
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Cómic
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62 Chs

I Always Get My Way!

My sharp emerald eyes locked on to his ocean eyes. I was looking for the slightest twitch, a tensing in his muscles, an indication of his next move. Using my left arm, I summon an energy ball. 'I'll catch him off guard and freeze him. Then I'll hit him with everything I have!' I leap forward towards his face and shove my arm in that direction. As expected, he dodges but what I didn't expect was him twirling the staff around his body and counterattacking. Slamming his weapon into my stomach.

I get sent backwards crashing into a tree. 'Getting flashbacks of Naoya here.' Willing myself of the ground I quickly get up and charge at Toji. 'In a real fight the opponent won't give me time to rest.' This time Instead of attacking him directly I infuse my entire body with psychic energy and circle around him. I discreetly let a few drops of my energy on the rocky ground. Bang! My foot connects with the staff.'I'm currently slamming my foot against the staff. What grade is this?' "Huh?" I voice out my confusion as Toji suddenly wraps the staff around my right foot. He drags me across the ground and cuts started to form on my cute face. Slam!

Toji Pov:

'After I hit the kid to the ground her body seems to have momentarily froze. And looking at things currently, it seems a certain someone's got a concussion.' I stand above the girl looking down on her and I wait. 2.4 seconds pass before she does a flip and gets back up. 'Her left eye is twitching and she is struggling to keep it open. The blood is also dripping down it. Her eyesight has suffered.' I jump forward and using Playful Cloud I intend to finish this and strike her on on the head. She jumps back. But then as I expected she falls to the ground. 'Bad move. your brain can't handle movement after the damage it suffered.' I ready Playful Cloud and swing again. She lifts her finger and a hint of a smirk could be seen on her face.

Multiple green spikes come out of the ground and thrust towards me. I whack them away not bothered to even entertain my thoughts with her pathetic attacks. I was bored until suddenly. My entire body froze. 'What? Figure it out what's going on.' Just as quickly as it came it disappeared. The girl then came rushing to me whilst gritting her teeth. An energy ball in her hand. As expected. I swing Playful Cloud to meet the attack. The energy ball then changed into a small marble and Playful Cloud missed. 'This is new.' I note. It then transformed into a sharp knife that she lunged at me with. SLAP!A sound resounded throughout the area similar to that of clapping your hands together.

The girl was sprawled across the ground, blood dripped out of her nose. 'I have already prepared for situations where Playful Cloud missed its target. 'I'm much more skillful with my weapon that's what you miscalculated.' I look down and see a small hole in my black shirt. 'She threw her weapon just before she got knocked out. And it seems her creations dissappear if she is not conscious.' I look at the girl. 'Sachi Zenin you managed to rip my clothes. Even though I certainly was not trying my hardest. You did good. But your still a burden.' I turn around and leave I step onto the ground only to feel something. I quickly jump off. 'It's a spear. The same as the one she showed before.' It dissappears. 'Ah. So she set it up before hand so it would work even without her input.' After noting that I carried on my way... until I felt something under my foot. I lift it off. 'Dammit another spear how many did she lay?' I take one step. One step. And feel something under my foot. "GODDAMIT!!!!"

Yamamato pov:

'Her wounds are more serious than the last. I need to convince her to let this go already.' I sit down on the couch assembling a 5000 piece puzzle. 'How though? The Zenin Clan will support her once she enters Jujutsu High perhaps she should train her physical abilities till she's old enough.' I stare down at the massive picture of baby Sachi. 789 pieces done. 'She also has to forget about Toji but even I want him to teach her. Hhmmm.' I set down another piece. 1176. 'When she enters Jujutsu High she also will be in the same year as that Gojo kid. Seriously, the Rikugan and being born in the Gojo Clan.' I set down two pieces at a time. 2439. 'I can only hope that kid would be raised well. When he grows up he might become the strongest sorcerer the world has ever seen.' 3677. 'Perhaps Sachi would be a good contender.' I chuckle at my thoughts. 4566. Almost there. 'But how can Sachi grow more? I was a bit hands off when it came to her powers and experiments. Her powers I simply do not understand. It seems to be similar to an innate technique. As Sachi struggles to specifically say how she can lift objects or create things. Her only explanation is 'Evolved Telekinesis' a bit usefull but not that much. Her experiments though.' 4999. 'I was hoping she would understand that applying cursed energy to herself is impossible. But perhaps I should have been there more. The cursed tool she managed to make was a start. She might be like Toji in the future.' 5000.

I get up and stretch my limbs. "Haahhhaaaa." I let out a sigh and travel upstairs. 'I'll ask Sachi to stop.' Whilst upstairs I look at the clock. 11:42pm. I sure took my time with that puzzle. Over 3 hours have passed. In no time I'm already by Sachi's brown room door. I enter without making a sound. Only to see her toying with a self-created solar system.

"What are you trying to do Sachi dear?" I watch as the Sun collides with Jupiter. It breaks away into dust and dissappears. "After my fight with Toji. I came up with a new way to sense attacks." Oh? I'm a bit curious now. I gesture for her to continue. "I am more of a mage honestly and I want to change that. So I came up with this." The earth then explodes and crashes into Neptune. They both turn to dust. "I'm trying to constantly focus on one thing whilst sensing others." Venus circles the Sun. "Even now I'm sensing this entire room. I can even detect your heart beat Grandpa." Uhhmm. That's a big worrying. "I can now somewhat sense whilst moving. Before Toji hit me with his staff I was able to spread my energy around. That's how I noticed it and managed to throw a weapon at him before I went unconscious." The rest of the planets explode. "I think this is my first step to being able to fly whilst controlling other objects.

"I see." I reply to her long explanation of her idea. "I need to say something though." She turns to me, a hint of nervousness could be seen. "You may need to stop fighting Toji. Clearly your injuries get worse everytime. He is warning you and so am I." She listens without much of a change in expression. "You can train outside with the machine. Eventually you'll go to Jujutsu High. All you need to do is wait." My voice is calm. 'She might argue but it is for the best.' She opens ger mouth and replies. "I want to see Toji and talk with him." I leave an unspoken question on my face. "No I won't fight him. Promise." I nod as my response. She gets out of her bed and walks out still wearing the same clothes she used against Toji.

"Hey is that a puzzle of baby me that has 5000 pieces?" She seems confused although her hand is already at the door. "I don't know. Is that a puzzle of baby you with 5000 pieces?" She gives me a weird look and heads out the door. 'Dammn I forgot. How embarrassing!'