
Jujutsu Kaisen: Error

A boy with a Kleptomaniac suffers a sudden, unknown death and reincarnates into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As weird stroke of fate he is given the power to steal. What will he steal? Others misery or their happiness? Their curse or their blessings? Read to find out. ... Cover doesn't belong to me.

LightningCrocodile · Cómic
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30 Chs

Mission ends 2

"Ah shit, my head hurts" Amon muttered as he got up. He gazed outside the window and saw that the sun was already out.

"Was I out for the whole night?"

He looked at the monocle with slight terror. Last light when he tried it inject his cursed energy into it and investigate it, he heard a bunch of ravings that nearly made him kill himself.

Fortunately, he fainted. From the information that was crammed into his brain, he learned about the functions of the monocle.

The monocle is most likely a special grade cursed object. One of the functions he can grasp now is, it can enhance the effects of his theft. He can now use stolen abilities upto 30mins and the range is increased to 150m

He would also not be forced to act on the thoughts he steals. He can even steal others actions and intentions.

If he sees others through the monocle, there is a chance it will reveal their weaknesses that he can exploit.

The most broken and overpowered ability of the monocle is that it allowed him to steal time upto 3 seconds. (AN- Am I making him too Op?🧐)

'This alone compensates for all the difficulties I faced in this mission, not that I faced many' Amon thought. He felt that he has become a bit arrogant nowadays. Well, he normally is a bit arrogant and hypocritical.

'Anyway, I should refrain myself from investigating the monocle for sometime or else I may faint again or worse commit suicide due to those ravings' Amon cautioned himself and to handle the Monocle with caution.

Amon placed the monocle over his right eye. He say himself in mirror and thought he looked really attractive in the monocle.

'Do I have a weird fetish for monocles'

Amon readied himself and headed to the class after a long time. On his way, Amon encountered a individual who could be considered a bit weird.

He was wearing the standard Jujutsu High uniform. He had a black hair styled into twisted locks, magenta eyes and a thin mustache.

'Second year student Kinji Hakari' Amon identified the person. One of the few persons that Gojo spoke highly. Amon doesn't know much about him.

Hakari just smiled as he crossed Amon. Amon also smirked. Then they both left their own ways, there was no interaction between them.

Amon continued his way along the corridor and eventually entered the class. Inside the class were the usual Maki, Toge and Panda.

They were very surprised upon seeing Amon enter. Amon didn't come to the class for almost a week and they were worried. Yesterday Gojo sensei informed him that Amon was back.

"Hey Amon, do you know Panda's poo for about 40 times a day. Weird, I don't do it even once" Panda said to Amon as he went into a deep thought.

"Well, hello to you to Panda" Amon laughed as he went to his seat.

"Hope you are well Amon" said Maki while averting her eye and not looking at Amon. She was really a bit worried about Amon.

"I am very well Maki, did something happen to you?" Amon asked back.

"W-what? No, I am very fine" Maki answered flustered.

"Okay, whatever" Amon said as he sat in his seat. Inumaki looked at him and nodded. Amon nodded back.

In a few minutes, Gojo arrived. His entry was as flamboyant as usual.

"Hello students, I know you have missed me and Amon these past few days. Don't worry as we are back. Let's start the class as usual" Gojo said with a straight face.

Maki just rolled her eyes. She really can't respect Gojo as a person. She knew he was the strongest sorcerer but still, his attidudem So, she continued to ignore him like always.

"Today I will tell you about cursed humans. Cursed humans are those who have been cursed either by a cursed spirit or sorcerers.

They can't see the curses haunting them, but will notice strange symptoms like getting weird dreams or illness" Gojo explained about cursed humans.

While Amon was listening to this, he thought of Geto. There must be a large amount of cursed humans present in Japan, since they are the main source of Geto's curses.

'Geto has been collecting huge amount of curses, he even went out of his way to set up a religious organization to help cursed humans and collect curses.

From what I can infer, he plans to collect huge amounts of curses and unleash them on Japan.

To confidentially and openly attack Japan, inspite of Jujutsu High means he has to have both quantity and quality.

On top of that, he also have several curse users under him.

Or it may be that he plans something else entirely. Whatever it is, coming days are gonna get pretty interesting' Amon had a huge inner monologue as he completely ignored Gojo.

"Soon you guys will be sent on a mission to exorcize curses from cursed humans" Gojo said as he left the class. As he was about to leave the class, he remembered something.

"Amon come with me, we have some work to do" Gojo said.

'Can't I laze around for a second?' Amon grumbled as he went with Gojo.

"So, what was your business trip all about?" Amon asked.

"I went to Hokkaido" Gojo said.

"Oh, the jujutsu high is so overstaffed that they are sending you to Hokkaido on a vacation" Amon said sarcastically. Gojo just laughed and didn't say anything.

"So, why did you go there?"Amon asked a bit curious.

"Just some curse related stuff. Sigh, a huge change is going to come and I can feel it. Curse related activities have been increasing in Japan, especially in Tokyo and Kyoto region" Gojo answered with a sigh.

On average, the number of deaths and disappearences in Japan due to curse related activity exceeds ten thousand anually. Now this number has been steadily increasing.

Gojo feels that it has still not reached the peak. He believes that the increasing cursed related activities are only begining and there is more to come.

Jujutsu world is gravely in need of another special grade sorcerer who could tip the scales of balance.

Well, they are going to fairly surprised as they are going to get two when they only wished for one.

"Where are we going sensei?" Amon asked.

"To meet a cursed human" Gojo answered mysteriously.



Since infinity exists between Gojo and Amon, could theft be successful since it only has a finite range?