
Journey Through Fictional Realities.

In the realm of ordinary mortals, an unassuming man met a tragic end. Little did he know that his fate would take an unexpected turn. He was reincarnated in a different world, a new world that looked ordinary at first. Initially, our protagonist led an unremarkable existence, simply trying to adapt to his newfound surroundings. He grew accustomed to the customs, the people, and the era. Days turned into months, and months turned into years as he embraced the simplicity of his ordinary life. But as fate would have it, tragedy struck once again. An event unfolded, uncovering a hidden power within the depths of his being. As his world crumbled around him, he stood amidst the chaos, transformed by a force he never knew existed. Join the mc on his journey through varies fictional realities to grow in strength, make friends, find love and discover the secrets that surround him and his mysterious clan. A/N: Will update 3 chapters per week. Feel free to check out my pat3on to read up to 15 chapters ahead and donate. Hungrymushroom. View the tags before reading. First world is a Mix between Oda Nobuna no Yabou, Samurai X and Demon slayer for those wondering.

HungryMushroom · Cómic
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56 Chs

Chapter 13

Deep within Ginryu's subconscious, a persistent notification echoed relentlessly, its tones resonating and reverberating throughout his mind.

But Ginryu's thoughts were tangled in a web of confusion, his body still reeling from the torment he had endured during his brutal torture session under the sinister control of Muzan.

As Muzan, satisfied with the infusion of his blood into Ginryu, ceased his actions, the two demons restraining him released their grip, causing Ginryu's limp body to collapse onto the snow-covered ground.

Almost immediately, his body convulsed and reacted in peculiar ways to the infusion of Muzan's blood.

Muzan, observing the abnormality, watched with great curiosity as the unfolding events within Ginryu's body sparked his intrigue. He pondered what exactly was occurring within the depths of Ginryu's being.

"[Detecting foreign substances within the host's body.... Initiating elimination protocol]," a notification from the internal system within Ginryu activated, outlining the ongoing battle transpiring inside him.

"[Elimination attempt unsuccessful.... Searching for alternative solutions]." The internal system diligently worked to aid Ginryu in this dire situation.

Due to the consumption of the mystical blue spider Lily, Ginryu's body underwent bizarre changes. In addition, his dormant bloodline suddenly awakened, further complicating matters.

To exacerbate the situation, he had ingested Muzan's blood, igniting a tumultuous conflict within his very essence.

Under normal circumstances, Ginryu's incredibly potent bloodline would have easily subdued any other forces within him.

However, in infancy, his mother purposefully suppressed his bloodline by etching symbols onto his body, a necessary measure to prevent his self-destruction.

"[Temporary solution identified.... Utilizing accumulated dimensional energy to forcefully activate Stage 2 Transformation]," the internal system finally discovered a pathway for Ginryu to survive this unprecedented predicament.

"[Initiating Mature Lunar Wolf Transformation... Temporarily suppressing mutations... Curing abnormal conditions... Applying defensive assistance]."

"[Warning.... Host will experience severe side effects upon transformation conclusion]," the system cautioned, acknowledging the price Ginryu would pay for temporarily bypassing the Stage 1 transformation process.

Unaware of the complex processes occurring within him, Ginryu's clouded mind remained oblivious, his sole focus fixed on seeking vengeance against Muzan.

In a mesmerizing display, Ginryu's bones, organs, and flesh regenerated at an extraordinary rate, surpassing even the natural healing abilities of a typical demon.

Muzan, observing the scene, believed he had successfully transformed Ginryu into a demon, relishing the hope of overpowering his nemesis, the sun.

Crack! Crunch!

However, the spectacle that unfolded before Muzan's eyes was utterly ludicrous. Once Ginryu's wounds were completely healed, his body morphed and bulked up, bones realigning with a symphony of cracking noises, as fangs, claws, and a coat of fur sprouted across his form.

"Huff, Huff," Ginryu's breaths resonated ominously, resembling an otherworldly growl. Steam escaped his mouth and nose, mingling with the frigid air. As the clouds dissipated, the radiant beauty of the moonlight was revealed.

The silver beams of the moon danced upon Ginryu's fur, granting him an ethereal glow, as he stood at the center of the village, a colossal humanoid wolf towering at an astounding four meters in height.

The shimmering silver fur accentuated his bulging muscles and pulsating veins, emanating an overwhelming display of power.

His fangs and claws were razor-sharp, capable of rending anything that dared to cross his path. His eyes, a piercing ocean blue, seemed to penetrate the very souls of those who gazed upon them.

"Grrr," Ginryu let out a low growl, a reverberating rumble that struck awe into the hearts of all who witnessed his awe-inspiring transformation.

His gaze fixated menacingly on Muzan, embodying an unwavering resolve to confront his tormentor.

"To think that your true form would be that of a dog, how intriguing," Muzan remarked upon witnessing Ginryu's newfound transformation.

However, Ginryu paid no attention to Muzan's words, his focus solely on acclimating to his new form.

"As a dog, you should obey your master. Sit," Muzan arrogantly commanded Ginryu, believing that Ginryu's transformation was a result of his own blood and that he could easily assert control over him.

