
Killed blackbeard during ace battle, stole his power and robin, nami

During battle between Ace and Blackbeard a new character appears. He takes advantage of the battle and fatigue in order to kill Blackbeard and obtain his devil fruit and now starts his true conquest towards conquering the world If you enjoy please support me on my patreon Future 30+ chapters at patreon.com/Fanficbeelze Additionally, I have many other works readers may be interested in. Please enjoy! 

Fanficbeelze · Cómic
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34 Chs

Chapter 31: Shiryu Of The Rain

If you enjoy please support me on my patreon Future 30+ chapters at patreon.com/Fanficbeelze Additionally, I have many other works readers may be interested in. Please enjoy! 

"An interesting thing really happened. I didn't expect that the captain of the second division of the old man Whitebeard and the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army had such a relationship with the Straw Hat Boy."

Just when Sabo closed the call with Dragon and was about to leave Impel Down with everyone.

A sneer suddenly caught everyone's attention.

Turning his head to look, Mr. 3 was the first to be scared to death.


Locked inside is none other than the former Shichibukai Crocodile.

"Although I don't think there is much fun outside, but since the old man Whitebeard is planning to join the war, I really want to go out and have a look."

Crocodile grinned, locked his eyes on Ace, and said:

"How is it? Whitebeard's brat, you are in a hurry to save the Straw Hat, aren't you? If you cooperate with me, you can get out of here faster."

"Are you kidding me?!"

Without waiting for Ace to answer, Sabo took the lead in scolding:

"You are the criminal who framed King Cobra of Alabasta, how could we let you out!?"

Compared with Luffy, who is an idiot, Sabo, who was raised in the revolutionary army, obviously knows what would happen if he released prisoners from Impel Down.

He's not gonna release criminals like Crocodile who will create chaos just to help facilitate his escape.

"You are really naive, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army."

Crocodile sneered:

"There are only 3 hours left before the execution of the Straw Hat Boy. In such a short period of time, without relying on the strength of the prisoners, do you think you can make it in time?"

Sabo clenched his teeth.

Just as the two sides were deadlocked, Ivankov interjected:

"Sabo, this guy has a point."


"Let this guy out, but I warn you, Crocodile, you'd better not do anything suspicious, or I don't mind letting you recall the pain of the past."

Ivankov threatened Crocodile with a smile.

Crocodile frowned severely and stopped answering.

Obviously, he was afraid.



At the same time as the prison escape alliance team was established at the lowest level, LV6.

The top floor above ground is also unstable.


Accompanied by a loud bang that can hurt someone's eardrums, the main gate of Impel Down was crushed to pieces by the dark waves.

"Hey hey hey hey~ It's very dark and gloomy here, I think this place is not bad."

"The goal is LV6, right? That's the lowest level, and there must be many obstacles along the way."

"The biggest trouble is Director Magellan. It is said that his strength has only few rivals in the Marine and the government."

"Weihahaha! If you encounter anyone with a powerful Devil Fruit, please ask the captain to give it to me."

The crew of the Rhine Pirates walked through the gate one by one.

Then they lined up in two rows tacitly.

Rhine, who is the captain, walked into the large submarine prison and said with a smile:

"Don't be so excited, my friends, take your time~"

At this moment, the phone bugs of Commissioner Magellan and Vice Commissioner Hannyabal have been blasted.

"Director! Headed by [Fire Fist] Ace and Sabo, including Ivankov, Buggy, and Crocodile, the team consisting of hundreds of people has gone from LV6 to LV5!"

"Director! We really can't stop them! Please send reinforcements!"

"Vice Director! The Rhine Pirates have entered LV1! It's unclear what their purpose is!"

"The abilities of this group of people are too strange... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Magellan, who is currently at LV4, has a bruise on his head, and after a short thought, he made a decisive decision:

"I will immediately go to LV5 to suppress those idiots, and Hannyabal you will go to the top floor to resist Rhine!"

Hearing this, Sadi Chan, the head jailer, said with a troubled face:

"Director, I'm afraid the Vice Director can't stop those people, right?"

What is the strength of Hannyabal, as colleagues, can they not know?

"Just let him delay them, he can do this little thing,"

Magellan said coldly:

"And get that guy out!"

As soon as these words came out, Sadi Chan was shocked again.

"Director, you mean..."

Soon enough, Magellan's phone bug was connected to the brig.

"I'll leave Rhine to you."

Hearing the voice from the phone bug, sitting in the confinement room, the burly man in a gray military uniform slowly got up, and said indifferently:

"I understand."



Half an hour later, LV2 Wild Beast Hell.

"Although he doesn't have much strength, but he clearly has a backbone for a weak person like him."

Rhine rolled his eyes at Hannyabal, who was beaten. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was lying unconscious on the side of the road. After a slight smile, Rhine was ready to lead the crowd to move on.

"Hey hey hey hey~ I like it here, there are so many cute things, I want to take them back."

Perona was holding a civet cat that was almost the same size as Weevil and was wearing a Tang armor with a happy face.

Uh, according to Lafitte, this thing is a Zoan awakened ability user, Jailor Beast Mino Chihuahua.

Perona likes this kind of cute thing, but the other party is not willing to obey.

So Rhine rewarded it with a Conqueror's Haki.

The Chihuahua was so frightened that it didn't dare to show its teeth as if it had seen a tiger.

"Hey! Let us out!"

