
Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Requiem

Taking place years after the events of Jujutsu Kaisen, the world is now aware of the existence of cursed spirits. However, this caused the unintended effect of humans leaking out more negative emotions, and thus, more cursed spirits coming into existence. //Disclaimer: The following is non-profit fan story, Jujutsu Kaisen is owned Gege Akutami. Please support the official release.//

AtomX · Cómic
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3 Chs

-Volume 1- Chapter 2: Tempered Explosions

Many hours pass since the event that took place, and we see a lone man wearing a suit approach the now abandoned warehouse.

"Hey, Mr. Haruko. I finished the assignment you asked me to do." The suited man says while opening the door. "I managed to kill the-"

However, he could not finish his sentence, as he sees nothing more than a massive pool of blood in the center of the warehouse.

"What the hell?" He comments.

Our attention is quickly taken away from the scene, when we see Dante on an operating table, being cut open by a group of doctors.

"So, what can you tell me about him, doctor." Masaru asks the doctor.

"Well, we're not exactly sure." The doctor responds. "It's clear this young man is human, but there's something about his body that's different from many other people. He bears zero cursed energy, and yet there are signs of regeneration, almost as if he used a reverse cursed technique. We're not even sure how that was possible."

"You sure no one healed him?" Masaru asks him.

"We'd have to ask the young man himself when he wakes up. But we're not sure when the anesthetic will-"

However, before the head doctor could finish him explanation, the monitors begin to run haywire, while the doctors inside begin to fall down the ground, seeing Dante somehow wake up from the anesthetic and begin to freak out. 

"Wow, that's convenient." Masaru quips.

"Dammit! Someone get Doctor Shoko in here, we have to stabilize him." The doctor yells out.

Masaru however, merely looks on at the boy, his purple eyes bearing white rings around his pupils fixated on the scene.



Moments after the ordeal, we see Masaru walking down the hall with an middle aged woman at the age of fifty nine, her hair starting to go grey.

"Well, so far the boy is in stable condition. It took a bit to calm him down, but now we have him resting in a nearby office room." The woman known as Shoko tells him. 

"Thank you Miss Ieiri, your service even after all this time is very much appreciated." Masaru tells her. "So, what did your team of doctors find?

"Well, besides all his readings being normal, we did find an anomaly in his anatomy." Shoko responds. "We're not sure how this came to be, but I would suggest asking the young man."

"I see." Masaru answers.

Masaru begins to walk to the room in question, where we see Dante sitting in the corner of the room, lifting his arms up to guard himself.

"Relax, young man. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just here to ask you a couple of questions." Masaru tells him.

"Why the hell should I trust you. If I remember correctly, you guys had me cut open!" Dante responds. "Now can I please get out of here? I need to get back to Hachi before he starts to worry." 

"Not until you answer a few questions, because as far as we know, you could be a threat to the public." Masaru tells him.

"A threat?! What makes you say that?" Dante asks in confusion.

"Well, it's mainly due to the fact you were standing on a mountain of corpses yesterday."

Upon hearing this, Dante begins to recollect himself, suddenly remembering what exactly happened.

"From that look on your face, it seems you're aware of what I'm talking about." Masaru quips. "But, to jog your memory a bit more, you were seen in the middle of what appeared to be a massacre. Seventeen dead bodies were found in the warehouse. Sixteen at the center, while one was found isolated from the others."

"Based on the limited knowledge we have on the situation, the Guild leadership believes you were responsible for the massacre."

"Hold on, Guild leadership?" Dante says in confusion. 

"Yeah... see, these guys asking me to ask you these questions are, kind of my bosses. And won't let you go until they are satisfied that the situation isn't going to get out of hand." Masaru explains.

"But, I'm not looking to cause trouble with anyone." Dante says to him.

"And I believe you in that sense. But leadership won't believe you based on your word alone." Masaru responds. "They need assurance based on my assessment alone. Now, I could lie to them and say you aren't a threat, but lets just say I don't have the best relationship with them. So I have to get them to trust my word."

Dante lowers his guard, seeing no choice but to trust the suited man.

"Good, now lets get started. Firstly, how exactly did you regenerate your injuries?" Masaru asks him. "Based on what our doctors found, you possess zero cursed energy, and yet there were signs of regeneration."

"I'm... not exactly sure. One moment my legs and neck were broken, then the next thing I know, I somehow got out of that pit walking around." Dante answers. "I even felt better than ever."

"So you have no idea how it happened?" Masaru asks him.

"Yeah.. I guess it started after I took a bite off that cursed spirit. But other than that, I'm not sure what happened." Dante answers.

"Well then, guess this makes things more complicated for me." Masaru comments.

He grabs the folder Shoko gave him and pulls out two photo's.

"I want you to take a loot at this, young man." Masaru tells him.

