
Kal Son of Odin

(Repost of my FANFIC STORY) Explore a universe where Kal-El the Last son of Kryptonian instead of being raised on Earth is instead raised in the halls of Asgard alongside Thor and Loki. Join us as we tell the tale of Kal Son of Odin, Prince of Asgard, God of Truth and Justice. Superman/Avengers crossover. Superman in Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Possible more DC-related content in the future than just MoS)

Luke5921 · Cómic
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56 Chs

Chapter 10 –Drinking and Weapons.

It had been several weeks since the Tournament of Titans and whilst the public celebrations had ended, the private ones were still in full swing.

Thor was celebrating in Glitnir alongside his brothers, his closet friends and the several other dozen individuals that he had also invited to share in his victory. Asgard's newest champion was currently drunk and standing on a table before the cheering sea of faces, lifting his cup before them.

"To Asgard! To my father! To Glory" Each one of Thor's drunken toasts was met by an equally drunken cheer from the crowd.

"TO THOR! Champion of Asgard!" Volstagg roared before downing his cup and collapsing backwards due to his intoxication.

The room was silent for a moment before Thor raised his own cup and roared his agreement causing the crowd to again cheer and return to their drinking.

As Thor lowered his cup, he observed the hall around him spotting his beloved brothers and dear friends, joy-filled his heart at knowing he had such good and faithful companions in life. He drained another cup that he picked up as he jumped off the table, wincing slightly as his ribs were still sore even after weeks of healing.

Thor saw Hogun sitting next to the collapsed Volstagg quietly sipping his drink whilst shaking his head at his friend's drunken state.

The other member of the trio Fandral was currently surrounded by half a dozen women of varying backgrounds from serving girls to highborn ladies, all of whom were enraptured by the golden-haired warrior.

"Then I jumped down and said, 'Well this isn't the feasting hall" Fandral's tale caused an explosion of giggles from the girls surrounding him, several of whom took the opportunity to lean forward to touch Fandral during their giggles.

Thor smiled at Fandral's action 'He is almost as good with the maidens as I am, almost' Thor thought to himself with a smirk. To prove his point, he merely winked at a small group of maidens he was passing, all of whom blushed and started giggling with one actually swooning.

Thor almost went over to the group deciding that if a mere wink would provide such a reaction his own presence would get him much further but was distracted by a very unusual sight and sound.

Namely, Lady Sif laughing.

Thor was grinning as he observed his closest friend having actual fun, she was sitting next to Kal's friend Haldor, and it was clear the two were very drunk. The usually shy Haldor had a confident grin on his face and was leaning into Sif's ear whispering something that was causing Sif to laugh and slap Haldor playfully on the chest.

"Oh, you are so bad," Sif stated in a drunken slur her face red from blushing and drinking.

"I try" Haldor replied in his own drunken confidence a grin plastered on his face.

Thor decided to leave the two alone for now, as he did not want to ruin Sif's fun as she rarely took time to enjoy herself.

Turning from the drunken pair, Thor saw Loki who was sitting in front of a makeshift group that was listening to one of his brother's fanciful tales. Thor almost suppressed a groan hoping that Loki's tale was not too outlandish and was thankful they were not on Midgard, the mortals there believed anything Loki said.

Looking at the group he also noticed the sisters Amora and Lorelai both of whom were in the group Loki was regaling but neither were really listening.

Lorelai kept turning slightly, glancing at Sif and Haldor, she had a look on her face that Thor in his drunken state could not discern but a part of him found it troubling. He then turned to look at her stunning sister Amora who was sitting next to Loki.

Amora was clearly sober and not interested in Loki's tale, a bored looked fixed on her face which was replaced by a flirtatious smile when she met Thor's eye, she even leaned forward to give him a better view down her -.

He quickly turned away, even in his drunken state he knew that was not a good idea. Despite what other parts of him were saying. He looked around for a distraction and instead saw someone that could use his company.

His little brother Kal was sitting at a table quietly sipping his drink and a strained smile on his face as he made small talk to the woman sitting next to him. The woman in question was the Lady Sigyn who was elegantly sipping mead out of a small cup as she sat next to Kal, the picture of grace and class even in this drunken setting.

Thor sighed and moved to save his little brother, loudly calling to them as he approached "Brother! Sigyn!"

Sigyn head turned elegantly, and a small polite smile graced her face as she bowed her head to her prince "Your highness."