"Just let me go! I'll do anything!"

"I'm a big pirate with a reward of 8.8 million! If I join your pirate group, your group will definitely become more powerful."

When the prisoners in the cells on both sides saw Rhine and his party, they stretched out their arms one by one, trying to attract the attention of the other party in exchange for a chance of freedom.


"Captain, are we going to take these prisoners with us?"

Burgess pointed to the miscellaneous fish pirates in the cells on both sides.

Rhine didn't answer and moved on.

"Burgess, please don't ask such stupid questions."

Lafitte twirled the edge of his hat and laughed:

"It's a waste of space to take this kind of garbage with us."

Reminded by Lafitte, Burgess also realized that he asked a stupid question, and smiled awkwardly:

"Haha~ Just kidding, just kidding, I just want to ease the atmosphere~"

Whoa whoa whoa whoa!

When walking to the steps connecting LV2 Wild Beast Hell and LV3 Starvation Hell,

Rhine and his group could hear loud footsteps coming from ahead.

Judging from the sound volume, there were at least several hundred people.

And just as everyone expected.

Here comes the Impel Down Correctional Force in gray uniforms!

"We found it! It's the Rhine Pirates!"

"Why did the Seven Warlords of the Sea attack Impel Down?"

"We must not let them go one step further!"

"I'm counting on you, Chief Warden Shiryu!"

Surrounded by a group of prison guards, a burly, decorated man with a cigar in his mouth walked out slowly.

The eyes under the military cap stared at Rhine with a cold light, and said in a deep voice:

"You're the new Shichibukai who took over Crocodile's place~ Let me see what you can do."

After speaking, Shiryu put his right hand on the saber "Thunderstorm" at his waist.

"Compared to the previous garbage, this time it seems to be a stronger character."

Burgess blinked his eyes.

"Don't underestimate that person."

Van Augur looked at his eyes under the sniper scope and introduced:

"Shiryu of the Rain, rumored to be comparable to Magellan, the two iron walls of Impel Down."

Seeing that Shiryu had already shown his sword, Weevil sniffed his nose and walked out with his naginata twisted.

"Wait a minute, Weevil."

Rhine's voice suddenly sounded.


Weevil turned to look at Rhine.

"Your moves are too big. If you are not careful, this place will collapse. What's more serious is that if water pours in, it will be even more troublesome."

Rhine walked forward slowly.

"Leave it to me. I also want to test the new power I got."

"Captain, do we need to act together?"

Doc Q lay on Stronger back, weakly said.

"We don't have much time, right?"

Rhine smiled lightly, "Don't worry, it won't take too long."

There's another reason why Rhine chose to do it himself.

That is, he wants to personally convince Blackbeard's vice-captain in the original book!

"I was really underestimated."

Shiryu spat out the cigar in his mouth with a "pooh".

But before the cigar fell to the ground, the person had already turned into a bolt of lightning, rushing to Rhine in the posture of Iai.

So fast!

In the blink of an eye, the Rhine Pirates only had these two words in their minds.

As expected of an existence on a par with Magellan.

Thunderstorm unsheathed and aimed at Rhine's neck mercilessly.

"Nice! Warden Shiryu won!"

The prison guards in the rear were overjoyed and cheered.

However, when the sword was swung halfway.

It abruptly stopped in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, the prison guards who were applauding a second before were all stunned.

"Why, what's the matter? Why did the chief guard's sword stop?"

"Shiryu Warden, why didn't you attack him?"

However, Shiryu also had a look of astonishment on his face.

It's not that he doesn't want to slice Rhine's body.

Rather, the blade seemed to have encountered an invisible wall blocking itself, making it impossible to move forward at all.

"Devil Fruit's ability?"

Shiryu guessed.

"No, it's not,"

Rhine responded calmly:

"It's just a skill I just mastered."


The moment the voice fell, a dark red arc flashed by Shiryu's blade that had stopped in mid-air.

"This is!?"

Shiryu's expression changed again.

But before he could think about it, Rhine tried to punch him.

Shiryu twisted his wrist and changed his sword back, and finally blocked Rhine's fist at the last moment.


The moment the two sides touched, there was a crisp sound like metal colliding.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely strong air pressure erupted from the contact point between the fist and the back of the sword, setting off circles of air waves and rolling around.

The clothes of the members of the pirate group behind Rhine were thrown off their bodies and flew wildly.

Perona's pink ponytail was also blown up high.

And the hundreds of prison guards behind Shiryu were even more embarrassed, and those who were directly blown were thrown off their feet. What's more, they fell directly from the steps.


Shiryu clenched his fist tightly, and a layer of black film was attached to his sword.

Appeared, his Armament Haki!

In the next second, Shiryu held the handle of the sword with both hands and increased the force output to the limit.

The corner of Rhine's mouth curled up, and the pupils of his eyes shrank suddenly.


It was just a fleeting dark red arc just now.

Now, it seems to have self-awareness and began to attach a large number in Rhine's fists.

"What is this!?"

Shiryu's complexion changed.

It can't be blamed for his lack of knowledge.

After all, Conqueror's coating is too rare.


The shock wave was even more exaggerated than before, and a crack suddenly opened from under the two people's feet.

Then, there was a "boom".

The floor of the room hundreds of meters directly collapsed.

This was originally the handover area between LV2 and LV3.

The sudden change caught Rhine and Shiryu off guard and they fell to the LV3 Starvation Hell below.