoulder.

Fenrir looked up to see a neon green pendant dangling down Zahhak's neck who was smiling at him.

" Zahhak!!" he cried.

" Where are you going ? " Zahhak said , " Don't you want to get your revenge on the ones who attacked us?" Zahhak said with a grim smile.
