
Kaguya Otsutsuki in Jujutsu Kaisen

An unfortunate life got reincarnated in Jujutsu Kaisen as Otsutsuki Kaguya. (kind of fix-it, slice of life) note: I only know what the anime knows and some manga spoilers that was accidentally bestowed upon me from memes. (eg: "Fraudkuna", idk why y'all be calling him that lol and "Go/jo" I figured that one out, why am I so smart? ) So my knowledge of Jumpjutsu Kaizen is limited. characters that you would expect to see from a certain time period might not be there or Mentioned. So you can consider this an AU of Jumpjutsu Kaizen. You kinda have to have at least basic Knowledge of Jujutsu Kaizen and Naruto. if you only have complete knowledge of only Naruto, that's fine! so do I! please enjoy this and don't take life too seriously lol

kidmerci_5 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

chapter 1. Kaguya Otsutsuki.

In a cloud dimension, there floating in the air was a sharply woman with silver flowing hair, white skin, red-plumped lisp and White eyes that gave the illusion of blindness. She has an other worldly appearance That, however, was not all, the most prominent feature of this woman was the red- vertical slited eye in her forehead and dark brown horns protruding from her head.

On the other side, stood four individuals in ninja garbs; one with black hair, pale skin and different coloured eyes– one red as the woman's and one purple, one with spiky blonde hair, tanned skin and eyes as blue as the sea, another with short-pink hair, fair skin and emerald eyes that burned with determination and the final individual, much taller than the rest, silver spiked hair, a mask covered face and different colored eyes- one red as the first one and one grey as a storm cloud.

" Why are you being an obstacle towards peace? " the woman softly said forming a shield to block a blow from the blonde one before striking the black haired one to the ground.

" Trapping people inside a tree isn't peace! " the blonde said before almost landing a blow on the woman who twist out of the way.

" Tell me then! What is peace?! " the woman snarled, " I gave humanity chance after chance, Options after Options!!!! Time After Time! Then I Did This Once–" She punched the pink one back and kicked away Grey eye. " AND IT WORKED!!!! THERE WAS PEACE FOR 400 YEARS BEFORE THAT THOSE TRAIDERS FOR SONS SEALED ME!!! "

The dimension switched to a lava one. She continued, " Do you know the worst part? I was conscious, IN THAT DAMN MOON I WAS CONSCIOUS!!!! UNABLE TO MOVE, TO SEE, TO HEAR, TO SMELL, TASTE— It was just me and my thoughts FOR CENTURIES!!" As her slender hand rose in the air, rains of bone ash rods covered the sky. " I will make the world peaceful once more and you will not stop me! "

This fight lasted for three continuous days


The goddess screamed in agony as the seal carved in her skin, rocks and other unknown materials flew towards her at the highest of speeds, tears flowed from her eyes as she tried to claw her way out– a futile attempt , before being forced in the air to create a new moon.

The goddess; Otsutsuki Kaguya, was sealed once Again.


in a different world, it was night time. The people who would usually stay up to watch for danger are just as asleep as the rest of the population. The reason for this phenomenon would be there was a full moon tonight.

The people in this world believed that there was a god living in the moon and on a full moon you must be asleep as it was believed that the god would visit the world and whomever saw them come into the world will die, which is why all the people of this land is asleep and silently hoping the moon god would bless them. However, one troublemaking child did not adhere to the wise elder's word watched the Moon with sparkling eyes.

As the night progress, the Moon Shone brighter and brighter, Illuminating the World in its White soft glow. Under the curious eyes of a troublemaker child, As if a switch flipped, the Moon suddenly turned Red as Blood and an intense feeling in the air appeared.

The child watched with wide-eyes and bated breath as a woman with long sliver hair, pale skin and equally white robes seemingly started to phase out of the moon.

The child could not fully comprehen what they were seeing however, what they could understand is that the woman was powerful– extremely so. Like a goddess

The child watched as the goddess tilted in her descent, her closed eyes snapped open as a wave of power blasted in the air. The child froze as the woman glanced in their direction before closing her eyes once more. The child could not describe the feeling that weighed on their chest. Like a puppet cut from their string the child sat down rapidly, blankly staring at the, Now, Normal looking moon.

Like a thief in the Night, the pressure was Gone and So was the Woman.

However, in the place of that, something burned and roared to life in the child.