
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
62 Chs

Memories come and go.

'Calm down a bit.' I weaken the flames covering my body. 'That was embarrassing.' I do a quick look over my body. 'It's completely scorched and breaking apart. This fight needs to end quick.'

'I'm a trained jujutsu sorcerer. I should be much more careful.' I stare down at Januma. 'He's wearing gloves so he doesn't accidently use his technique. I just need to cut his hands off.'

I make a flaming sword and lunge towards him. I slash at his waist first and as expected he moves backwards to dodge. I throw the sword at his face and form a flame ball between my fingers.

He uses cursed energy to destabilise the sword. 'He's open for an attack.' I strengthen the flame ball in one hand and thrust it straight to his stomach. All my steps are deliberately heavy.

He puts his arms together to block his stomach from burning. 'How did he do that?' My flame ball dissappeared the moment it touched his gloves. 'I know it's not his cursed technique so it must be a special grade tool!'

He throws a strong right hook that connects with my face. I'm left stunned for less than half a second when I feel another speeding punch in my stomach.

"Bllefgh!"I cough up blood. He tries to get closer for another attack but before he could I raise my arm. Sharp burning spears appear from the ground and go straight through his body. I see him gasp in surprise and pain.

'Thanks for the tip Sachi.' He is now struggling to take a step forward. 'His blood is boiling from the inside and a few bones in his leg are crushed.' I try to keep my face calm. 'I'm going to win this.'

I cancel my cursed technique. 'I'm almost out of cursed energy. It must end it on the next strike!' I prepare myself whilst Januma simply stares at me with cold brown eyes.

'He doesn't seem too bothered now that the shock is gone.' I hate to admit it but that bothers me.

I clutch my mouth with my tattered hand. 'My body is breaking apart. How can I end this without dying?'

"I'm sorry but I'll make sure it's quick."

"Who are you to decide that!" It seem like he ignored my words. 'The next few minutes will end this fight.' I about to charge up my attack until I see something that completely catches me off guard.

"Domain Expansion:

I don't even bother listening to him before I start charging up my domain even further. 'I WILL PERFECT MY DOMAIN.'

'I'm putting all of my cursed energy into this!' I try again. And again. And again. Within those few seconds my desperation made it seem as if time was moving slowly. I tried again. Again. Again. Again. And again.

'Imagine a barrier and imbue your cursed technique into it. I'm almost there!' My past experiences of perfecting my domain come into play. 'That didn't work before. This did. Now just connect all of your experience!'

My desperation to unlock my true domain felt powerful. Powerful enough to slow time itself. Until... I finally perfected it.

Domain Expansion: A Thousand Sun's

'It's done. IT'S DONE!'















I find myself in a completely white room. Only a window and a table along with two more chairs were the only objects in the room.

"Come on Dad!" I look to my left to see my daughter.

"Did you really need to?" I shrug my shoulders in respond feeling a little embarrassed.

"I kinda agree with th-"

"Shut up you!" I glare at the waste of space on my right. This bastard took my daughter! Said bastard shrinks away in response.

"Don't be mean dad. Just drink tea." My dear daughter hands me drink. I take a small sip and place it back on the glass table.

"Was it hard?" She fiddles with her emerald hair as she says this.

"Yes." A simple reply was the only thing that came from my mouth.

Silence envelops all three of us for a moment. "I shouldn't have done any of this." The entire room is still silent.

"Well... Sachi is fine at least." I nod at what the bastard said.

"Toji will take care of her." I look down inside my tea as I say this. "Well at least I perfected my domain...I guess." Not once in my life have I ever sounded so unsure of myself. I really hate how blind I was..

"Don't worry, I will always remember you as a good guy father in law!" I flash him the middle finger.

"Daaad!" I tilt my head and feign ignorance. We all end up laughing.

"That felt like a quick fight perhaps I was just too weak." I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Midori. I look away.

"Sometimes you feel like you're drowning in your feelings. I can understand that. For now let's just hope for the best." She suddenly looks like she was struck by an idea.

"Let's hope for a miracle! Isn't that what we named her after?" All I could do was nod in reply.

Desmond pov:

I was sitting in a room far away from the fight yet it was still visible to my eyes. 'The result is to be expected. After all Kisohi has used a perfected domain for far longer than Kagatsuchi.' I relax in my shiny gold chair.

'Kagatsuchi stood no chance.' I smile. 'Kioshi Januma is a special grade curse user. What cou-' I freeze for a moment. 'That Gojo kid is now 11. When he joins Jujutsu High we have to keep our operations much more secure.'

I grimace. 'So much work to do.'

"Uurghh." I get off my chair. 'Either way I am right. The past will always crumble to dust.' The ugly line across my face throbs slightly.

Scene Change: Meeting room

I nod in understanding of Noritoshi's statements. 'The fact that he was able to send a message directly to us definitely means he is part of the Jujutsu world.'

"I'm sure continuing all of your operations will be extremely tiresome because of that Gojo kid." He smiles as he says this.

My heartbeat increases rapidly. 'This is definitely going to be crazy talk or a outrageous plan.' A smirk plays on my lips.

"Yes when he grows up it is bound to cause many nuisances." I grip the wool couch hard. 'This better be worth it!'

I see Noritoshi stifle a laugh. "The plan will take a few years definitely. However, it insures that Gojo Satoru will be completely restricted."

"I see. Let's hear this plan." I'm too curious now.

"Unfortunately, I can't divulge all of the details but as I said before Gojo Satoru will be restricted. Perhaps you could even say sealed." A rather creepy smile is evident on his face.

'He hasn't handed me anything I can actually trust. This really may be a scam.' I tilt my head pretending to think.

"I already know you don't trust me but we could establish a proper agreement for a few years. I will help you now and in the future you will do anything I ask of you."

'That's pretty demanding. Although, I am curious as to how, he saw through me so easily perhaps it means he might have some ability after all.'

He hands me a folded document. I quickly open and freeze for a few moments. I look up.

"I hope this will be the beginning of a wonderful relationship." It's there again. That crooked smile.

"Of course Noritoshi! I can already hear the wedding bells." He laughs at my joke and in the end we shake hands and conclude our deal.