Kal's face was a picture of relief at the sight of someone coming to talk to them, with Kal rapidly standing to talk to Thor.

"Thor! Um, we needed to talk right about you know that thing. In private!" Kal stated hurriedly almost leaping over the table to stand next to Thor.

"Oh, um yes of course." Thor quickly agreed with his little brother and tried to look as honest as he could.

"Forgive me, Sigyn this might take some time. You might want to retire for the night." Kal's face was plastered with a forced smile.

"I am fine to wait my prince, for your return." She gave a gentle regal bow of her head.

"Of course, you are," Kal whispered resignedly as he pulled Thor away.

Once they were away from Sigyn, Kal picked up an entire flagon of mead and drained it one go. "Thank you, brother, for the recuse."

"Oh, come now, it cannot be that bad. Sigyn is a fine maiden." Thor laughed and gestured at the partly obscured Sigyn who was still seated with sophistication and grace.

"Oh, it is. I mean she is great and beautiful but so dull, it is all duty, responsibility with her. There is ZERO spontaneity with her. I feel like I'm constantly at one of mother's dammed feasts." Kal bemoaned draining even more alcohol into as he talks.

Thor merely laughed at his brother's predicament, thankful that his mother had yet to try and play matchmaker for him. All she ever did was encourage him to spend time with Sif, which was fine, the two just sparred.

"It's not funny," Kal stated bluntly.

"Oh, it is brother very much," Thor stated between fits of laughter.

"Everywhere I go she is there, and I can't tell her to go away because of mother. I need to get off Asgard." Kal bemoaned in a whisper as to ensure they would not be overheard.

"Unfortunately, I cannot help with leaving Asgard but I do have a solution to your current situation," Thor stated whilst slapping his brother on the back.

"Which is?" Kal asked in equal parts hope and scepticism.

Thor simply grabbed two whole flagons from a table next to him and shoved one into Kal's hand. Grinning as he down his in one go.

Kal sighed, deciding to trust Thor, he proceeded to down his own. It was the last clear thing he could remember of the night.

Kal woke with a hammering in his head that he had never had before nor ever wished to experience again. It was like the dwarves of Nidavellir were in his skull with little hammers, attacking his brain.

"Morning my Prince." Sigyn's voice was clear next to him.

Kal's eyes suddenly flung open, his hangover forgotten, and he turned with all his speed to face Sigyn. He thanked the Allfathers that she was standing next to his bed instead of being in it and was fully dressed.

However, her presence still caused him confusion, as he turned to face her, he suddenly noticed that the room was not his own and that the bed he was in was not his bed.

"Uh Sigyn, uh where am I?" Kal started trying to clear his head, whilst gripping the sheet tightly around him.

"You are in my room, my prince. After the celebration, you wished to see where I lived, and once your arrived asked to see my room and then proceeded to fall asleep on my bed." Sigyn stated in her usual refined manner, whilst setting a tray before him.

"I have also brought you something to eat and drink, my prince" She gave a small bow of her head as stepped back.

Kal remembered something about asking to see where she lived, and if he recalled his own reasoning for wanting to see it was not flattering.

'Something vaguely in his head about how he wanted to know what place raised a joyless, frigid, emotionless, bi-.' Kal cut off his own thoughts slightly ashamed of himself for his behaviour.

He had fortunately not said anything of that sort to Sigyn or her parents that he vaguely remembered meeting, who had been kind enough to escort a rather drunken Kal on a tour of the home. As loyal servants of the crown, they had thought it an honour for Kal to be in their home regardless of his state.

"Thank you, and just call me Kal, please." He stated as he drank the concoction that Sigyn had brought and was surprised that it greatly helped with his headache.

"As you wish, my pri-, Kal. I will leave you to get sorted, also this arrived for you whilst you slept." Sigyn smiled softly and bowed her head, as she departed the room, leaving behind a small letter.

Kal ignored the food and letter for the moment instead drinking the last of the hangover-curing elixir, he then rose from the bed and was thankful that he appeared to be mostly clothed the only missing piece of clothing appearing to be his shirt.

He quickly located the missing garment that had been flung across the room, it was crumpled against the far wall. As he walked over, he passed across the ray of sunshine that was seeping in through the half-drawn blinds.

He stopped as the light hit him, feeling the familiar draw he always had to the golden rays. Allowing his skin to absorb the radiant rays he felt his hangover clear, and the sluggishness of his mind disappear, along with hunger that had been present.