He hands Dante a picture of a human stomach, causing Dante to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"This is a picture of the human stomach." Masaru comments. "A human stomach is meant to be reddish-brown in color. However, when doctors examined you, they ended up finding something rather intriguing."

He hands over the second photo, with Dante growing even more confused.

"Uhh... and whose stomach is this? And why is it all purple and black? Did they have a disease?" Dante asks him.

"Well, to answer your last question, no, this person didn't have any sort of disease. As for your first question, this is your stomach." Masaru answers.

Dante widens his eyes, confused as to what Masaru is implying.

"As for why it's like that, well... turns out the doctors have found something particularly interesting." Masaru begins. "You see, we've never really had a good idea of what the anatomy of a cursed spirit actually was, considering the main priority for them was to exorcise them. However, some individuals have been able to learn a lot from let's say... unorthodox methods."

"Turns out, much like humans, some cursed spirits have similar anatomy. A brain, arms, legs, everything. But one thing that every one of those individuals found... was that the stomachs of those cursed spirits were either nonexistent, or if they did have them, were purplish-black in color."

Dante's eyes continue to widen, now comprehending some of what Masaru is saying.

"That's right. For whatever reason, you seem to bear the stomach of a cursed spirit, and for some reason, anytime you consume cursed flesh, you can gain their cursed energy." Masaru concludes.

The door behind him opens, as we see another suited man, plain looking in features enter the room.

"Mr. Kagemitsu." The man responds.

"Hello, Mizuki. So, what's the situation?" Masaru asks the man.

"We've searched the apartment like you asked, and unfortunately all we could find was the body of a three legged dog."

This detail catches Dante's attention, causing him to slightly get agitated, but upon seeing the deceased dog, tears begin to show themselves from his tear ducts.

"Hachi..." He lets out.

"What do you want me to do with the dog, sir?" Mizuki asks him.

However, Masaru, noticing Dante's expression, waves at him to not speak.

"What would you like to do, Dante?" Masaru asks him.

After a few moments of not responding, Dante lifts his head up, and approaches Mizuki, grabbing the dog from his hands.

"I never wanted to think about what I would do if Hachi ever died. But... now that I'm seeing him in this state. I just want him to rest." Dante says.

"I see. Very well then, I'll take care of things." Masaru tells him.

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We see the two step out of the building, carrying the dog to  nearby foliage, creating a small hole in the ground, before burying the dog in the ground. 

"Sir... what will happen to me now?" Dante asks him.

"Well, given your situation, I doubt my bosses will ever let you live a normal life." Masaru tells him. "Even if you don't pose a threat, they'll want to monitor you carefully. Something like this could cause trouble for the guild. Buuut. I can your situation a bit better, if you choose to work for us."


"Our organisation has a bit of trouble with field recruit numbers. Most of them tend to drop like flies due to the high level curses we deal with ands either end up dead, or leaving the business entirely." Masaru explains. "But someone with your talent could become a great Jujutsu Sorcerer. Hell, if you prove yourself to the organisation heads, they can help you make your life a lot more comfortable. All you gotta do is accept the offer."

Dante doesn't answer the suited man, and merely stands over the makeshift grave.

"I'll let you mourn." Masaru answers.

As Masaru walks away from Dante, we see the young man fall to the ground, his tears falling on the dirt, while all he could do, was relive the memories he had with the three legged dog.

"Hachi... I'm sorry." He lets out.

Moments later, we see two people walking on the sidewalk, one man wearing a button up bomber jacket, with metal looking hands, while the other is a young woman wearing a button up suit with a dark red shirt and tie.

"Man, I haven't spoken to Mr. Kagemitsu in months. What did you think he wanted us for, Tanya?" The man wearing a bomber jacket asks her.

"Not sure, but did you really have to answer his call, Tetsuo?" The woman now known as Tanya asks him.

"What? He's our superior. Besides, isn't it an employee's duty to always aide their superior?" Tetsuo asks her.

"Yeah, but he could've gotten someone else, like Sato or hell, even requested one of the Kyoto Sorcerers." Tanya says complaining.

"I don't know. Guess Mr. Kagemitsu trusts us the most." Tetsuo responds.

"Yeah, trusts us to do paper work that anyone can do." Tanya sarcastically says to him. "Seriously, if he called us here because of something stupid like that, I'm gonna kill him."

"Awe come on Tanya. Don't be like that." Tetsuo tells her. "I'm sure he has a good reason to call us out here. Besides, you getting mad makes me think you look like an ogre."

Tanya in response to this, give him a death stare, not wanting to deal with his shit.

"Tetsuo, I know we've been working together for a while, but would it kill you to cut it with the snarky comments." Tanya says in a serious tone.

"Right, right, sorry." Tetsuo says apologetically. "But I do wonder what he wants us for."

"Guess we'll have to wait and see." Tanya tells him.

