

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 4 : The Children Who Suffered

" The Killer Academy ...?" they said

"The Academy where talents like yours belong , here you are wasting yourselves with mere bounty hunting .. the academy where your ancestors started , where you two will aswell , just like your parents"

"....we are not going...is what I should say but -" Batuhan looked at Jun "....If this is true , I doubt anyone will look for us even if we are gone anyways" There was a lonely sadness in Batuhan's eyes.

For Batuhan and Jun this was the first significant happening in their monotonous lives of killing strangers. For them , it wasn't a difficult decision to want to start a new life which might turn out to be somewhat meaningful.

Jun went silent , there was no reason to resist...there was nothing to resist for...they never had anything to stick around for...or anyone.

The woman looked at them and with a guilty expression turned her back at them,

"In this world ....children suffer for the mistakes made by adults.... " she said

Jun and Batuhan looked at her.

"Me...our whole family is to blame for this sadness in your eyes and I have no excuse for us. All I can say is that we were too weak to keep you...but trust me when I say this now..."

She swiftly turned around and hugged the two boys, who were nearly her height ,as if they were children.

"I will not let anyone lay a hand on a single hair of your heads"



for half a minute there was nothing but silence.

Then Batuhan and Jun both , dug there faces into this woman's shoulders, accepted her embrace , wrapped their arms around her and cried....as they finally heard the words they waited to, for an eternity .Flashbacks of their past , of how they fought to survive , how they discovered their talents in the first place , how hard it was to sleep hungry ,went through their minds as their grip got tighter.

This was the first time ....they cried their hearts out .

"I love you both so much.." the lady said under her breath and smiled , relieved .

The Mighty Moon , stayed silent as it threw its light on the finally united family.


"Are you two ready to go? " asked Aunt Iris while leaning against the wall next to the door of the house.

Batuhan and Jun wanted to take a few things from their house before leaving.

They changed out of their uniforms and stepped out of the house.

Batuhan wore an all black outfit with a jet black leather jacket that aunt Iris recognised . It was her brother's jacket, she almost saw him in Batuhan and smiled. Batuhan looked at her..

"Aunt ..you are being creepy.." said Batuhan

"Not my fault ...you look so...interesting"


"Lets go..."said Jun wearing a black cloak covering his whole body.

"Father's jacket and mother's cloak huh"

Iris looked at the two as the two boys were talking to each other. It was as if their parents had revived.

Jun and Batuhan noticed and stopped chatting.

"Aunt Iris?" Jun snapped his finger bringing her back to earth.

"Lets go " Batuhan placed his hand on her shoulder . The two boys smirked .

Aunt Iris smiled and snapped her fingers.

Out of nowhere,a red portal appeared infront of them.

" Time for your lives to really begin!!" Aunt Iris pushed the two boys into the portal and then followed in suite.