Kal stood for a few moments more but finally pulled himself from the intoxicating experience and returned his shirt to its rightful place.

Now correctly dressed Kal moved back to the bed, he took his time to examine Sigyn's room, it was exactly as he pictured it. Formal, clean, tidy, and filled with everything one would imagine a highborn lady would have.

Kal was honestly a little disappointed and had hoped that Sigyn's room might show him a different side to the woman but alas it did not. It was almost puritanical to Kal's mind.

Returning to the bed he picked up the letter:

Dear Kal,

Your presence is required at the palace at your earliest convenience.



P.S. Please thank Lady Sigyn and her parents for allowing you to spend the night.

Kal silently cursed, he had hoped to hide his departure from the palace or at least where he had spent the night, he was not looking forward to the conversation that was waiting for him. He moved towards the bedroom door and quickly descended the stairs.

He was greeted by the sight of Sigyn and her parents sitting around their hearth, all of them rose as one and gave Kal either a bow or a curtsy.

"Uhh," was all Kal could manage as his eyes passed back and forth between Sigyn and her parents unsure how to address his drunken night spent in their house or that he did so in their daughter's bedroom.

"I hope your highness had a restful night sleep." Sigyn's mother addressed him, she spoke just like her daughter her voice filled with formality and duty.

"I did thank you. Um, I don't wish to seem ungrateful, and I am very grateful for the hospitality, but I am needed at the palace." Kal said whilst he tried to avoid eye contact with anyone.

"Of course, your highness. It was an honour to host a member of the royal family." Sigyn mother's words were given in a formal tone along with a deep curtesy.

Kal was unsure how to respond but Sigyn provided him with an exit by quickly walking over to him.

"I will see you out, your highness" Sigyn stated, quickly escorting Kal outside to a waiting steed.

Once outside Kal turned to face Sigyn, releasing a deep sigh and a slightly embarrassed look passing over his face.

"I just wanted to apologise for anything I might have said or d-" Kal began to apologise but was cut off by Sigyn raising her hand.

"Like my mother said it was an honour and you acted most honourably." She said formally before a slight smile graced her face. "You know for a drunken failing child."

Kal almost laughed at that pleasantly surprised by Sigyn's ability to tell a joke.

"Well thank you, I will let my parents know about your gracious hospitality. Until we meet again Lady Sigyn" Kal provided a small bow of his head.

"You are welcome, my pri-, Kal." Sigyn gave a small smile and a curtesy before returning to her family's home.

Kal smiled at that before turning back to the outside world and suddenly a crucial realisation overcame him as he took in the grand estate before him.

'Where in the name of Valhalla am I?'

It took Kal a lot longer than he wished to return to the Palace, midday had already passed by the time he walked into the royal wing of the Palace.

His mother was there to greet him, having a small meal with several of her ladies who were ideally chatting away as he tried to slip in.

"Ah, there you are my son. Ladies, please excuse me." Frigga rose and glided over to Kal, who was doing his best to seem innocent.

"Mother, you are looking lovely today." Kal flattered whilst giving his best innocent smile.

Frigga merely sighed and shook her head slightly "My darling boy what am I going doing with you. Please tell me that you didn't do anything …. Dishonourable whilst with Sigyn."

Kal's face went red hot "Mother, no! Of course not."

"Oh, thank the fates. Because that was a conversation I did not want to have with your father." Frigga sent up a small thank you to the fates.

"So, father doesn't know?" Kal asked with a little apprehension and a lot of hope.

"Well, he knows you didn't sleep in the palace, but I don't see the need to bother him with the particulars. AS long as it doesn't happen again, AND that you invite Sigyn as your guest to the next feast." The look on her face told Kal that this was not up for debate.

Kal swallowed deeply and gave a quick nod to agree to his mother's terms,

"Good, now come we are late." Frigga gave a smile and turned quickly walking out the royal quarters, forcing Kal to quickly follow.

"Late? Late for what?" Kal asked as he reached his mother's side.

"Well, if you had been here, you would know. Now come your Father has waited for you before starting." Frigga picked up the pace but still moved with grace and elegance.

Their destination was revealed to be his father's private study, the great doors flanked by two elite guards flung open as they approached allowing the pair to enter.

Kal's eyes quickly spotted Thor who was in much better shape than Kal thought he would have been, Thor looked no worse for wear despite the nights of heavy drinking. He stood tall and proud wearing his finest robes, a fact that made Kal wish he could have changed his clothes.

