
Chapter 9

The light of the day had long since dwindled to nothing, now as the night sky hang steadily across the city the air flowing from the window is cooler and damper than it had been. I swear that in the dark all my senses are alive if it weren't for the music I'd hear the skittering of an ant. That just comes from my abilities alone though.

Setting down my headphones I lay back into the chair grabbing my phone. It's well past midnight... 3:54 AM. No sense in sleeping now... might as well make sure everything is perfect for what comes next.

Feint knocks on wood echo through the apartment. Who might that be? I surely hope my headphones were plugged in... I glance back at the cord and it is a hundred percent connected. I push myself out and walk to the door.

Swinging it open slowly, I glance around to see her leaning against a wall with a bag thrown around her shoulder.

I can see her smirk in the dark, "'Sup?"

"Just busy with work for a change and yourself?"

She shrugs, "Just wandering around, I then remembered you also lack a sleeping schedule."

I shake my head, gesturing for her to come inside she flashes a smile. Pushing herself off the wall she throws her arms around my neck peeking my cheek before passing me.

Locking up behind her, I turn around to see her already making herself at home. The bag lying at the foot of the bed she is lying stretched out on the bed. As I come closer she sits upward against the wall. Sitting in my chair I turn to her.

"Okay... the real reason why you are here."

"Can't a girl miss you?"

"I didn't say that. I mean you could have called or texted to let me know you are coming."

She shrugs, "It's like you never check your phone."

My eyes widen, "Did I really not notice?" I grab my phone to quickly check, she bursts into laughter. I drop my phone back on the table with an embarrassed laugh, "It's four in the morning, fucking with me is very uncalled for."

"Oh... is it?"

I roll my eyes, "I am serious. What's wrong? You aren't very good at not looking pissed off."

Sighing she shoots me a quick glare before rubbing her temple, "No I am sorry. Just a bit frustrated, Eve really tore into us about that slip-up."

"You can't blame her," I state with a chuckle.

"Yeah, we fucked up. Listen I am sorry about forgetting the one important thing-"

I list myself to my feet jumping onto the bed next to her, she stops and waits for me to settle next to her. She rests her head on my shoulder.

"The one thing I shouldn't have forgotten about. I even ended up making you work through the night."

"It really is noth-"

"Yeah, nothing. It isn't about whether you are fine with it or not (Y/N). I fucked up where it should never have happened. I am just so goddamn lucky we have you... someone that is so talented. If it were anybody else it would have been a nightmare to deal with. Eve wouldn't have let me live it down."

I throw my arm around her and pull her closer squeezing her shoulder, "I know that in this line of work you have to be nothing short of perfect or they will hound your mistakes down." I can see she gets ready to respond, I shake my head, "Let me finish. You girls have Eve to make sure that everything goes perfectly even if it's impossible. Besides as you said you girls are indeed lucky to have me to cover your asses."

I can see her raise her brow, "Uh-hu."

I pull my arm back, "Ugh, so dramatic."

"Wait, where do you think you are going?"

I jump to my feet, staring at her over my shoulder her expression chunked a piece of my heart, "Tea or coffee?"

She visibly calms down sinking back into her spot, her eyes trail to the open window, "Coffee... please."

Walking to the counter I fill and boil the kettle. Grabbing two cups I fill it with coffee; shit I forgot to ask how much coffee and sugar.

Before I could turn around she wraps her arms around my waist pressing her face into my back.

Unaware of my own beating heart I can sense her low breathing as her warmth spreads to my back. Shutting my eyes I slow my breathing falling into a semi-consciousness. The sharp cold of the wind blowing towards us stinging the back of my neck.

Her grip on me tightens, "I still caused you a lot of work."

Turning around in her arm I return her embrace resting my head against hers, "I enjoy the work I do. Forget about it... it already happened so leave it all to me." She lifts her head locking her eyes onto mine.

"Thank you," she whispers. Hugging me tightly we then break apart she slides next to me. "The kettle is done."

Still staring at her a wide smile spreads across my face, turning back to the counter I hand her the cup.

"Feel free to add what you want."

Watching her make her coffee I lose myself in my own thoughts.

I would never blame anyone for feeling like this. If I ever made a mistake like this I wouldn't have forgotten about it myself but I guess it's different depending on the situation. Though even if she told me on our date I would have spent the night figuring shit out. It would still have been short notice. I will have to give it my all... I hope I don't disappoint.

Fixing myself a cup of coffee we both wander back to the bed, she sits down in the chair and I take her place on the bed.

"You been busy all night?"

I nod taking a sip, "Yeah, though the tips and guidelines I got from the artist were a waste of effort."

Suppressing a chuckle, "Why is that?"

"I mean... they expect me to understand what they mean when they chant the lyrics and then I will suddenly know the entire melody of their performance. In the end, I asked for the names of their work so that I could just hear it for myself. Had to pay to get ahold of some of them."

"That and your extremely limited time."

"It's nothing though. I pretty much got everything recorded, planned, and saved. I just need to finish up with you K/DA's intro and outro, just a little bit of fine-tuning and then we should be good to go."

"Let's hear it."

She grabs the headphones and starts inspecting the two tracks I have prepared for their performance. It isn't exactly special what I did but what I ended up doing was taking the general idea and flow of Popstars and incorporate it into a purely instrumental piece. I want to do more to it but I don't want to risk it overpowering their performance but rather empower it.

As the minutes pass a faint smile is visible on her face as she bops her head along with the track.

My phone lights up next to her, grabbing it I notice her gaze. She then returns to the workstation. Opening my phone, Eve texted me asking where Akali is... well whether or not she is with me.

'She is with me. Is everything okay over there?"

'We all are good just needed to cool our heads down a bit. If she ends up staying the rest of the morning there tell her we will see the two of you at twelve... it is a lot sooner than when we will be on.'

'I will tell her.'

'and REMEMBER you have to be there at Eight.'

'Yes-yes. Now get some sleep.'

She looks over to me worriedly, "What did she say?"

Checking the time, "Well I have to be there at eight. Looks like it's going to be a long fucking day for me."

"Yeah... that does suck."

"Well, you four have to be there at twelve. A long time before your performance but I guess it's just to rally group."

She relaxes into the chair, smiling as she stares at the city, "We usually come early to meet up with fans."

"I've seen the websites and the comments. They love K/DA and its members. It is good to see that you girls do your best to do something for your fans."

She yawns, "We even held a raffle event. Oh, that does remind me after your outro to end off the performance you are done for the day come meet us backstage. The winners will be coming to meet us in the back and well why not meet the day's DJ."

"I mean they are your fans."

"Nonsense, besides we might be a little late so we might need you to keep them entertained for a bit."

"I am too nice to you girls."

She jumps onto the bed resting against me, "That is why adore you." She yawns loudly flashing me a smile, "Let me rest my eyes a bit. I promise to do the same for you."

I kiss her forehead, "I might need it during the day."

She almost instantly passed out, I try to suppress my chuckle. Brushing her hair from her face I rest my head against the wall shutting my eyes. I'll finish it later... I will let her rest for a bit before I continue with my work.