
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Cómic
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62 Chs

I Am A Genius!

I'm too full, although the burgers,chips,hot dogs and drinks were all great. There is a limit y'know. "HAHAHAHA. HEre cComes anOtHer." Grandpa may not have one though this is his 26th drink.... I think? "Toji." Turning my attention towards him I plead. "Can you please teach me." 'This man must be strong since Granpda respects him alot or it may be for another reason. And also.'

"You still haven't told me your Heavenly Restriction." Said man simply dashed me an irritated glance. "It seems your whole family must be deaf. I. Don't. Need. A. Burden." His ears are twitching, probably from Grandpa's loud shouting.

"After that fool is done. LEAVE." 'Ignoring my question are you? I'll find out eventually.' I rest the side of my head on the table and stare at him until Grandpa is done. I look at the scar on his lips, his black hair, his causal clothes and most of all his dark blue eyes. They gaze right into my emerald green eyes. As we continue staring at each other I smile as I realise something. 'I truly wish to know more about you Toji.'

"Now get out!" SLAM! 'Great. I'm left alone in god knows where with a drunk Grandpa. Today must be my lucky day.' Staggering away with Grandpa leaning on me (I also had to use psychic energy cause man is he heavy.) I decided to retrace our steps. As the the swear gathers up on my face my mind wanders back to Toji.

'Although our conversation wasn't much. He did say it's not possible to mess with things outside your control. However, with the short time that I've known him does he really seem like the guy to say that? Also my earlier idea of him being scared was me just being arrogant. He does not seem like the type to be frightened easily. Will my experiment work?'

My arm has gone numb. 'Wake up already before I lose an arm.' The trip felt like I was walking through an infinite loop. I had made several errors. And it took me longer than I would admit to get to the mansion. I drop the irresponsible adult onto the couch and flex my left arm.

'Perhaps I should work on my psychic energy a bit more it is my main attack. For now.' I jog up the stairs to the science lab and I open its door. Immediately I glance at the knife. No noticeable changed. I also look at the mirror on the wall once I enter the room. Then I realise. I was wearing my lab coat the entire time!

'Oh no. Does he think I'm weird now or a smart person I don't know!?!?!' I glance at the knife. 'I will wait until Grandpa has recovered. Maybe some training is needed.' Taking off my lab coat and throwing it into the pile on the floor I change into a completely black cropped t-shirt and gray track pants.

Scen Change: Training Grounds

Standing outside the wide area I decide today's goal. 'I've tried floating I can do it. But lifting other objects restricts all my movement. I can't even fly that fast either. Let's try increasing my sensory abilities.'


Hitting my foot against the ground whilst closing my eyes, I release my psychic energy. Once again the world seems green to me. I can see but not see at the same time. 'Like when your focused on recalling a memory.'

I can comfortably sense 2 meters around me, a full circle. 'Let's try harder like i did back in that tunnel.' I go further. Further. I wipe my face. Further! My leg feels shaky. Further!!. The sandy area under me has gotten wet. FURTHER! I lose control of my body and collapse to the ground. "Haahhhuuuu." I gasp for breath. 15 meters is good enough. 'I have no energy to do much now, unfortunately.'

8 minutes later... I get up. My leg is stiff so I limp over to the mansion and back into my room. Not the science room. My Room. I throw my sweaty clothes into a pile in the corner. 'I may need to stop that habit one day.' I waddle over to the shower and let its cool tears run down my body. 'Perhaps I should learn a new fighting style. Actually let's take a break instead a lot has happened this week.' "Hahhhhaa." I sigh. "I should relax just for one chap- I mean day." Squirming my body into a comfortable position I sit on the shower floor. relaxing myself,the only thing on my mind.

After who knows how long I get out of the shower. I glance at my fingers they are pruney as expected. After drying myself off, I dash out of my room without it giving it a second glance.

"Grandpa!" 'The idiot shold be sober now' As expected, within a few moments ,Grandpa is already up the stairs. I beckon him towards the lab. Currently I'm wearing long black trousers and a OPPAI hoodie along with green gloves. I step into the lab and lead him to the knife.'It should be done now.'

"Grandpa. Can you check if you can apply cursed enery to the knife." Here it comes the Moment of Glory! He picks it up. The air around him moves slightly. For a moment...silence. He turns around his face unreadable. "So." I begin. A grin erupts on his face.

"Well done you've Done It! Sachi dear." A jovial smile is my response to his praise. He picks me up and swings me around laughing all the while. "Seems you want to be like Toji and use cursed weapons. Well your already making great progress." What? "I can help you with any future projects just ask." What? He leaves with a smile plastered on his face. "What." I mumble. He never seemed to want to help me before. Why now?

'Either way it was a success. I'll try human trials in a few months? Perhaps' But now what? 'I've somewhat completed my year long project I just need to practice. But now what. I don't want to train I've done enough of that. Maybe meet Toji! How will I find him...

Actually Grandpa can take care of that what I need is how to make him take me as a disciple. Yes how?' I mindlessly walk down the corridor going past the music room,art room,cursed energy theory room and others. 'If I show him how I am not a burden,I can make him take me as a disciple. Seems like I've got someone to annoy. Perfect.'


"Achoo." 'What? Me getting a cold. Somethings off and I don't like it. Well either way mission done.' Toji thrusts his leg forward and kicks something down the corridor.

It was the head of his target.

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