
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 32

Juugo rose from his floor, stretching from the hours he'd been sitting with a groan.

He looked outside, pondering what time it was. It was pitch black, probably early morning as he looked back to his finished piece.

It wasn't a painting, far from it as he kneeled by the box he'd acquired, the very same he'd found in that tree mere days ago.

The headband lay within, looking up with a shining swirl.

It was precious to him.

Just like the rest, which was all sealed in the scroll sitting just beside it. His mother's scrolls, his 92nd edition of the Bingo Book. Kunai.

It would all be an antique soon enough, as Juugo closed the lid, forming the Ram sign with his hand.


The markings carved on the box began to move, flowing to a swirl on the top with silent speed.

A light pulsed, dying quickly as the box disappeared, not an edge to be seen.

Even Juugo might struggle to find it, given the improvements he'd made to the ancient seal. It belonged to him now, the seal his people had made.

Not the Demon Snake, as he'd come to call whoever had owned the other places he'd found, who's modifications to the seal were crude at best.

Juugo could see now, how much better the original was as he picked the invisible box up, carrying it to the very corner of his room.

Nobody would step there, as Juugo tucked it beside his cupboard, nodding as he stepped back with a pleased sigh. It had been weighing on his mind, more than he'd thought as he picked his jacket up.

May as well do something, since he wasn't tired as he walked through the empty corridors, thinking of the base he'd finally found.

Juugo would need to remove some things first, but that was alright as he came to reception, swiping the key he'd used more than once this past week.

It was a strange thing, as he came to the garden door. He didn't feel all that tired anymore, at the end of the day when others begged for sleep, Juugo didn't.

He looked up, feeling strong as the garden rustled in the breeze. Perhaps that was why, as he jumped to the roof, heading off towards the abandoned warehouse.

It reminded Juugo of his clan, how they too hadn't slept much. He'd just thought it was because they travelled, sleeping in the grass with all the noise around.

But it wasn't, as Juugo arrived at the strip of abandoned building, derelict with rows of damaged windows.

He smiled, feeling the irony as he came to the overgrown path, having been here before as he followed it down.

Juugo had found a way in, simple as it was as he walked to the broken window, hopping in with an easy stride.

It was dark tonight, as he looked around the messy space, seeing items that belonged in an office strewn on the floor.

A stapler.

A chair with wheels, two missing and a third broken… even a calendar, and more further in through the rooms that had once been a busy company.

Civilians. The base was built after they'd left, or been forced to leave by the Demon Snake.

Juugo didn't mind which, too thankful as he walked to a door that led to a basement, a boiler room that was old and rusted.

It was here where he'd found it, an underground base that spanned the biggest he'd come across. The entrance to which was on the floor, sitting discreetly in the centre of the smooth concrete.

Juugo would have to learn some Earth Jutsu, as he placed the palms of his hands down, directing his chakra to unlock the seal.


The floor fell away, creating rows of jagged steps leading down, deep through the earth as Juugo followed them, his feet tapping softly.

He walked for a minute, finding the depth it went quite disconcerting. It was perhaps, 50, 100 feet down.

Juugo had been worried about the air, until he'd noticed the moisture seeping in as he arrived in the rocky cave.

It was a cavern, rough and ragged along all its edges. The Demon Snake hadn't quite finished it then, the smooth stone completely absent as Juugo glanced along the long walls.

Juugo knew it had belonged to him. How could he not? As his eyes settled on the aquatic tanks, filled with things inside them, dead with eyes that stared at nothing. They didn't appear to be human, which Juugo was glad for as he walked the uneven stone.

The rest appeared to be unfinished, the floor at least level, while the space not especially high, ran long and broad to the trees that surrounded Konoha.

And the seals, they'd need to be redone as Juugo arrived at the wall, seeing the ink like the first he'd found.

He turned away, looking up at the ceiling where the tag was placed.

It would be a long project, one of study and development between his time at the Academy, and his demanding friends.

Hana was the worst, as he got to work on improving the seals.


Juugo hopped from the broken window, landing on the path which glimmered in the sun. The grass was moist this morning, catching the light as he walked casually away.

There were shinobi about, jumping across buildings on their way to work. They weren't interested in him, never a glance his way as Juugo carried on, arriving in the streets he was familiar with.

He'd forgotten to bring his bag today, feeling its absence as he passed the morning crowds. Seeing shops as they were opened, signs put up while mothers hurried their children.

Juugo stayed clear, walking with his hands in his pockets as he headed for the Academy. He'd get there in plenty of time, maybe even avoid a particularly persistent Hyuuga Matriarch too.

Miyumi Hyuuga.

He shook his head, unable to understand what her motivation was as he passed a Ramen stand, smelling the air as he slowed.