The two eventually reach the building, seeing Masaru sit at his desk.

"Alright you two, get fired up! Time to introduce your new co-worker!!" Masaru yells out.

"Seriously? That's it? That's why you brought us out here?" Tanya says unamused.

"Awe, come on Tanya, that's no way to behave." Masaru playfully says. "This is the first co-worker you've gotten in a while. At least try to act excited."

"No, I have no reason top act excited for someone that might end up dead in a few weeks." Tanya responds back.

"So, what's this new person like Mr. Kagemitsu?" Tetsuo asks him.

"I'm glad you asked, Tetsuo." Masaru says. "Well, this guy is a rather, interesting case. He initially wasn't sure whether he wanted to work with us. But I managed to convince him after a while."

"Oh wow. I wonder what makes him interesting?" Tetsuo thinks so himself.

"So, what's his cursed technique?" Tanya asks him. "Or is he one of those Shikigami users?"

"Neither." Masaru answers. "He's someone who doesn't possess "any" cursed energy."

The two look on in surprise upon hearing this answer, with Tanya being more annoyed than anything.

"Seriously? That's what makes him interesting? Are you just here to waste our time Masaru?!" Tanya yells out.

"Uhh, Tanya, I don't think it's nice to shout at your superi-"

"Shut up, Tetsuo." Tanya tells him. "I was hoping that Masaru would stop being a trickster for once and actually be serious. Instead he pulls this crap on us."

"Oh, don't worry Tanya. While him having zero cursed energy is certainly interesting. There is one more thing to him that makes him rather interesting." Masaru tells her. "But... you'll have to see that for yourself."

We see Dante, laying on the leather couch while staring blankly at the ceiling, doubting his decision to join Masaru.

"Did I really make the best decision? Was it really okay for me to accept it?" He asks himself. "I promised Hachi that I would eat good food with him, and now... I'm doing it on my own. If only... if only I didn't go with Mr. Haruko that day, then maybe I would've protected you, Hachi. Then you would've been able to eat good food too."

The door to the office opens, where we see Masaru, along with the now known Tetsuo and Tanya standing behind him.

"Ah, Dante, good to see you've gotten changed into your new attire. I'm sorry I couldn't get you something more suitable, but it's all we had." Masaru says.

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"Oh, don't worry sir. This outfit isn't too bad." Dante says in gratitude. "But was the hair cut really necessary?"

"Well, besides standard dress code, people tend to have a problematic views of those who don't keep themselves well groomed." Masaru explains. "Now then, allow me to introduce your new co-workers."

"Metal hands here is-"

"Tetsuo Shimazaki! Glad to make your acquaintance, little bro!" Tetsuo says loudly.

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Dante looks at the man in confusion, unsure as to how to respond.

"Little bro? Uhh Glad to, make your acquaintance too." He lets out.

"Tetsuo here is one of the guild's Semi-Grade 2 sorcerers." Masaru explains. "He can be a real pain sometimes, but he's reliable."

Dante looks at his hands, and gets shocked seeing the metallic design.

"Wait, hold on. Are those robotic hands?!" Dante asks him.

"Close my little bro. It's just some metallic gauntlets I had made for myself." Tetsuo reveals. "Pretty neat huh?"

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"Well... they are something." Dante comments.

"Over here is our resident grumpy pants, Tan-"

"I can introduce myself, you idiot." Tanya says to Masaru. "The name's Tanya. And from now on, you'll address me as Okada."

"Okada?" Dante mutters out. 

"That's her last name, little dude." Tetsuo whispers to him. "And trust me, from personal experience, you do not want to upset her."

"I can hear you dumbass!!" Tanya screams.

"Unlike Mr. Metal hands here, Tanya isn't really a high grade sorcerer. She's Grade 3 at most." Masaru says to him. "Honestly, she's quite weak."

"You don't need to remind me asshole." Tanya says angrily.

Dante looks on in confusion, thinking he's ended up in some insane asylum.

"Right, the reason I called these two out here is because they're going to be showing you the ropes" Masaru explains.

"But, I already know how to exorcise curses." Dante comments.

"Not that, kid. Showing you the ropes of the guild. You know, protocol and all that jazz." Masaru says to him. "Oh, before I forget, take this."

Masaru throws to the boy a sheathed katana, confusing him. 

"While your metal bat is certainly interesting, I believe it's best you have a weapon that can do efficient damage." Masaru says to him. "So, I got this from the storage room and thought to give this thing some use. 

Dante unsheathes the blade, admiring the shine that is reflex's.

"You like it?" Masaru asks him. "Apparently this thing is called "The Sun Saber". Don't know who named it, but I guess it doesn't matter as long as it gets the job done."

"Woah... pretty." Dante mutters. "But I've never really used a katana before."

