

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 5 : Welcome To The Killer Academy .

"Mmmmm...." Jun rubbed his eyes.

"What happened...." mumbled Batuhan .

They got up and looked around.

White walls, white bedsheet ,warm light shining through the windows .

"Oh good , you are awake . For a moment we thought you two were done for "

Jun and Batuhan turned their attention towards a man wearing a black labcoat , glasses , silver hair , black gloves , maroon shirt and black jeans.

"I cant believe you two fainted...." said Aunt Iris , suddenly appearing between their beds , knocking Batuhan off his bed and Jun speechless.

"Now now Iris...be nice.." said the doctor in black helping Batuhan up.


"Even if its embarassing for you , its not their fault they are so weak and helpless...." said the doctor with a devilish smile .

Batuhan and Aunt Iris snapped .

"You win this one Jackal...but I' ll make you eat those words of yours soon." said Iris with her eyes gleaming and a deadly smile, as she stepped out of the infirmary.

"Ooh so scary..."

"Cmon boys , we are leaving."

Jun followed and pulled along Batuhan who was giving the doctor an angry look.

"It seems like Aslihan and Adonis never left us ...oh I miss them." said Dr.Jackal smiling but no one heard him.


"Is this the Killer Academy? " said Jun , following Aunt Iris through halls . The inside of this place was like that of an abandoned castle but there was a modern touch . It wasnt as gloomy and dark as its name suggested.

"Yes , we are going to introduce you two to the principle." Said aunt Iris.

The walls were painted scarlet red , the roof black with red glitter.

After a while they reached the priniciple's office door.

The door went all the way upto the roof.

All black with red shards that shone.

Aunt iris placed her hand on a shard in the centre as there was no door knob.

The doors opened slowly

"Pardon me sir.. I have brought my nephews"

Jun and Batuhan stepped into a large room in shape of a triangle surrounded by shelves loaded with books , full of sunlight because of the three huge windows on each wall.

A man was sitting in the centre , his right hand supporting his head , the other hand on the table .

His red eyes lit up as he saw his guests.

"Oh good lord...for a moment there I thought as if Aslihan and Adonis had walked in" the man straightened himself .

Jun and Batuhan sat down on chairs infront of him.

The man had a small black beard and black hair , His red eyes shone like gems .

He locked his hands as they supported his chin and smiled.

"You two must be Batuhan and Jun. Allow me to welcome you to your new home, The Killer Academy ...here we allow your killer instincts to run wild and sharpen your talents.-"

"So basically you turn us into killers and then use us? Is that it? Because I see no other need of this talent in this world" Jun who had been silent and observant for quite a while now finally spoke.His gaze meeting with the principal's eyes.

The principle smiled,

"Power is not equivalent to evil. Evil is a choice , my boy"

With that ,the room went dark , everyone except Batuhan and Jun seemed to have disappeared.

Batuhan and Jun stood back to back , even though they couldn't see each other , they could still feel each other's presence and an intense bloodlust from all directions,for the first time they let a drop of sweat roll down their cheek.

"Batuhan..." said Jun as if his brother already knew what he was about to say .

Batuhan touched his earring and Jun grabbed his glasses .

Jun's glasses turned into a pistol with a red gem embedded on it , its glow lighting up the darkness and Batuhan's earring became a hand knife, its blade made entirely of the red stone and a black handle , glowing.

"I am sorry for eating your pudding " said Batuhan with a relaxed smile.

"Dont worry , I will TRY not to shoot you" replied Jun with a smirk.

Stances ready and eyes glowing blood.