He'd not eaten, not since dinner last night as he drifted near. If it was busy, he'd move on.

But as he dipped beneath the hanging blinds, it wasn't.

Juugo found a seat, interested as a man bustled with noodles and broth.

"Good morning!" he said, looking back with a smile at Juugo. "Breakfast?"

Juugo nodded. "Ramen please."

That got a laugh from the man, who was nodding happily. "Ramen it is. Any preference?"

Juugo thought about it.


His favourite.

"Coming right up!"

The man turned away, rummaging in a fridge before sighing. "Ayame!"

He called her again, getting no response as Juugo watched him, a little amused.

She was either his wife, or his daughter.

Juugo went with daughter, feeling her up above as she combed her hair.

"One moment please."

The man left, hurrying up the stairs as the noodles boiled softly. He'd just put them on, a few minutes and they'd be done as Juugo waited.

He soon snickered, trying not to laugh as a comb was thrown, the girl angry at her father for something. It wasn't the fish, which Juugo could guess he wouldn't be having.

It was something else, something personal between them as she began to cry, giving her father a hard time while Juugo's smile faded.

Her mother, it would make sense as he felt the man approach.

"Sorry about that," he said, appearing a bit frazzled. "We're out of fish, would pork be alright?"

Juugo didn't mind, getting a grateful nod as the man quickly finished his food.

"Here you go," he said, setting it down as Juugo brought the notes from his pocket.

He was glad to spend them, as the man handed him his change.

It was Demon Snake money. "Thank you," said Juugo, digging in with a fork which he preferred. "It's good."

The man laughed, saying it was his father's recipe as Juugo nodded along, before finding his thoughts drift to the money in his pocket.

It wasn't a lot, just a few thousand he'd found stuffed in a draw of one of the bases he'd found. A hole by a tree than was little more than a room.

Juugo would enjoy the money, buy lunch every now and then as he finished his bowl.


"Have a good day!"

Juugo parted the blinds, looking both ways before joining the crowd.

He'd be late, which annoyed him.

But somehow, as he walked with his hands in his pockets.

He didn't care.


"Juugo. You're late."

Iruka looked at him from the board, in the middle of teaching as the class murmured.

Juugo bowed, apologising with no excuse.

He had none, none he could tell anyway.

"Take your seat. I'll let it pass this time."

Juugo walked to his seat, which was rightfully empty as he sat beside the girl who's name still escaped him.

Iruka began again, picking up where he left off about D rank missions.

"Juugo," she whispered, leaning uncomfortably near. "Where were you?"

Her eyes looked at him keenly, as if they were the closest of friends.

He ignored her.

She nudged his arm, looking annoyed as Juugo remained indifferent. "Hmph!"


She froze, missing as Juugo withheld his smirk, listening with the rest as Iruka told Kika to stop making noise.

"S-sorry Sensei."

She didn't bother him again, as the next 30 minutes passed in a blissful blur.

D rank missions were good for the village.

Teamwork was important.

No refunds after 3 working days.

Juugo didn't need a pen to remember such inane knowledge, and nor did another who snored softly at the back of the classroom.

The Nara.

Juugo knew he was awake, who was he kidding; everyone knew the Nara Clan's reputation.


"Right class," said Iruka, gaining their attention with the usual taps. "To the training field. We'll be doing something different today!"

It was a mixed response, as he watched a head of pink hair rise promptly.

She wasn't all that bad, as Juugo followed the line from the classroom, led by a serious Sakura. Her running had improved, now neat and well executed, her stamina too which was the best among the girls.

Perhaps they had been right to place her here, as they arrived outside.

"In a circle around me."

The grounds were dry and hard like usual, the group shuffling around Iruka as he spoke clearly. It left Juugo at the back, near Shikamaru and co.

Naruto saw him, giving him a competitive glare.

Juugo returned it, the two knowing who it would come down to.


Naruto – if it was running.


And maybe Kiba.

Though, as Juugo listened closely, hearing as Iruka explained what they'd be doing.

Maybe not.

"In pairs," he said, speaking loudly. "You'll be practicing basic Taijutsu, the same forms we've studied in the classroom."

Ah, they had hadn't they. Juugo had listened at first, then zoned out when Iruka simply read from the book.

"Can we pick our pairs?" said a girl up-front, one of Kika's friends.

Iruka shook his head, knowing that would be a bad idea. "I'll pick the pairs and don't worry! It's just practicing the forms."

He began to pair people up, choosing those that wouldn't chat or mess about with one another.

Boys vs Girls then.

"Juugo. With Sakura."

Sakura turned, having lingered near the front with Ino. She nodded. "Yes Sensei."