"Don't worry, kiddo." Masaru says to him. "We'll have you trained up in no time. For now, go with Tetsuo and Tanya. We just got a report that some cursed spirits been causing some trouble at an all girls school somewhere in Tokyo."

"What's the grading?" Tanya asks Masaru.

"One Semi-Grade 2 and three Grade 3's. But remember, try not to cause too much damage, Tanya. Remember what happened last time?"

Dante looks on at the two, confused by what Masaru is implying, but was quickly distracted, when Tetsuo grabs him by the arm.

"Alright. Let's go little bro!" Tetsuo says to Dante.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let go of me!" Dante shouts at him.

While the two begin to exit the area, Tanya leans near Masaru, with a skeptical look on her face.

"Are you sure this kid is up to the job? He looks pretty pathetic." Tanya comments.

"Trust me. If you saw the carnage he made, then you would think he's some sort of monster." Masaru tells her.

She looks at him with skepticism, before walking towards Tetsuo and Dante, quickly getting into a parked car outside.

After a small time skip, we see Dante getting nervous upon seeing the various students walking by him.

"Holy crap... so many." Dante mutters under his breath.

"I'd relax with the staring if I were you." Tanya says to him.

"Right, sorry ma'am." Dante responds back.

"Most of these girls haven't really interacted with any boys before, so you looking at them like that would probably give them a weird impression." Tanya explains.

"I-I see." Dante answers.

"Awe come on, don't be too harsh to him, Tanya." Tetsuo says to her. "He's still a kid after all."

"Still, it's just to make sure he understands how things work. We're here to complete a job, not stare at girls." Tanya says.

"I see. By the way, are we divided up in teams of three all the time?" Dante asks the two.

Tetsuo leans in towards Dante, bringing him closer by putting his arm over Dante's shoulder.

"See, normally what happens is that depending on how many curses or how strong the curses are, they will send a different number of sorcerers to take care of the situation." Tetsuo explains. "But considering the recent development with you, Masaru figured it would be best for us to work with you in the mean time."

The three make their way to one of the main buildings, where we see group of security officers standing in front of a group of students, trying to see what is going on behind them.

"Hello, you must be the three Jujutsu Sorcerers sent by the Tokyo Sorcerer's Guild." One of the security officers says to the three.

"Yes, we are." Tanya responds back. "We got a report saying there were four identified cursed spirits."

"Well, we're glad you arrived when you did. When we were told about the sudden appearance of cursed spirits, the principal had us call you guys as soon as possible."

The three follow the security officer to the door, and enter inside.

"You stay outside, ma'am. We'll handle things from here." Tanya tells her.

The security guard nods her head and closes the door behind them, while the three begins to walk through the now dimly lit hallway. 

"So this is what a school is like. So... weird." Dante comments.

"Wait, you've never been to school, little bro?" Tetsuo asks him.

"Nope, I've always seen people going, but I never thought it was any fun. Plus I couldn't go even if I wanted to." Dante answers,

"I see."

"Could both of you shut up for a moment." Tanya says to them. "We're on the look out for cursed spirits, and it's pretty hard to do that if you two keep talking."

After searching for a small while, the trio see three of the four cursed spirits roaming the halls, each muttering under their breaths. 

"W-Why did you... hurt me?" One of them mutters.

"Wow, guess cursed spirits have feelings too, huh?" Dante comments.

"Don't let what they say cloud your judgement. These things are nothing more than beings created from these girls negative emotions." Tanya says to him. "Our job is to ensure no one gets hurt from them."

The three cursed spirits, noting the trio's sudden appearance, begins to charge towards them.

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"Alright kid, I want you to pay attention to what I'm about to show you." Tanya tells Dante.

She begins to rush towards the three cursed spirts, dodging their every attempted attack.

"Should we uhh..."

"Nah, let her do her thing." Tetsuo says to him. "She's got this."

"You can't mindlessly just attack them without a plan, if you don't have a solid plan, you'll end up getting yourself in a situation where you'll get yourself killed." Tanya monologues. "Never underestimate your opponents, even if they have no ability to speak."

While Tanya continues to dodge the curses attacks, Dante merely looks at the fight, somewhat bored by her monologue. Tanya noticing this, clicks her tongue in annoyance, before pulling out two hammers from her pockets.

"Just pay attention, you idiot." Tanya commands. 

She begins to once again rush towards the three cursed spirits, holding the two hammers in her hands, before leaping into the air.

She whacks one of the cursed spirits with the hammer in her right hand, with a small, but powerful explosion suddenly consuming their body. Upon seeing the first cursed spirit get exorcised, the other two hesitantly begin to rush towards her as well, attempting to claw at her.

However, the attacks are quickly blocked by her hammers, and they are both soon hit in the face, before exploding simultaneously. The short battle ends with Tanya putting away her hammers and merely looking down at the ground.

"Explosive touch." She mutters.

Chapter End.