

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 12 : Cry Alone with me


"Aleena...are you sure you dont need to tell anyone? " Dr Jackal , sitting in his usual chair in the infirmary, holding some test results , asked Aleena who was standing infront of him with the same smile she always wore.

"Yes. There is no need." Aleena nodded in affirmation.

"Alright. But the principle will need to know, I will let him know. You will have to follow up for regular checkups so we can catch any changes early on."

"I understand."

"You are free to go now. But have these tablets with you at all times. " Dr . Jackal handed her a pack of green tablets.

"Ofcourse...but what are they for..?"

"They will handle your symptoms well , for the time being."

"Thankyou." Aleena stepped out of the infirmary as Dr.Jackal saw her leave.

"My ...what a dilemma .." he said to himself as he stared at the roof.


*Principle Office

"A boy who seemed like a beast and two possibly blackwing students, one of whom left with the attacker after saving Aleena.

And Aleena's brother.....and all this happened on your first and only night patrol..." Mr. Kuro leaned back on his chair and stared back at Jun sitting infront of him who was visibly exhausted.

"Are you okay?" Mr Kuro asked.

"No." Jun replied instantly

"Ofcourse you arent..." Mr.Kurookami let out a small laugh.

"Alright. Thankyou for your report. You are relieved of classes today ." Principle Kuro said.

"So am I to forget about everything?"

"You want details?"


"Then find them yourself." Mr.Kuro smirked.


"If you want classified information, get good enough to take it from me."

Mr.Kurookami's eyes glowed red . Jun felt immense pressure that made him gasp. His forehead full of sweat, his breathing heavy.

Kuro looked at Jun

"Hmmm..i thought so."

He waved at Jun to leave and he did. He'do anything to get out of that room.

Jun sat down next to the door of the principle's office outside, as he tried to regain his senses.

"That bloodlust...that wasnt normal. Such refined and controlled power...not a shred of doubt..." Jun thought to himself "Man...he is so awesome." Jun couldnt hold back a smirk and got up to check on Aleena.

He checked in the infirmary, the classes, the library , she wasnt anywhere to be found.


*The Border Forest*

Aleena , covered in her cloak , made way through the branches to the site of the attack. The area was alot more clear in daylight .

"I finally made it....it was so hard to convince Bow not to follow me." Aleena laughed to herself....her lips began to tremble, her breathing became rapid, her hands felt cold, she sat on the grass , her forehead sweating and eyes reflecting grave fear. Tears fell from her crystal pink eyes as she buried her face in her knees...

"How did this happen! " she cried-

"I see your habit of crying alone still hasnt changed." said Zahhak as he sat behind Aleena, his back against hers.

"Zayne ..." Aleena said without looking back.

"I am sorry for what happened Aleena, Giselle was not herself at that moment.Something took hold of her. Being bitten on the night of a full moon is ..unfortunate."

"What will happen to me now?"

"Giselle was a vampire element blackwing...worst come worst..you might end up attacking your own friends."

"I dont want that to happen."

"Then join BlackWing.."

Aleena turned her head around , Zahhak turned to face her.

"That is your only option , my sister" Zahhak said .

Aleena had no answer. It was a battle between what was right and what she wanted.

Zahhak noticed that this was a decision she wouldnt be able to make anytime soon.

"Take your time..whatever you have left...

but know this-"

Zahhak rubbed Aleena's head with his hand and smiled softly, his glass pink eyes the same as his twin,

"I will always be by your side. If you are going to cry alone, cry alone with your family." he leaned forward , kissed her forehead and left.

Josh , hiding behind a tree, had his head down trying to understand all of what he just witnessed.
