
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

A lesson before the storms. All about weapons!

"Bye bye!" I run off after waving Unohana goodbye. 'Now I have Toji's lessons to look forward to!' The spring in my step is clear.

I eventually reach the secret hole in the ground and jump in. 'I'm glad I made this my usual routine home. It's so much faster!'

I keep flying further down the tunnel and in a few minutes I reach home! 'Will I finally learn the secret for special grade tools?' Probably not but there's always a chance.

I'm already speeding through the house straight to my science lab. The door is opened with a Bang! I race towards Toji.

"Stop." I stop. I look at him with a beaming face. He sighs tiredly and murmurs a few curse words. "You need to know how to get better materials. I got this from the library." He hands me a rather dull looking book.

"I borrowed this from Jujutsu History Of The Ages." Ah! So he stole it! "You'll find a few good Jujutsu materials there." He goes to one of the tables and jumps on it only to start resting as if he is taking a nap.

'He won't listen to anything I say until I'm done. Let's start!'

All materials for cursed tools (Full Book)

By Author Rynin

'So it's just an explanation of what a cursed tool is.' I flip a few pages. 'Jitaneum. A common material used during the Nara Period. Mostly those living in near poverty would use this.'

I drop to the cold floor and lay on it. 'Although common, thoroughly trained sorcerers have stated 'Brittle but effective in battle.' Nice but not my ideal material.

I look through the history of the person who created it. 'Just an average sorcerer who was a bit more competent than usual.' I keep reading.

'J absorb. Let's see what Rynin has to say about this.'

A substance used for sorcerers in training to better absorb cursed energy. It is also used for cursed tools to absorb the energy of its wielder. As well as being a key component for making special grade tools.

I stop reading and look up at Tojj who is still resting on my science table. 'This is probably some top secret book considering it outright said this. Though, anyone with a brain could figure out this is definitely needed.'

I look down again. 'Toji won't tell me anything until I finish this.' I keep diligently looking through.

In the Heian Period in order to battle the King Of Curses sorcerers all over the country and even world looked for stronger cursed techniques and tools.

The three great clans joined together and found a new material. Curseinum.

'All the clans? This is really getting interesting!'

During the Golden Age Of Sorcerers this material was used for grade 1 and special grade tools. 'This is exactly what I want!'

Although the clans found many Curseinum it did not often spread to those outside the clan. 'Either Toji or Unohana may be able to help.' I keep looking further.

I keep flipping through until I land on something that left me in shock. 'This is clearly a secret book from the three great clans.'

During the Keichõ Period the head of the Gojo Clan wielding the famed Six eyes and the head of the Zenin Clan who had access to the prized technique of the Zenin's fought to the death.

From the reports the head of the Zenin Clan used a weapon made from Curseinum though it was destroyed in the fight.

I skim through the rest of the pages because I was content with what I've found.

"Soooooooo. Curseinum eh?" Toji only shuffles slightly. "Where can I get it?"

He heaves a heavy sigh and rolls off the table. He draws something from his pants. A weapon. One I recognise.

I wait for him to explain. "This is a katana I made." Don't look like one. "I used Curseinum to complete its technique. Curseinum itself works like J absorb." I nod.

"However, it absorbs and uses cursed energy. J absorb is only necessary for the weapon to have even more cursed energy to sustain itself." That's new.

"To put a cursed technique into a weapon you have a few ways."

1. Binding vows

"Stuff like in exchange for blah blah stuff you get this technique. Although, about 2 to 4 binding vows are necessary for the weapon to receive the technique you want."

2. Infused metals.

"Basically, you use metals like Curseinum but before you use it for weapons. First, you expose it to cursed energy of a certain type."

"Like fire cursed energy?" I ask. He tiredly nods in response.

"The weapon will then have a technique related to fire instead of an abstract one. An abstract technique is one like, upon contact all techniques are forcefully disabled."

"That isn't related to anything like fire or some type of cursed energy." I make sure to remember this.

"However, if you think about it perhaps it may seem more related to a cursed technique." I pause for a moment then nod in understanding.

'So expose it to a cursed technique or type of energy before making it.'

3. Technique transfer

"This is completely... how do you say it?" I think about what he might mean.

"Theoretical?" I say. He seems confused for a moment but then just shrugs.

"It's not proven but it does seem possible to do." So it was theoretical.

"Either way that's it. Lesson over." He quickly races to go home. I try to call out for him but he doesn't listen. Naturally, I follow him.







He grits his teeth in annoyance. 'He tried to run away but I just flew toward him. Though, I don't want admit it, he made lose track sometimes.

"Just let her in." I hear a woman's voice. I raise my eyebrow a few times at Toji. He gives me a pissed off expression.

The door opens smoothly and I see a woman with short black hair wearing maternity clothes. I look at the visible bump on her stomach.

I turn to Toji and give him and odd but proud look. He looks determined to torture me to death now. I stifle a small chuckle at his reaction.

"Hi." I greet her warmly.

"Hello." She responds in kind. "Please come in and don't mind the gorrila." I smile and enter. 'I like her already.'

I take off my shoes and walk to the living room. I hear Toji following me. I look around the room for a few seconds before I turn around.

"Want something gorilla?" He seems even more annoyed but then he sighs and gives up. 'I guess my fun is over.'

"Didn't know you had a wife. Good for you."

"Didn't know you like stalking people."

"I don't stalk people. I stalk gorrilas."

He's about to say some snarky remarks until his wife comes in. "I'm glad you guys are having fun." She hands us servings of cake. I thank her while she does it.

I eat my cake and absent-mindedly look through the room. "Megumi?" I'm looking at a baby bottle on the window sill.

"Yes our soon born child." I expected as much. "I still remember how Toji ravished me." She blushes as she says this. 'God. I do not need to hear this."

"The way he skillfully moved." God help. "And h-"

"Stop!" I see Toji who seems red with anger...no embarrassment? The woman laughs heartily. The atmosphere feels much better though.

After a while we all finish our cake and have a short but fun conversation.

"See you next time Toji's niece."

"Bye!" She heads upstairs to rest in bed.

I look at Toji. He looks at me. "You have a nice wife." Toji only nods and looks down at his empty plate. 'Don't think I didn't miss that smirk.'

"I think I'm just going to leave soon. But I want to ask. Can you tell me your Heavenly Restriction? Please!" I've been with Toji for a while now surely he can talk about it now.

He doesn't answer. He put his finger to his head and twirls it around. 'Could I really get and answer?' I wait for a moment.

He keeps twirling his finger before he sticks his tongue out at me and laughs after doing so.

"Whatever, if I tell you mine first will you finally speak?" He only looks at me. 'He probably is wondering how I was able to fly before though.'

"Right so my powers are like..."

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