

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 53 : Plans


*DAY 2-Morning*

" She is still at it?" Krystallo said , rubbing his eyes .

Laila was sitting on the grass , her hands touching the leaves , power emanating from her in all directions.

"All day and through the night , she wants to spread her gardens as far as she can.." Malak said with a tired smile, "She has an amazing power , even among the Yosies."

"Malak , did you even sleep last night , you look worn out." Krystallo said , worriedly.

"Well , someone had to keep guard , Dolion exchanged shifts with me so we both got some sleep , he is a good kid.."

"Dolion huh , he was shady at first but I think , after yesterday , its okay to trust him . Though he was our prime suspect."

"You are talking about what Noel said right? You think it might be someone in the BlackWing?"

"Possibly , can't be sure....Umm...I think she is..L..Laila!"

Krystallo and Malak ran towards Laila who had fainted on the grass.

Malak held her , as Krystallo touched her forehead. She was breathing heavily.

"You overdid it ...." Malak said in a soft tone to which she opened her eyes.

"I suppose...b..but..." She muttered , " I can now .....move my garden..."

"Move it...?' Krystallo asked , confusingly.

Laila said up , clutching her ferehead.

"I managed to create a garden as large as a day's journey in this island , so if anyone is a day closer to us or more , we will be able to detect them ....same for the crystal.....we can also..move to a location using Gleam , as long as it's within my garden but...since we can only do that..twice...let's use it wisely."

"...." Krystallo and Malak had both been rendered speechless.

"I think I can grow it fur- uhhhh." Malak laid her down on the grass and touched her forehead.

"No need to do any more than you have already done. If you don't rest , your effort might go to waste. Be wise , and go to sleep."

"Thankyou....Malak" she said and almost immediately fell asleep.

"My biggest fear..." Malak said as he looked at her sleeping face , " Is that someone might use her heart and sincerity to bring harm to others.....She is headstrong and doesn't think twice about a situation when her loved ones are involved ....and that is her biggest weakness....she wouldnt even hesitate ...to become a villain."

Malak and Krystallo continued to stay next to her as she slept.


* Same day and time*

"You attacked her!!!?" Zahhak said angrily as he heard that Somnium had cast a spell over Aleena and the Killers.

"Calm down Zahhak , have you forgotten where we are and why we are here.." Noir said to him in a calm tone as he sat on a rock listening to Somnium's and Aag's report.

Aranea and Fenrir stayed outside the circle sitting by the trees and watching,utterly unbothered.

"I know that but .... they shouldn't do anything... that..."

"Zahhak.....you know you are wrong ... " Noir punched him slightly on the arm.

Zahhak sighed and sat down on the boulder next to Noir.

"Zahhak ..." Somnium said , " I am sorry for making you feel frustrated... but I only did what was best for our team ...."

"Its alright....I was being unreasonable ..." Zahhak said with an apologetic look.

"Your sister....why is she in the Killer Academy?" Somnium asked with a serious look

"What do you mean ..."

"She is a BlackWing isn't she?" Somnium asked .

"A BlackWing?" Noir looked at Zahhak , who was staring at Somnium with an alarmed face.

"Hoooo...." Aranea muttered as she saw the talk progress.

"Aranea ..you are funny.." Fenrir said looking at her with innocent eyes of a child.

"I do indeed possess a fair sense of humor." Aranea replied.

"Hahaha...that's ticklish..Ahahaha Aranea stop!" Fenrir said as something tickled him . A faint shadow of a spider arm.

"How are they so ...casual right now..." Aag thought to herself.

"She was attacked by Giselle ...on a full moon night and bitten..." Zahhak said , "But she told me she was fine and had it all under control.."

" Did she? She was using the BlackWing force inside her at quite a large magnitude....I may be wrong but she won't be able to reject that side of hers if she keeps doing that.." Somnium said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" Zahhak asked.

"She will turn into a full-fledged BlackWing very soon, if the progress stays at the current rate.."

Zahhak was at a loss of words and Noir noticed.

"How about we all , keep moving .... the crystal won't find itself and I don't want to spend the rest of my life hiding my face if we lose."

He patted Zahhak's back as they all got up to leave.


" Somnium , how were they able to detect where you and Aag were?" Noir asked , "Oh wait...it must be Zakiyye...the long-range support they have."

Somnium nodded. Aag joined in the conversation as they kept walking.

"I am glad we have Aranea " Aag said , " Her range in likely larger than that killer boy."

"Likely but..... Then there is Laila ...with that insane range...." Zahhak shuddered , " That woman is crazy..... "

"We 'd be better off not coming in contact but that is definitely unavoidable." Aranea said , "We should probably think of a counter...". Fenrir walked next to her , holding her hand

"....I have a counter prepared for it already so we need not worry..." Somnium said , without turning back .

Zahhak , Noir and Aag stopped in their tracks.

Somnium stopped and looked back .

" What is it..." he said.

"Uh..no...You never looked like you were very interested in the tournament.." Aag said.

"I may not be....but my interest in hanging my head around in shame is even lower.." He replied.

"Man ! did the principal know how to make us work...." Noir said with a chuckle.




Stone and Giselle stood there , infront of a waterfall, washing their faces.

" Its funny how they chose this Island for their tournament...you think master had something to do with this decision?"

Giselle said.

" He probably did ..... after all...this is the Island where everything began...:" Stone replied , "What of that Yosei boy and the woman who took him with her,"

" The other two have gone after them .... they are likely to stay hidden until they reach their destination."

"We are to search for that Killer boy and bring him in to master.''

"Him and a few more... those twin brothers especially.....master is still not very happy about what their parents did...."

"Isn't this too much for just two people though..... we also have to convey the message... 'GIVE EISEN MY REGARDS' ...he said.."

"A seperate party will be dispatched for the Yoseis and the Killers...as for the BlackWings... we will be the ones facing them."

"Master has given us sufficient power ...there is nothing to worry about and besides....I have a sister I have been missing for a while now.."

"When she sees the truth...she will take your side."

"She will indeed."

Stone looked up at the orange and red sky ,

"All we have to do....is to wait for the night...to turn red." he mumbled