Loki however looked like a strong breeze would knock him over. His hair was a mess, his eyes were bloodshot, Kal was pretty sure that like him Loki was wearing the same clothes as the night before and Loki's eyes kept closing as he tried to stay awake.

Kal slipped in to stand next to Loki so that he, Loki and Thor stood in a line before their father who was joined by Frigga.

Odin gave a small, concerned look at his sons and then glanced at Frigga, who must have conveyed some message in her look that Kal could not see with her back turned as Odin merely straightened to his full height and returned to his usual stoic regal self.

"My son's. Know that I am proud of all that you have accomplished, that is why today I have decided that each of you shall receive a companion." Odin's statement caused immediate reactions.

Thor looked alarmed his eyes bugling wide, Kal spluttered out a cough in disbelief and Loki suddenly turned pale and very sober. Their reactions Frigga to smile and shake her head slightly.

"What your father means is a companion in battle, today if you desire it, you shall receive a weapon." Frigga clarified.

Thor's look of alarm turned to one of enthusiasm and relief, in his joy he slapped Loki on his back causing his brother to stumble slightly. Kal recovered too but was looking more intrigued than enthusiastic. Whilst Loki now slightly more awake just looked bored, weapons rarely interested him he preferred magic to physical arms.

"Truly?" Thor asked his eyes glinting with anticipation.

"Yes, my son. Remember though that the weapon you receive is merely a tool, a warrior's true strength is in his mind and his heart." Odin looked at each of his sons with deep solemn eyes.

Kal suddenly felt like a little boy again standing in front of his parents when they gave him and his brothers one of their grand lessons as he called them. They were always on the same theme duty, responsibility and respecting the power that they each possessed as princes of Asgard.

"Now, Thor as the eldest and champion of Asgard we shall begin with you" Odin's voice was a mixture of both seriousness and pride, gesturing for Thor to come forward.

Thor stepped forward and to Kal's eye his eldest brother stood taller at that moment, Thor's shoulder became squarer, and he stood straighter. Even though there was less than a half a foot difference between them Thor in that moment seemed to tower over Kal.

"I shall try to do my best to honour you and mother," Thor said proudly.

"Of that, I have no doubt. Now, for you my son, I have decided that an old weapon will be your companion and the focus of your great strength." Odin stepped to his side revealing a table behind him.

Sitting on the table was a hammer, it was one that Kal had never seen before. It was just under half a meter in length, with a large square grey head, along with a short round handle wrapped in brown leather, and culminated in a looped lanyard.

Although the weapon appeared rather simplistic Thor's eyes were transfixed on it as were Kal's and Loki's. The hammer although it appeared simplistic radiated power, Kal could feel it but it was a strange power, cold and brutal, the feeling one might get before a harsh storm.

"This my son is Mjolnir; it was forged from Uru by the dwarves of Nidavellir. It has no equal as a weapon to destroy or to create." Odin explained causing Thor to face him.

"Thank you, father." Thor reached out a hand to take Mjolnir but paused as Odin spoke once more.

"Just know that only the worthy may wield this hammer. So, ensure that you always are." Odin placed a reassuring hand on Thor's shoulder.

Kal heard Thor gulp slightly and his eldest brothers hand linger just over the handle of the hammer for a moment. Tiny sparks of lightning danced between Thor's hovering hand and the hammer as the room grew cold, almost as if in anticipation of the moment.

Finally, Thor gripped the hammer causing a small burst of light as the hammer became electrified in Thor's hand, lightning dancing the entire length of the hammer seemingly being pulled from Thor's own hand.

"HA!" Thor cried out in jubilation he gave the hammer a small swing and then tossed it into the air, instead of falling back down as it should for Thor to try and catch it, the hammer instead soared back towards Thor's hand the handle landing perfectly in his hand.

"Be careful, my son. The hammer is now the focus of your own power, it channels the power of storms and lightning that courses through your blood." Frigga tried to explain to Thor the source of the hammer's power.

However, Thor was paying little attention he was still examining or more accurately, playing with his new hammer. Oblivious to his mother or anyone else at that moment, throwing the hammer up and watching it streak back to his hand.

"THOR" Odin's sharp statement caused Thor to stand still again and look a little sheepish.

Frigga merely rolled her eyes and sighed at her eldest son's antic before turning towards Loki, she twisted her hand slightly and caused an ornate golden box to appear in her hand. She held the box gently as if it was a scared object.

