
Juice Life

Life was Great in the world of Aroica. There were many villages of people trading, fighting, and having fun with each other. In a certain village, there were 3 young boys. Playing around in ruins from a bygone era, the boys find a little box with something written on it. This one box changed these boys' live forever, These boys would have the adventures of their lives from this single moment.

Lewd_guy · Real
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2 Chs

Aroica's Fire Starter

Life was peaceful in Aroica, there were villages of varying sizes.

There were kingdoms that spanned across the lands and tales of heroes that once slayed the evil that plagued the lands with their hands.

Though that wouldn't be the focus of this story just yet.

In a small village between two kingdoms was the birth of 3 young boys.

Their Fathers were all friends with each other and were very excited to each have a boy as their first child.

The Mothers of the children were worried that their Husband's friendship would make the boys turn into delinquents.

The Oldest of the friendship was a 38-year-old Felix.

He was a Burly man, was very muscular and toned, and was the village head of defense. He has mastered every hand-to-hand and close-to-middle-range weapon arts that have ever existed in Aroica.

The next in the friend group was 36-year-old Jerimiah.

Jerimiah was a village hunter, was very skilled at scavaging and hunting, and even had some experience with espionage as he used to work for a noble.

He is very athletic, on par with Felix in his skill with long-range weapons. It is almost like he has hands and eyes that can't miss any shot even if you make a moving target from over 100000 meters away.

The last in the group is the young 30-year-old Gregory Shekka.

He is the 19th son of a very powerful nobleman but because of his low status as a noble and his chances of getting as the heir of the Shekka name, he decided it would be best if he lived the rest of his life as a commoner.

Gregory is a Scholar who has been revered as The godfather of all information written down. He has made many inventions like making a way to print paper and creating the first monoculars, steam power and so much more!

He is a lanky and toned man, he is a very smart man with a very good ability to create stuff. He has learned and mastered medicine, blacksmithing, carpentry, clothesmaking, etc.

The Three started to talk when they were sitting down at a bar in the village.

"So," said Felix as he chugs his beer.

"I guess we all are fathers!" said Jerimiah

"Indeed Jeri, it seems we finally made it to fatherhood in this lifetime," said Gregory

"BAHAHHA ah I swear I never get used to that noble talk of yours!" said Felix as he pats Gregory's back with his hands

"So Life is going to be different from now on huh," asks Jerimiah as he eats his sausage with his beer.

"guess so," said Gregory "We will have to teach our skills to the boys,"

"OH I didn't think of that!" laughed Felix as he stuffs his face with beer and food.

"Mnm I kmmw I comld cnmmt on ymu to rmmbmr" said Felix as he chews his food

"yeah yeah, chew your food before you speak," said Gregory " I couldn't even understand what you said, you oaf"

"so what's the plan? ask Jerimiah "I planned to teach my son the arts of the bow and sling and survival skills in case he gets stuck or lost in a forest."

"I'm going to teach mine the sword! Gah GAh More BEER!" Yelled Felix

"𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐄𝐄𝐄𝐄𝐄𝐄𝐄𝐄𝐄𝐄𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘𝐘!!!!!!!!!!" yelled a feminine voice


It was Felix's wife, Magenta.

She was an attractive woman with many skills, she had brown hair and constantly worried for Felix when he goes to protect the village from monsters that attack the village

"Waittt! Honey i can explain!" pleaded Felix.

"NO GET YOUR ASS TO HOME AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR SON!" roared Magenta as she pulled Felix by the ear

"Honey-n-𝘯𝘰 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘗-ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᴵ ꜀ₐₙ ₑₓₚₗₐᵢₙ" pleaded Felix as he gets pulled by his angry wife back home

"Wow... I guess the monster on the battlefield is a little scaredy kais in front of his wife!" Said one of the people in the bar.

Laughter soon erupted from the patricians in the bar

While the people were laughing, Gregory and Jerimiah looked at each other and both nodded that it is time to go home.

my bad i havent done anything, just been writing ideas that yall can use. I just write when i have a very good ass idea, yall can use any idea i got just give me like 10% profit if you get cash from it lol

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