

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Acción
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 11: Reunion

"What was that all about- damn she bit the same hand i got the bullet in." said Aleena as she sat up . Jun helped her regain her balance.

"Are you alright?" Jun said worriedly.

"My hand feels numb. No other problems. Thanks Jun ."

"Aleena...." said a voice that was almost missed but Aleena caught it. Her heart wouldnt miss this sound even if the ears do.

Aleena turned her head to face the boy from BlackWing who just saved her life. She froze.

"Z..Zayne..." she spoke as her lips trembled.


As the fire that burned down their house in the human world, Aleena remembered running around in smoke in search for her brother.

"Zayne!!! Zayne where are you!!!" her tiny body bruised and burnt as she frantically ran around.

"Aleena!" The little girl turned around to see her twin brother trapped under the debris.

"Zayne!!!" were the last words she screamed as the roof finally gave up and fell on top of them.

The flashback ended.

"You were alive.... I am so glad...Zayne.." Tears fell as Aleena stepped forward.


"Ugh!!!!!" an intense headache stopped her in her tracks. She fell down as both Zahhak and Jun rushed to her side.

Zahhak touched her cheek with his hand ,


Aleena glared back with green eyes, his hand froze and she fell unconcious in his arms.

"I will take her to the academy's infirmary" Jun took her from Zahhak and was about to move out when Zahhak put his hand on Jun's shoulder.

"Though we may be enemies..but take care of my sister...she is the only family I have and I just got her back." Zahhak spoke but without any expressions showing on his face .

Jun smiled and nodded.

As Jun disappeared from sight, Zahhak's face suddenly turned serious , his eyes glowing.

"Now then, I have much to report to the principle...that man and what happened to Giselle...sigh...I am sorry Aleena, this day when we met again is going be the day your life turns into hell again..." he covered his head with his hood and was gone.


Samuel and Batuhan finished their rounds and were resting, sitting on a fountain.

"Batuhan , what do you suppose these attacks are all about?" Samuel said.

"Dont ask me, I just got here." Batuhan looked at Samuel but his face was unusally serious.

"What are you so afraid of? " Batuhan asked after noticing Samuel's expression.

"Ignorance" he said." Something big is going to happen ....we cant see it yet, but my killer instincts can sense bloodlust everywhere."

"Is the moon here always red?" Batuhan said .

"It went red the day our two elites were murdered.... since 15 years every night has been a red night. In the old books I once read that the moon turns red when an innocent person is killed for doing something noble...unless their revenge is taken, it stays that way."

"Who were the two elites?"

Samuel looked at Batuhan.

"Aslihan and Adonis...your parents."

Batuhan went silent for a while. After a long pause he spoke.

"Killed for doing a good deed..."

"They must have known something, hey....wait.. what do you say we find out ?" Samuel suddenly jumped up in excitement.


"Alright you agreed! We hit the library first thing tomorrow! Detective Bat and Sam are on their way" Samuel laughed as he put his arm around Batuhan.

"Yay...." Batuhan raised his hand as he sighed heavily , followed by a smile.