"For you Loki, whilst these are not as powerful as Mjolnir they are no less special." Frigga handed the box to Loki.

Who looked down at the offered item with an inquisitive gaze, he opened the box a little sharply and pulled out the contents within.

It was a pair of very sharp ornate daggers, Loki took them out and gave them a twirl in his hands, along with a few practice cuts. Loki's eye was clearly sceptical to the worth of the blades, he ran a gloved hand along one edge to judge its sharpness.

"These my son were once mine; they were a gift from my brother Freyr, and they have a great capacity for mag-" Frigga began to explain the value of the blades to Loki.

However, whilst she did so Kal's hearing of their mother's explanation was cut off, a noise started to sound in his ears, unlike any he had ever heard before. It was like a siren's song that only Kal could hear that drowned out everything else.

As the rest of his family talked Kal was drawn to a nearby table, he did not know why but he felt something on it was calling to him. Whilst the table was full of items and papers, Kal immediately knew what he was after.

It was a black crystalline pendant, it was slightly difficult to make out the crest upon its top as it slowly rotated was suspended in the air by magic for study.

Kal did not know why but the pendant felt familiar like a forgotten memory, he reached out his hand and as his finger just graced it, he saw flashed within his mind. A strange people, a massive city, a man, and women in a tight embrace, that were trying to say something he could not hear.


The images ended as Kal pulled back his hand, his father was next to him a hand on his shoulder pulling his son back from the table.

"Sorry father, it was like it was calling to me. What is it?" Kal's eyes lingered on the pendant even now it called to him.

"Nothing you need concern yourself with, my son. It is merely a relic of people long since passed." Odin statement was given with a reassuring smile.

Kal merely nodded, accepting his father's words as he always did and moved away from the table back towards his brother who were both examining their new weapons. Kal was trying to shake the images from his mind, missing the brief concerned look that passed between his parents.

"Now, Kal it is your turn. This weapon I and your mother had newly forged for you by the dwarves of Nidavellir. This, my son, is the sword, Gram." Odin gestured to the table that had held Mjolnir.

Laying on the table now was a beautiful work of craftsmanship, it was a double-edged sword just over a meter in length, with a deep red leather grip, along with a golden cross-guard and pommel. The pommel head was crafted in the shape of a dragon's head and as Kal looked closely he could see runes carved down the length of the blades fuller.

Like Thor before him, Kal's hand hovered over the hilt he was hesitant to take up the blade, it looked so perfect the light glinting off it just right making the smooth silver coloured metal almost appear as if the blade was glowing.

After a few moments, Kal finally gripped the handle which caused him to wince slightly, the handle was hot, very hot almost so much that it nearly caused him to drop the blade. As he held firm, he saw the blade itself starting to glow slightly and felt a strange rush of heat flow from the blade to the handle then up his hand into his body.

It took a few moments, but he was starting to adjust to the heat of the blade, where at first it had been uncomfortable almost painful it was now like holding his hand in front of an open fire, warm and comforting yet still with a hint of danger.

"It's warm," Kal stated looking over to his parent, seeing a proud smile on both their faces.

"That is because you are holding the power of a star in your hand my son." Odin's explanation caused Kal's eyes to widen and then re-examine the blade.

"Like Thor, you draw your strength from the cosmos itself. However, where he gains his power from lightning and storms, you gain yours from the stars themselves, the heat and light they provide flow through you." Frigga gave her youngest a soft smile and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder as she stood next to him.

Kal blinked at his mother's revelation, although he supposed it was sort of obvious Kal had always been stronger in the daytime and when the golden rays of Asgard's stars were on him, he felt not only powerful but calmer too.

"This blade will strengthen you, my son, the dwarves entrapped a newly formed star was within the blade and craved powerful enchantments upon it," Odin spoke solemnly and placed his own hand on Kal's shoulder.

An act that caused his Kal to look away from the blade and stare into his father ancient eyes.

"This blade burns aways falsehoods and corruptions, whilst you hold it none my control you but yourself as long as you remain true. Gram requires great strength to wield my son, but beware unlike Mjolnir Gram can only destroy, be it falsehoods or flesh, so when you draw it be certain that you must use it." Odin gaze conveyed the seriousness of his statement to Kal.

"I will father." Kal nodded slowly.

"Well then, all I can say is that we are proud of you. Remember these are not toys but tools, weapons use them responsibly." Odin looked at Thor most of all.

