

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 30:Operation.

SOMEWHERE IN YOSEI TERRITORY-Few hours after teleportation.

"Wake up Jun...." Zahhak shook Jun , who had been out cold for a while since they stepped into the Yosei territory.

"Uhh....stop shaking me Batuhan...." Jun mumbled and sat up rubbing his eyes.

"How can you be so....defenseless..." Zahhak shook his head as Jun finally came back to the world with full conciousness.

He felt grass beneath his hands, looked around to see he was in a beautiful forest, butterflies and flowers of exotic colours, The daylight seeping through the trees almost silver. There was a soft and calming scent in the air.

"This land..." Jun was cut short by Zahhak.

"Is horrendous ." Said a voice . Jun turned his head to find a woman sitting next to the tree he supported his back on , holding a black handfan hiding her face.

"Aranea.....were you able to scout the area with ease?" Zahhak asked the woman.

"No soul in sight...I have laid out a number of traps ..though I doubt the Yoseis would be foolish enough to step into them...but they will atleast give us an alarm in case-"

"In case what?" Aranea was cut short by a voice in the air. The three of them stood back to back in stance.

"Ahahaha...My you are so adorable ..huddling up like that.."

The three of them felt an immense pressure that almost brought them to their knees. They were careful of every breath they took.

Finally. a woman stepped in from behind the trees. It was Laila. Her silver hair reflecting the glorious lights from the sun . Her eyes turned gold , shining.

"Ugh.." Aranea let out an annoyed sigh as she realized how her traps and hours of effort had just been for nothing.

"Dont be too harsh on yourself...little miss spider." Laila said as she looked at Aranea , "You see ....you were just out of luck that I happened to pass by ." Laila had a soft smile on her face but the vile energy that surrounded her had no good intentions.

"So tell me...to what do I owe the honor of having uninvited guests in my garden." Laila spread her arms in welcome and bowed.

"The Yosei have taken a friend from us....we are here only to have him back." Zahhak said in a careful tone.

"My....a Yosei would never do such a thing...what might be your reason for suspecting us?"


"Hm....you are silent...maybe it was not us who were the attackers but rather you , who had such intentions from the very beginning of this fateful encounter." Laila's eyes shone even brighter as she began to step towards the three of them.

A drop of sweat ran down Jun's cheek , his hands gripped his glasses tighter.

"Laila!! That kid we got from the Killers ! He woke up and is acting out again!!HAHAHA!!" A boy , around the age of Jun, came slowly running towards Laila. His light blue hair contrasting with the flowers, cut out roughly, wearing a white jacket above a light blue shirt with silver jewels as buttons. Light blue boots and white jeans. A long but slim ponytail flying in the air as he moved towards a.... clearly angry Laila.

"Huh..." he stopped , "Laila..who are these guys? Friends of yours?"

"Of all the times in the world.....Krystallo...you.." Laila made a facepalm in disappointment.

"Where is Josh?" Jun asked as he pointed his gun towards Laila.

"Don't worry...I'll be taking you to meet him myself." Golden energy surrounded her and Krystallo as they stood back to back surrounded by Aranea and Zahhak from the sides.

Laila's hair floated with the petals ,that surrounded her and Krystallo ,in air.

"We'll make sure of that..." Jun pulled the trigger and the fight began.



Noir stood alone infront of room 54 on the third floor.

He knocked.

There was no response.

He knocked again.

"Ethan....you better not have another disap-" Lute stopped as he saw an unfamiliar , definitely not Ethan , standing infront of him .

"Hello there! You must be Lute." Noir said with a smile , slowly waving his hand but Lute had already responded as a chair came flying towards Noir.

The chair made a loud sound and fell apart on impact , dust surrounded and hid Noir. Lute stood far into the room observing to see the result of his attack only to find , as the dust cleared , Noir still standing in the same pose only his eyes were shining neon green and his hand he was waving with had grown black and grey scales , much similar to that of a dragon.

"What is a BlackWing doing here!" Lute shouted

"I could ask the same to the Yosei here.." Noir said with a dark smile.

"Unbelievable!" Lute jumped and threw himself against the window. shattering it and falling towards to ground in an attempt to escape only to find Samuel standing right below ,his hands on his katana, smiling.

"Uhhhhhh!" Lute muttered as he dodged Samuel's slash in midair, he rotated and gained support from Samuel's back, he landed on the ground . He easily gained his footing and continued to run.

"So nimble!" Samuel ran after him annoyed.

As Lute stepped out of the gate he faced a barrage of arrows , he tried to dodge them but they got him on his leg and arm , causing him to stumble . He was about to regain his footing and break for it but was halted by Batuhan who placed a knife on his neck , his killer instinct wild enough to cause Lute to break a sweat.

"Move and I will not hesitate..." He said the words with such pressure that Lute dared not struggle and put his arms up as a sign of accepting his defeat. Bow stood infront of him as she was the one who had fired the decisive arrows.

There , sitting on the ground , Batuhan was tying his hands ,when the seemingly defeated Lute , grinned and a gleam surrounded him only , he felt a strike and the light immediately disappeared as he collapsed on the ground.

"Look at you..trying to escape before our very eyes...idiot." Zakiyye, the one who landed the blow, stood above their captured prey.

A successful operation.



Zahhak and Jun laid there, bruised and unable to stand.

Krystallo and Laila , almost unscathed and just a little out of breath , standing , dusting off their clothes.

Jun finally managed to get up and gain his footing...

"Please just stay down...is stubborness the only talents you Killers have?" Laila had an expression of pity.

"We...will be fine....I need you to go and find Josh and take him back to the academy....." Zahhak whispered to Aranea who had reduced to her spider form.

"GO!" Zahhak shouted and Jun shot his last shot with all the power he could muster up.

"UHHHH!" Laila shouted as Krystallo hid her eyes from the blinding light that surrounded her.

The light stayed for a few seconds and then gradually began to lower in intensity. When they finally recovered , they were no signs of Jun,Zahhak or Aranea.

"Pests..." Laila muttered , annoyed.