Juugo nodded too, accepting it as Sakura arrived in front of him.

"Hi Juugo."

She seemed happy, as he greeted her back.


They waited, just like the others in their own little spaces. Juugo spotted Naruto, standing with a grin by a skinny civilian girl.

Iruka gained their attention. "I want you to observe myself and Aki-sensei first, see how we move."

Aki-sensei appeared, arriving in a swirl of leaves that had the class smiling.

He waved.


They faced each other, making the seal of confrontation before adopting combative stances.

Iruka jabbed, far slower and with a standard fist.


Aki blocked, raising his guard so they could all see how a block was performed.

Back and forth, attack and defend as the class watched in wonder.

Juugo enjoyed it too.

"Alright class," said Iruka, stepping back with a light huff. "Anything unclear?"

Sakura raised her hand, the tips of her hair sweeping her shoulder.

Juugo listened.

"Sensei," she said, glancing at a few of the pairs. "Do we have to touch each other? Or just pretend to fight so we learn the forms?"

She was nervous then, as Juugo watched her wait for Iruka's response. He felt the others too, particularly Chouji who tensed every few seconds.

"You don't need to make contact," said Iruka after a moment's pause. "But if you feel able, then do so. We'll be moving ahead next week."

Sakura nodded, turning back to Juugo with a cautious air.

"Ready when you are," he offered, feeling no rush to begin as Sakura readied, her eyes filled with resolve.

Juugo smiled.


Sakura dodged his fist, her heart racing as she felt it glance her clothing.

It had been 2 hours, and he still wasn't tired.


She was panting, waiving an arm as he stopped without protest. "Break."

He nodded, waiting as Sakura wiped her brow, taking a deep breath he he walked towards her.

There was something about him, as he kindly offered to retrieve another water bottle, heading off to the table in the shade as Sakura looked at him.


Her eyes trailed across his back, then down to the muscles in his legs as he passed between the others, having to dodge the likes of Kiba who wasn't holding back in his spar with Ino.

Sakura looked away, feeling glad she'd been partnered with Juugo, who turned out to be a calm and perceptive person.

He'd helped to correct her forms too, even showing her how with simple demonstrations.

She shook her head.

He'd been a blur.


It was Ino, waving at her as she arrived in an annoyed strop.

Kiba was off getting water.

"How is it?" she asked, coming to her side with her hair swishing behind. Ino liked to keep her hair long, while Sakura preferred it at shoulder length.

Sakura smirked. "How's Kiba?"


Ino rubbed her arm, which hurt. "Such a brute."

Sakura made a face, having seen as she checked her over, getting a grateful nod from her closest friend. "You're okay," she confirmed, smiling at Ino's 'you sure?'


Ino sighed, turning to watch as more groups stopped for a drink or simply gave up, now watching from the shade.

Shikamaru had quit over an hour ago.

"Sakura," began Ino, looking with a frown across Sakura's unblemished arms. "Have you gotten better?"

There wasn't a mark on her, just a glistening layer of sweat.

"Better?" she blinked, not seeing how she could be. "I've only practiced with you. Twice."

And the running, which she'd come to enjoy.

She chuckled then, wondering what Ino could mean as she spotted Juugo, who was finally walking back with a bottle of water.

He didn't need one, apparently.

Ino prodded her arm. "You're fine," she accused. "You were fighting Juugo weren't you? He's not exactly small."

To the contrary, as Ino noticed him too, seeing the strength his frame carried.

She frowned, seeing him dodge a falling body, moving around with practiced ease.

Ino looked to Sakura. Then back.

He'd gone easy on her.

"See you later Sakura," she said, passing Juugo with guarded glance as he settled beside Sakura.

"Here," he said.

Sakura took it, smiling with thanks. She watched him as she drank, seeing his eyes following Ino away, his gaze unreadable.

"Come on," she said, rolling the water away. "Another round."

Sakura flicked his arm as she passed, giggling as he grumbled, taking his stance. "Don't go so low," he said, seeing how her fatigue show in her weaker stance. "Higher."

She adjusted. "Thanks."

She attacked, unable to help her frown as her fist with an open palm. Their eyes met. "Stop taking it easy on me," she said, jumping back to avoid his sweeping kick.

"I am not."

"Yes, you are."

He inclined his head.

Something floored her, a fist as it buried into her gut.

The lights faltered, blinking shut as Juugo peered down at her.

He had pretty eyes, like the sun as she slipped into dream.



Gotta love Sakura, she's a bit different that in canon. Better and less annoying.

Thanks for everyone who's following, really amped for writing the rest :)

Pa – treon dot com / bactum if you want to read ahead and support me in my FanFiction journey.

Till next time!