The trio of princes all nodded their agreement as each of them were still studying the new weapons they had received.

"Of course, father, we will be the very model of responsibility," Thor stated with a wide grin.

Frigga sighed slightly as she removed the last piece of her jewellery placing it on the table at which she sat, casting her gaze into the mirror placed before her. Whilst lines had yet to form on her face, she could see the tiredness and age starting to creep into her eyes.

She moved slightly as she felt her husband wrap his arms around her and place a small kiss on her head.

"What troubles you, my love." Odin's voice was quiet as he looked at his queen in the mirror.

"Are we doing the right thing, with Kal? Or even Loki?" Frigga voice had the unusual quality of sounding unsure.

"I believe they are too young yet to understand the truth. When they are older, we will till them. We will tell them everything." Odin spoke softly placing another kiss on his wife's head.

"I know yet a part of me feels …... conflicted as if we are walking down a path that leads to tragedy." Frigga turned around to face her husband releasing an anxious sigh as she did so.

Odin released his own sigh and ran a hand over his face, not in frustration at his beloved wife but mostly to steel his own nerves at the course he had to take for the good of all.

"If we told them, we would feel better yes, at being honest with them, but that would be all that would change. Loki would retreat into himself believing himself a monster from the children's stories, think us lairs before he can understand what we have done and Kal…"

Odin trailed off releasing another deep sigh.

"And Kal, what do we tell him. That before where he had parents, a life, a people, a history he could rely on, he instead has questions with no answers, that he is alone with no one like him in the universe. That my love I will not do to either of them until I am certain they can handle it."

Odin's statement caused the room to go silent, a stillness lingered between the two as both digested his words, both staring at the other waiting for some sign. It was Frigga that gave it, as she nodded her head slightly and sighed in agreement.

"You are right my love, but we will have to tell them one day." Frigga statement although softly spoken was clearly an ultimatum for her agreement.

One that her wise husband accepted with a subtle nod and simple statement of "Of course when they are ready, we will tell them."

Content Frigga gave her husband a loving smile and rose to stroke his cheek as he was now sitting on their bed, both ready for the bliss of sleep.

However, a small doubt crept into Frigga's mind that she could not leave unaddressed.

"The pendant, it called to him." Frigga simple statement caused Odin to almost release a groan.

"Yes, I've been studying it for so long that I forgot it was in my study. I will have to place an enchantment on it to keep it from calling, as soon as I figure out how it did so." Odin's voice was one of clear frustration.

'Two decades of study and still nothing, I still cannot even tell what the dam thing is made from let alone how it works.' Odin's thoughts lingered on his failings to find anything useful regarding the pendant or the metal pod that brought Kal to them.

"Do you think it might have affected him?" Frigga asked slightly worried for her youngest child.

Odin shook his head softly, "My sight so no changes in the lad but I will have Chief Healer Eir take a look at him. I believe it merely signalled him somehow."

"Good, good. Well, hopefully, his new weapon should distract him." Frigga slowly nodded as she tried to dispel her fears.

"Yes, the dwarves did a fine job with Gram it is a fitting companion for the future protector of the throne and Asgard. I am sure Kal is well distracted." Odin now to was nodding, trying to dispel his own doubts that lingered at the edges of his mind.

Whilst on the other side of the palace, with the walls of the Sons of Odin's Hall Glitnir, Kal was indeed distracted.

Thor had decided that the only way to truly appreciate the momentous occasion of being gifted such powerful weapons by their parents was to host another celebration, only this time with more people.

Thor was currently drinking whilst he had placed Mjolnir on the floor as a challenge to see if anyone could lift it, and currently, no one could. Nearly everyone in the hall had attempted to lift the hammer, even Loki had tried but currently, only Thor proved worthy.

Loki too had started to drink playing with his new blades twirling them and showing off his impressive skills to equally drunk spectators who applauded at the simplistic act in their drunk state.

Whilst his brothers drank Kal sat in one corner of the hall, a look of concentration on his face as Gram rested next to him housed safely within its golden scabbard. Some drunken guests had tried to draw the blade but quickly abandoned the attempt when their hand's brunt simply by touching the hilt.

Even Thor had tried to draw the blade whilst Kal was distracted and whilst he had managed to pull the blade an inch from its scabbard, the crown prince too had released the blade as he felt his hand begin to burn.

