
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Cómic
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62 Chs

Chapter 45: Monkey.

"So your daughter is being haunted by a 'ghost'. Right, Satru?"

"Yes sir. And my name is Satruin."

"Nah its Saroe." I turn my attention from the old woman to the girl standing next to her. 'Monkeys always come back with the same curses.'

"Mom let's lea-

"Your shoulders feel so heavy it's suffocating. As if you forgot how to breathe. The feeling of being stabbed and finally, in your dreams you feel as if you're being molested."

An ugly curse spreading its many hands over the woman's body. 'I'm betting I'll see this thrice next week.'


"Don't move." I raise my hand and absorb the curse. It forms an ebony black sphere in my hand.

"Oh! I feel so much better! Thank you!" Both of them bow and promptly leave.

I sneer. 'Monkeys can only wait to be saved.'

"Careful sir Geto. Your real feelings are showing."

"So what." I quickly spray myself whilst Manami patiently waited.

"But...I'm happy today! Everyone's coming back! Got the camera as usual?"

"Yes sir."

"You're amazing at your job."

"GETO! COME HERE!" I frown. My eyes locate the Intruder.

"Kanemori? What are you doing here." What does he think he's doing to barge in like this?


I turn to my partner next to me. "How much?"

"Between 50 and 100 million. Though, he hasn't payed in half a year." I see.


He stops talking because multiple curses start to eat away at his skin. Then his muscles. Then his bones. Then his organs.

"Hard to think that's a human."

"Nuh uh. That's a monkey."

I forcefully push the doors open wide, I smile at the members inside.

"The time has come to make a paradise for Jujutsu sorcerers. The new beginning starts soon."






"The place hasn't changed at all. Can't say if it's good or bad." I look around, feeling nostalgic.

"Who are those guys Geto? A panda!" I place my arm out to stop my daughter from running over.

"The current generation of Jujutsu High, Mimiko."

"Hurry up an-

Zenin girl freezes up. 'As her kid, I'm certain she knows of me.' The curse behind me doesn't help for disguise.

I appear in front of my target. "Hello Yuta." The other three tense up.

"Uh. Hi Sir." I clasp his hands between mine.

"You truly have a wonderful power and I would be deeply moved if you could help assist in my goal." My arm slings around his neck.

"Oh. Ehm. What goal sir?"

"To kill all mon- humans of course." Urgh. Can't believe I said that.

"I'd rather you keep your inane thoughts to yourself." I crane my neck.

"Hey Satoru!"

"Leave Suguru."

"This year is quite exceptional, or so I've heard. Makes sense you'd be in charge."

"A mutated cursed corpse. A user of cursed speech. A special grade. Quite an interesting lot." I nod 'seriously'.

I pretend to not hear someone snort.

"Why are you here Suguru?" Satoru pulls my arm off his student. 'Ah right.'

"To declare war. Everyone better listen up well." I clear my throat.


I let out a sigh, then grin.

"Let's curse each other as much as we want!"

"Geto! The store is gonna close." Mimiko?

"Already? Well see ya Satoru." He simply frowns and looks away.

My family and I board the curse and fly off. 'An emergency meeting will be called definitely. I don't think the other two will appear.'

"Everything's going well."

I sigh.

However, you must be confused right?

'Even if I had Rika, I wouldn't win against Gojo. If I had the black rope as well, I'd have a pretty good chance. What about the others...?

Yuki and Sachi. Using the same tactic, I'm sure I could win against Yuki, but Sachi? She's completely out of the bounds of Jujutsu. I don't have anything to affect her.'

"When will she come back?" I kinda miss her a bit.

'Either way, with more cursed energy AKA Rika and the black rope. I can beat Gojo and bring my dream to fruition!'

As long as I do it fast enough though. I've already prepared for that anyway.

24th December, day of the parade.

"Here it begins....

Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

The curtain erects itself around the area. I look to my right.

"Of all things it could have been. It just had to be you." Ignoring her was me giving out a favour.

"Is that so bad? You aren't supposed to be here anyway."

"Monkeys are always bad." I summon multiple curses in my right hand.

One cleaning up later....


'The curtain was breached. I still have time till they come. What to do?'


The walls around me shatter to show everyone's favourite corpse. 'Pretty strong for a panda.'

Immediately, we engage in combat with me deflecting all of his blows. I jump over him then slam my foot into his back.

"Toge!" Hhmm?

"Fall. Crushed. Under!"

A powerful forces attacks my skull and I feel the ground under me making way for my descent.


Of course, I get back up after barely 3 seconds pass. When I'm up I find Toge coughing up blood. 'He'll get stronger with time.'

But I must say...


I take a deep breath as tears pour out of my eyes.

"The world I want, it exists before my very eyes. What a wonderful world it is."

Silently, I turn to face my opponent. I flick the blood off my robes.

Overwhelming cursed energy flows out as Rika manifests for the second time.

'You may not be alive to see it Yuta but, I'll make sure this world will become the best it possibly can.'

"I shall kill you."


Geto woooooshh.

Rynincreators' thoughts