

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 28: Vengeance


"Alright then....you may leave with your ..temporary alliance." Professor Kurookami signaled and the bounds released themselves from the wrists of confounded Noir and Zahhak.

"Sir! I must object! it is much too dangerous to let all of them roam freely...together. Please reconsider!" Ethan banged his hands on the principal"s table. His posture, demanding.

"You may be right about that Ethan...I shall assign you and that other student who accompanied you in capturing these..criminals, to monitor them."

"Monitor them..."

"Cant let these dangerous prisoners loose with absolutely no guard...where is that boy...Lute? I would have been quite happy to have him have his share of the glory aswell."

"He...he was called on by some other professor for a vital task ...sir.." Ethan stepped back and straightened himself.

"A busy boy indeed.....which reminds me...I have a failing academy to run...so it would be make me happy of you all would....leave now." his expression quickly changed from a soft one to a clearly annoyed one .

Not one of them uttered a word and took their leave.


"THREE DAYS!?" cried the three as they entered the ground.

"EXECUTE US!?" cried the two .

All anger directed towards one person, Zakkiye.

"If Josh has really been taken by the Yoseis....three days is all we have before he loses his mind to them." he said , hardly bothered by the cries.

"But..." Samuel stepped towards Zakkiye "Zak...we have no leads right now."

"Look around and you will find two BlackWings ...how about we start there." Batuhan said as he looked at Noir and Zahhak.

"Look..the fact that you didnot attack Aleena and Jun, since they are in detainment and not in a hospital , means you guys are very likely not to be the ones who attacked our students." Batuhan said in a calm tone.

"Well...atleast one of you seems to have some amount of wisdom."Noir shook his head in disappointment.

"There is someone who has infiltrated our academy and Ethan is meeting him right now." Zakiyye said casually.

"What..." Bow could only utter so many words after the multiple shocks she had received in the last twenty four hours.

"Is he always like this?" Zahhak asked Batuhan who nodded in affirmation.

"Theeeen lets go follow him?" Samuel forced a smile while desperately trying to control his temper.

"No use, the moment we step in we will be caught. So the first thing we need to do while Ethan isnt around, lets go and bring Aleena and Jun."

"Wait ...what...ohhh..." Samuel had many questions but they definitely had a priority.

"I will explain when we get them ...dont want to explain again."

Zakkiye said as they turned to leave.


Morning-Somewhere in the academy.

"I catch them for you and you still couldn't get them removed ? Are you being serious right now? Are you even trying?" said a boy with dark black hair, dark eyes and glasses wearing the academy robes.

Ethan stood infront of him , his head down.

"Lute..I am sorry...I.." Ethan mumbled but was quickly cut short.

"Sorry? Sorry for what? Ruining my night long worth hardwork ? Just to get YOU recognition? Should we even be friends anymore" he said standing close to Ethan's face. But Ethan refused to meet his eye.

"Fine...don't answer... monitor them for three days...don't let them have any leads...not that they are smart enough to find any..."

"I will follow them."

"Just do it right this time....."



"Uhh...." Josh muttered as he finally regained conciousness again. He had already been struck several times, his cheek bruised , his clothes in tathers and his hair dishevelled.

"Why are you so stubborn...."

Josh looked up to see the person , cause of his current situation . A snow white girl , in her teens , beautiful blue eyes , silver long hair falling on her shoulders. She was wearing green robes of silk with silver boots and green gloves. She was sitting right infront of him , on the grass that covered the whole cave. Flowers of the kind he had never seen before, butterflies abundant with a soft sweet scent filling the air.

Josh tried to sit up but he couldnt move. His body restrained by some unknown force,his wrist bound with green roots.

"Hey...I asked why are you so stubborn..?" she asked Josh again as he finally regained full conciousness.

"What..what do you even mean by that...ever since you got me abducted...you havent actually asked anything...all you did was throw around punches." Josh said in a heavy tone.

"Really? ohhhh sorry....I forgot to ask the question first....god I am so gullible sometimes.." She laughed with embarassment, " So like....tell me something about your principal...where does he keep that beast of his?"

"His beast....?"

"Now don't play dumb, please , its tiring....I got a friend here who can just rummage through your mind and get out all the answers ."

"Then just do it...I really dont know what you are talking about."

"UHHHH...Nooooo...." she put her hand on her head and rested it on it , "Really?After all the trouble we had to go through...poor Michelle."

"What do you people really want?"

"Hm....we just wanna know...." her look turned from that of an angel's to a devil's , her blue eyes turned gold, "How many of our people were killed by you killers , so that you could exist in the world."

"...." Josh was confused, he had no idea what to say in return.

"Silence means you people don't really know about your own history much too well do you?"

"I didnot kill anyone..." Josh mumbled.

"I am sorry..what was that." the girl leaned in .

"I said...I didnot kill anyone!" Josh shouted . The girl got taken aback and her look returned to usual.

"You didnt...I am sure...you seem hardly capable of it but-."

but she was cut short by Josh.

"But just how many of our people have you killed?! How many of our students have been sent to the hospital because of you loathing us for something we had no part in!" Josh's eyes turned red. The girl distanced herself a little, and raised her defenses.

"It would make sense if you had taken me because of the tournament...but for something that happened 200 years ago or possibly more !!? You yourself wouldn't have been born then!" Josh shouted

"But I was born! I was a struggling child who just learned to look!" The girl finally spoke up, her tone shaky with anger.


"....unlike you people who have no grief to carry...I remember the blood spilled in those days...all because we extended our hands in compassion to the wrong people!"

"And you think that was the Killers!?"

" I know it was."

"You are spilling blood for what you are not even sure of!?"

"Oh I am sure....because it exists ...the red night exists."

"We don't know what the red night means...we have been looking into it ourselves."

"What can you even learn from the libraries of the criminals themselves!?"

"Then take me to yours....or tell me what you need me to look into..I will help you!!" Josh shouted , not from anger ,but from compassion as perhaps the girl who hadn't noticed herself , had tears rolling down her eyes that held grief more than they held madness.


"Ha..haha..hahahahaha you take me for a fool don't you? I know the techniques of your kind very well." The tears had dried up as she pushed back Josh and her hand gripped his neck . She leaned close to his ear,

"I hate hypocrisy ....and your kind is built around it. We will win the tournament and everything else. We will get our revenge for the students you took from us. "

"But we didn't take any st-"

The girl's grip got tighter and Josh mind began to weigh,

"You think we don't know your tricks? You will lie here until I get every single student back from the Killers and the BlackWings , either I get them or I take away just as many ...from you."

"Y..you dont know ....w...what..you..are after....you are...just confused...a..and...angry.."Josh tried his best to speak with the air he had. The girl's grip got tighter and then she let go. Josh fell unconcious.

As Josh laid there still, the girl looked at him with thought , a look on her face that made her seem as if she was in doubt of her own decision, but it quickly changed and she turned to leave the cave , leaving his bruised body alone in the depth of the cave.


"So what do you think Laila?"

As Laila stepped outside the cave she was welcomed by Michelle.

"I think he may still be of some use....we can always ...add him to our team." Laila said smiling.

"Hmm..if you say so...but we will have to wait for Noel to return so he can ...fix him up a little. "

"Sure...besides..there is no greater revenge than having a loved one stand against you." she said with a smile.