Leaving Gram much like Mjolnir, with only one person able to wield it.

Kal had not even attempted to lift Mjolnir, he was currently scribbling something down on a piece of parchment he had borrowed from someone. Currently, Kal was focused only on the parchment before him, Ragnarök could occur, and he would fail to take notice.

And what was consuming Kal's vast and undivided attention on this night of glorious celebration, in truth Kal was not sure, what to call it.

He was sketching a river, it was a curvy one and the more Kal drew it the more it looked like the Sowilo rune, 𐌔, his father had shown him when he was younger. His father told him it meant Sól or sun in the old tongue.

He paused for a moment and looked at the river turned rune.

The 𐌔-like rune gazed back at him, and without even thinking he drew a diamond shield around his 𐌔 shaped river, it took less than a moment then he stared at it.

He knew it meant something, but exactly what he had no idea and what irked him most is that the strange rune seemed familiar to him, like a memory that lingered just out of reach. Without releasing Kal's right hand unconsciously started to crave the rune inside the diamond crest into the table, whilst he stared at the parchment before him.

An eternity seemed to pass for Kal, the noise of the revelry occurring around him was as distant as Midgard, the sole aspect of his focus was this strange rune that he had drawn.

He was finally broken from his enchantment by Thor who placed himself next to Kal, throwing his large frame onto the bench next to his little brother spilling the contents of his cup onto the table, partially soaking Kal's parchment.

"Brother! Come celebrate!" Thor's voice boomed as he wrapped an arm around Kal's shoulder's pulling him into a drunken hug.

"I'm alright brother truly, go celebrate," Kal said whilst chuckling at his brother's drunken antics.

"Oh no come now. We are the sons of Odin, wielders of Mjolnir and Gram, WE are drinking tonight. Not whatever that is." Thor forced a cup into Kal's hand whilst pointing at the table.

Kal took the drink balancing it slightly as the amber liquid splattered the table slightly due to Thor's drunkenness. Thor's statement also caused Kal to look at the table which now had a dozen of the strange 𐌔-like rune within diamond crests craved into it.

Kal blinked slightly and looked at his hand which had flakes of wood dust covering his index finger that had craved the symbol within the hard Asgardian oak table.

"I'm not sure what it is," Kal stated honestly.

"Bah, it is of no concern. Just drink." Thor commanded even trying to force Kal's cup to his brother's lips.

"Thor really I'm fine," Kal said with a smile and a laugh whilst trying to force his brother off him.

"Drink, or I'll invite the Lady Sigyn to the celebrations." Thor threatened with a grin.

"You wouldn't dare." Kal immediately stopped struggling and looked Thor dead in the eye.

"I would even get Loki to tell her it was because you insisted." Thor grinned as Kal's face became one of defeat. "Now drink!"

Kal allowed Thor to basically pour the amber nectar down his throat and then his elder brother drained his own.

"AH, ANOTHER!" Thor yelled smashing his cup on the floor causing a cheer to raise from the crowd.

With that Kal was dragged from his musings to the drunken celebrations unfolding within the hall, whilst Thor obtained an even larger cup Kal merely refilled his cup from one of the many flagons dotted around the room.

Kal sipped his drink as he slowly observed the room,

The Warriors Three were enjoying the night Fandral and Hogun were drinking together surrounded by a throng of maidens that they were entertaining with their stories. Whilst the third member of the trio Volstagg was nearby and in rare occurrence was not eating and instead seem enraptured with the brunette maiden sitting next to him.

Kal smiled at Volstagg and the maiden happy for his large friend before he suddenly turned his head as his eyes widen at another pair that was sequestered into their own corner of the world.

The pair were locked in a very passionate embrace and appeared to be sucking the life out of each other, which to be fair to them was not an uncommon sight late into celebrations such as these, drinks flowed, and Asgardians were a passionate people.

However, what was shocking for Kal was that he knew the pair, one was his dearest friend Haldor who whilst usually shy had apparently found courage at the bottom of the many cups around him as the other figure who was all but straddling him was the Lady Sif.

The pair was oblivious to the world around them as Sif started to claw at Haldor's clothes and Kal suddenly looked away and went red, cursing his heightened hearing as he heard both Sif and Haldor whisper things, he never wanted to hear from either of his closest friends' mouths.

It was this event that spurred Kal to take the task set by his brother Thor seriously and quickly started to drain as many cups and flagons as he could hoping the burning nectar would sear the words spoken by his friends from his memory.

