

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 52 : Let The Tournament Begin!

As the three academies , continued to train their elites , the day of the tournament had finally arrived.

They were out in the open sea , a ship carrying the Killer Academy team to the destination where the contest was to be held.

"A remote island? Where did they get THIS idea from ....a variety show....?" Batuhan said as he stared at the island coming before him , ever so nearer.

"What's a variety show ?" Samuel said , standing right next to him .


"What are you guys talking about?" Bow said , as she moved in closer to the bow of the ship.

"Bow! Be careful not to lean to close towards the edge ..." Batuhan said hastily.

"Right..thank you .." Bow stepped back a little , slightly confused.

Samuel had observed this with a sheepish smile as he turned his head and continued to look straight towards the majestic island they were headed for when he heard Jun calling out to them .

"Professor Graham wants to see us on deck!!!" Jun shouted.

Bow , Batuhan and Samuel looked at each other.

" Listen, all of you." Professor Graham said , as the whole team stood in front of him , " I am sure , you are well aware of the importance and impact of the results of this tournament. Academies have been forced into utter slavery in the old times , and though the demands now are slightly more reasonable , for no reason are you to believe that the past cannot return."

"Professor ...are you trying to encourage us , because the way you are doing it...is scarier than it should be....." Samuel said , with a worried look but a cheeky smile.

"I am trying to do both encourage and scare you . As the latter might be a very common feeling from now onwards..." he said ," Thanks to your efforts , our academy was able to rid itself from the infestation it was affected with. I have no doubt about your skills and determination so , neither should either of you. Forget any insecurities you may have . remove the doubts in your hearts and step forward. I am proud of every single one of you. So go out there , and show them those red eyes aren't just rubies!"

"YES SIR!!!!!"



" Well this is an odd ...contraption." Noir said as he held a small pendant , with a Green emerald in his hand , glowing.

"The moment you wear this , you enter the tournament , and the moment you take it off, it means you are disqualified and shall be returned immediately to this place where you are standing....But do not think of taking it off on your own , because that would be considered as cowardice and you will not find peace for the rest of your lives." The principle said with a grim smile.

"Principle...." Zahhak muttered.

"So it's , do or die..... either come back with victory or not at all." Aranea said as she wore the pendant and walked towards the gate .

"Wait Aranea! wait for the rest of us!" Noir said aloud.

"With this teamwork.....it is definitely going to be the latter" Somnium said as he too , with the rest of the BlackWings entered into the gate.


"So we are to find the 'Crystal of Control' huh....they really didn't bother much with the naming did they ." Krystallo said , wearing the pendant around his neck . A piece of gold hanging on it , shining with all its might .

As the Yoseis had entered the gate , they found themselves standing in a forest , sunlight making its way through and a waterfall right behind them, where the gate had supposedly should been.

Laila washed her face in the water,

"So , how to proceed?" She said as she turned around to look at the team , water still dribbling down her cheek.

"What in the name of....." Michelle and Krystallo exclaimed , taken aback by the calm tone that was rare to a wild flower like Laila.

Malak looked at her and she stared right back.

The air between the two had not settled , nor had they had any discussion of any sort. Which , came as a surprise to Malak , as he hadn't intended for the matter to be drawn out so long that they were now in the tournament with a broken team.

Malak stayed silent and Laila averted her eyes , when suddenly , the most unexpected person , spoke up in the matter , Dolion.

"How long will....you two be ...upset with each other...." he said shyly , standing in the middle of the path between the two of them, " Laila..." Dolion looked towards her with gleaming eyes and a kind expression," I know you are afraid , of what he might say , but that....still shouldn't stop you ...from doing the right thing."

Laila, taken a little aback , went silent for a while until she took a deep breath, and

" Malak !!!!!! I am sorry I said those awful words to you . I was frustrated by our differing views but you know better than anyone that the root of my anger is and will always be , my love for my family and friends. I am so sorry Malak!!! Please , find it in your heart to give me one more chance, Malak!!!"

After such a declaration , there was undoubtedly a moment of silence , where everyone had froze. Malak himself.


"How have we....." Aleena said as she ran , "BEEN SEPERATED ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She ran around in the forest , searching when she heard a sound. Something rustling through the branches .

Aleena immediately retreated into the bushes and held her batons.

"Who are we hiding from?" someone whispered right into her ear . Startled , she waved her baton in the direction , only to know it ended up hitting Josh.

"OW!!!!" Josh cried.

"Oh my God....Josh!!!! are you okay?" Aleena immediately leaned towards his groveling body.

"Yeah...I am just glad I got you to wake up...." Josh looked up , rubbing his cheeks.

"Wha...what..." Aleena looked around to see everyone standing around her , worried .

"You got knocked out , the moment we stepped into the gates...." Josh stood up and offered his hand. She was about to take it when suddenly her mind got blurry.

"What's wrong....take my hand..." Josh's voice got muffled in her ears.

" No...." she mumbled , holding her head , gripping it tightly.

Suddenly a flash of memories flushed through her mind. Aleena and her team , standing in the forest , all of them falling down . One by one.

The view turned green , as her eyes glowed neon.

Josh, or maybe his image alone , stepped back as the wind blew around Aleena.

The map got hazy and with a final tornado she finally found herself back , standing in the centre , everyone around her slowly waking .However they did not have the luxury to take their time and regain their senses.

"BOW!!!!!!" Zakiyye , his eyes red and his book floating , pointed in a direction as he signalled at Bow , who still half awake ,

"HAAAA!!!" immediately shot an arrow to where he was directing.


"Hoho....." Somnium said as he titled his head to narrowly dodge the arrow. It had grazed his cheek , resulting in a small bleeding cut.

Aag stepped in and put a handkerchief over his cheek to stop the bleeding. She sat down next to him , pressing on the handkerchief while staring in the direction the arrow came in from.

"So they managed to break through your spell?" Aag said as she retreated the handkerchief and set it ablaze in her hand. Surprisingly , the cut had healed completely with no remnants left behind.

"Indeed.... there is something I would need to ask of Zahhak...let us meet up with the rest."

"It was a good opportunity though.....well , let's go back."


"I can't detect anyone...they are either gone or made their presence hidden." Zakiyye said as he had finally regained full conciousness.

"We need to keep moving and find a safe point where we can setup . Let's go." Jun said as they started to move.

Aleena wobbled a little as she got up to leave ,but suddenly found herself surrounded by darkness when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"I got you out , won't you thank me?" BlackWing Aleena said , standing behind her with a smile.

Aleena turned back , her eyes glowing red,

"Thanks..." she said.

"You remember the deal , the more you use my power ....the more I take control."

"Yes ...I remember..." Aleena frowned.

"At this rate, you won't be leaving the same person you came in as huh..."


"Aleena , you are too slow ! Are you alright?" Aleena was shaken up by Bow as she reentered the forest , where she was before.

"Sorry...ye..yeah I am okay.." Aleena said and Bow nodded.

However , her facial expression slightly changed and Jun noticed.
