

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 38: Curse


Bow , Dr.Jackal ,Aleena and Zahhak along with a nurse stood in Josh's room .

"Hang in there Josh...!" Bow said as she saw Josh's shivering body , his blood pressure lowered down to 90 . He was sweating and breathing heavily.

"He is cursed...." Dr.Jackal said, he looked behind at the nurse who nodded and ran outside.

"We will try to keep him in a stable state but to find the cure for this curse is up to all of you... you have to go to Noel...." Dr. Jackal rolled up his sleeves and wore his black gloves.

"But he was probably cursed by someone in Yosei territory while he was abducted," Zahhak asked , "Noel wouldn't be of much help...."

"We have no other choice , the others might still be at the academy , is there a way to communicate with them?" Bow asked Dr Jackal , but instead Zahhak made a hasty reply,

"I can contact Noir...." He opened his hand a black feather spawned out of it . He touched his forehead with it and then threw it out of the window with lightning speed.



"OUCH!!!!!!!" cried Noir as something hit him right onto his forehead and made him fall on the ground.

Jun and the rest who had just started walking turned back and saw him lying flat on the ground.

Noir sat up on his own and rubbed his forehead ,

"How many times....do I have to tell him not to send messages this way....." He mumbled and saw a black feather lying on his other hand.

"Well...Change of plans everyone!" Noir said out loud while still sitting on the ground.

"Why?" Jun asked .

"Because I just received a uhm...message..from Zahhak..." Noir said hesitantly.

"That...was a message....?" Batuhan said as he looked at the bump on Noir's forehead.

"It's only a Zahhak thing...the rest of us have normal modes of communications..." Noir said ,"We have to go to Noel , Josh has been cursed by the Yosei and is on the verge of death."

"..." despite the news , the crew was still in shock, looking at the feather.

"GET OVER IT!!!" Noir cried with a visible bump on his forehead.



"Laila....don't pull out all the petals....that boy was innocent , he even tried to HELP you." Krystallo said as he desperately tried to make Laila listen to reason.

"I will kill myself ..... before I take help from those murderers..." The hatred in her eyes was obvious.

"I..If you kill him they might kill off Noel...we can still use this as a bargaining chip..." Krystallo said , still not giving up.

"And how am I supposed to trust a word you say!? For all I know you are one of them!!"

"Don't trust me ! but aren't you going to consult with Malak either....you know he won't approve of what you are doing ....."

Laila winced a little and became silent.

The both of them stood there-



"And what brings you here?" Noel said with a smug face as he saw Zakiyye and Jun standing outside the bars holding him inside.

"You and your kind have been causing us alot of trouble ... " Zakiyye said,

"And we are here to put an end to all of them..." Jun completed.

Samuel and Batuhan stayed behind with Noir who wasn't allowed to enter , to keep him safe from attacks within the academy and keep an eye.

"Hoo...." Noel made an impressed face, "I don't like trouble either ..... seeing others in pain hurts me...I hate people who fight back the most ... not knowing when to give up is really a curse." Noel glared back at the two of them.

"The boy you abducted from the hospital ," Jun said , "He has been cursed."

"Has he now..." Noel said with a grin , "Laila can be very .... formidable sometimes"

"I know...I got to face her wrath head on...so I know how cruel she can be." Jun said.

"Hmm and so you don't want to waste time and come up with a quick solution....so..."Noel looked at Jun with sharp eyes ,"What's your offer?"

"Freedom" Jun said with serious eyes.

Zakiyye looked at him for a second but then turned his head back towards Noel , who was just as surprised.

" Quick indeed .... " Noel grinned , "Alright then ..." He tapped on the bars.

"But first ... " Jun sat down to his level and his red eyes shone in the darkness of the chamber , "You tell your leader to remove the curse."

"You seem to know alot about the curse...someone helped you...a Yosei wasn't ...he?" Noel stared at Jun to try and gain any information from his change of expression but Jun didnot flinch.

"I need a way to communicate...." Noel ," You know I can't use my gleam in this place."

"Your method of communication was never dependent on gleam," Zakiyye cut in , leaning against a wall , " I know how you communicate with your friends , just do it and don't waste our time."

"Tch.." Noel made an annoyed face that hardly suited his looks, "Fine.."

He shifted his robes a little and a sparkling light appeared floating in the air.

"Hey Laila...." He said.

As Laila stood in the garden with the rose in her hand she heard Noel's voice in her head.

"Noel!! Noel! Where are you ? Are you hurt!?" She cried back at the voice in her head.

Krystallo stood there in silence ,"Has Noel contacted her...That's good maybe they can negotiate now.."

"Laila I have something important to say to you ..... so listen closely to me."

"What is it?!"

"...." Noel smiled , his grin alarmed Zakiyye and Jun but before they could stop him , "Kill that boy."

He said and Laila immediately followed suite.

"Alright , I will trust you." and she gripped the petals with all her strength.

"NO!!" cried Krystallo , Zakiyye and Jun , in different worlds but the same feeling.

A strong wind blew towards Laila and before she could pull off the petals , she lost the flower to the wind which landed it in a familiar hand.

Krystallo looked up as the wind finally settled and smiled with relief when he saw his face.

"You two are in a serious need of being disciplined , Laila ! Noel !!" Malak said as he stepped into the garden.