The rest of the night became a blur for Kal, it was a swirl of drinks, signing and he believed possibly him talking to a very pretty maiden he had not met before but was unsure as the darkness of drink soon overcame his memory.

Kal was woken by first light, as the golden rays of the morning bathed him in their glow causing his body to once again become alive. He blinked as he dispelled the last vestiges of his drunken sleep from his mind.

He quickly looked around and sigh in deep relief as the room around him was his own, and that there was no one else present. Kal rose from his strewed position on his bed, cursing slightly as his feet touched the warm scabbard that housed Gram, which he has evidently deposited carelessly on the floor by his bed.

As Kal regained his sense he suddenly went pale at the state of his room, whilst he could not remember much from the night before he had clearly tried practising with his new sword.

The room was a mess, his wardrobe had been sliced in half, the table where he had his meals was a pile of smouldering rubble and there were scorched marks all over the room where he had clearly sliced the walls with Gram.

Before he could start to lament at the state of his room, his eye was drawn to the one area of the room that was seemingly intact, the stand that hosted his armour. Kal's eyes were drawn to one area in particular the centre of his breastplate.

The strange 𐌔-like rune within a diamond crest had been carved into the chest area of his armour, whereas the rest of the room was clearly the work of sloppy drunkenness, the rune had clearly been carved with great care.

Kal's finger ran over the symbol now emblazoned on his armour, the edges were straight and smooth with slight scorch marks if Kal guessed he somehow used Gram to crave the symbol into the near-indestructible armour.

The symbol was still mystifying to Kal, touching it caused a strange fleeting vision to appear in his mind. A man with jet-black hair was standing before him, the symbol emblazoned on his chest, he was smiling a deep love was present in his eyes, yet there was a hint of sombreness to the man.

The vision left him as soon as it came, it had been so brief that Kal wasn't even certain that it had occurred.

"Seems you had an interesting night, my son." His mother's voice sounded behind him causing Kal to turn.

"Um, I will clean this up," Kal said looking around the room.

Frigga could only smile as her youngest son suddenly became a small boy again in her mind, looking embarrassed at the mess he had caused promising to clean it up. However, her smile faltered as Kal's moved to pick up some debris, allowing her to see his armour.

"What is that on your armour, my son." Frigga asked calmly trying to keep the worry out of her voice.

"Oh that, I made it. I keep seeing the Sowilo rune in a diamond crest, I think because you told me about my power comes from the Stars." Kal rationalised his strange compulsion to draw the symbol.

"I am thinking of keeping it; it looks do you not think?" Kal stated with a smile as he admired the symbol on his chest.

"Oh, it looks very good my son, but if want a rune on your chest why not go for something more traditional like a Triquetra or Valknut. They are more recognisable symbols of Asgard." Frigga offered her son.

Kal could not see it, but a concern was lingering in his mother's eyes as looked at the unique symbol she had seen only once before on the strange pendant that Odin had found with Kal, all those years ago.

"Perhaps, but I think I'll keep it. It makes me feel, hopeful." Kal said with a smile as he turned to face his mother.

"Of course, it is your armour after all." Frigga forced a smile on her face as Kal looked at her.

Kal smiled and gave his mother a quick hug before he went back to tidying his room, however, Frigga stayed fixed staring at the symbol on her son's armour.

'We may not have time to wait for Kal to be ready, my love.' Frigga thought to herself as looked at the now ominous symbol.

(Authors Notes)

So I hope everyone enjoyed that.

I decided to give Kal a weapon in the end due to the fact although he is very powerful by himself there are many things in the Marvel Universe where physical power is not enough to hurt them, so a weapon is needed. Also in Marvel and Norse mythology every hero/god had their own unique weapon.

So Gram is a sword that exists both in Norse mythology and Marvel, I am using the marvel version with a slight tweak that it has been made specifically for Kal. Gram is also called the Sword of Truth and is a very dangerous weapon.

In this AU, I've decided to make it slightly similar to Mjolnir as in only one who is true can wield it, however, it also contains the power of star so it's not something many people can simply hold.

Anyway, the next chapter shall start the Midgard Arc I have planned, so get ready for Kal becoming a Norse god and dealing with Mortals for the first time.

I am also trying to post a poll for who Kal's Romance interest should be in the story, so keep an eye out the moment I figure it, it will be up.

As always please, Review, follow and favourite as you desire.

Luke5921creators' thoughts