"As expected of Muzan-sama," some demons commented, nodding in acknowledgment. They had initially been wary of Ginryu's monstrous form, but seeing their master, Muzan, remain unfazed, they, too, grew emboldened.

Yet, without warning, Ginryu's pent-up emotions coalesced into a single overwhelming feeling—rage.

In a split second, he swung his paw, harnessing every ounce of power within him, and struck Muzan across the face with blinding speed.

The attack was so swift and unexpected that no demon, not even Muzan himself, had time to react.

Muzan's body, unable to withstand the tremendous force, hurtled through the air, crashing through several buildings on his trajectory.

The onlookers stood frozen in shock for a moment before the demons regained their senses.

"Muzan-sama!" a demon who seemed to hold a leadership position shouted.

"Attack!" another demon commanded.

The newly-turned, weaker demons quickly fled the scene, fear gripping their hearts as they tried to escape certain death at the hands of the monster in front of them.

The stronger demons, who had experienced Muzan's wrath firsthand, rushed to engage Ginryu. Their absolute loyalty to Muzan, reinforced through brainwashing, compelled them to fight.

Consumed by rage, Ginryu could no longer suppress his instincts for the stage two transformation. His animalistic nature overwhelmed his reason, propelling him into a frenzied state of mind.

His once deep blue eyes turned a fiery yellow as he fixated on the charging demons approaching him, instinctively identifying them as enemies in need of elimination.

"Graaaaaaaah!" Ginryu unleashed a menacing roar, serving as a warning to his adversaries. However, the demons continued their charge, blinded to the imminent danger they faced.

With a swift and fluid motion, Ginryu extended his razor-sharp claws and lunged at the first demon that dared to approach him.

The sound of flesh tearing filled the air as he effortlessly slashed through the creature's chest, tearing it into five gruesome pieces. Blood sprayed in all directions, painting the surrounding area in a gory display.

Not wasting a moment, Ginryu seized another demon by the head in a vice-like grip. With a sickening twist, he ripped the head off along with its spine, sending a horrifying shower of blood and spinal fluids drenching the demons standing behind.

The sight was both terrifying and awe-inspiring, as the other demons recoiled in terror at the sheer brutality unfolding before them.

Using the severed head and spine as a makeshift weapon, Ginryu swung it at the demon to his left, using the spine as a whip to slash at his attacker.

The makeshift weapon cut through the air with a bone-chilling swish, striking the demon with a powerful impact.

The demon let out a guttural scream as the sharp bone tore through its flesh, leaving a deep, bloody gash.

It was this very demon that had impaled Ginryu and robbed him of his chance to escape, he could identify this with the little bit of consciousness that guided his rage.

Now, fueled by a thirst for vengeance, Ginryu's eyes burned with an intense rage. He would make this demon pay for the pain it had inflicted upon him.

"Blood Art: Blood Ice!" a demon shouted, recognizing Ginryu as the little boy he had previously impaled. This particular demon possessed the power to manipulate ice, and with a wave of its hand, a blast of freezing cold air filled the battlefield.

Icy spikes shot out towards Ginryu, aiming to skewer him and bring him to his knees.

However, with a tremendous thump and a loud thud, Ginryu defied his massive size and leapt from his current position, evading the deadly onslaught of ice.

His movements were lightning-fast and precise, displaying astonishing agility that belied his new wolf-like form.

His instincts had sharpened, honed by his transformation, allowing him to navigate the chaos of battle with ease.

The ice demon took a step back in fear as Ginryu now stood face to face before him, emanating an aura of power and ferocity.

The wind howled around them, carrying the whispers of the ongoing winter, adding an eerie backdrop to the impending clash between the two opponents.

Swish! Crunch!

Ginryu released his grip on the severed head of the demon he held in his claws. Miraculously, the demon's head still clung to life, its eyes wide with terror.

The next sight sent a chill down the spines of all who bore witness to this gruesome scene.

Without a moment of hesitation, Ginryu mercilessly smashed the demon's head with his foot, the sickening crunch echoing through the air.

Brain matter and blood splattered across the snow-covered ground, creating a macabre painting of death and destruction.

The sight was both horrifying and strangely captivating, as the taste of victory lingered in the frigid air, driving Ginryu to assert his dominance further.

Not satisfied with the carnage he had already wrought, Ginryu turned his attention to the ice demon who stood still and been frozen in fear.

With one swift motion, he grabbed the demon by its icy exterior, as if it were nothing more than a fragile doll, unhinging his powerful jaws, Ginryu bit into the demons skull and ripped its head off.

Crunch!! Gulp!!

With the head still in his jaws, Ginryu's jaws clamped shut like a mighty hippo crushing a watermelon, and the demon's skull shattered, spraying brain matter, juices, and blood into Ginryu's mouth.

Instinctively, he gulped down the vile contents, feeling a surge of vitality course through his veins.

The taste of demon flesh had been nothing short of exquisite, a newfound pleasure that both horrified and exhilarated him.

It drove him to sink his teeth into the demon's body over and over again, relishing in the macabre feast until nothing remained in his claws.

As the gruesome feast settled within him, something within Ginryu changed once again. His senses were heightened, his strength magnified.

This was because, a normal transformation required large amount of calories to sustain, but Ginryu didn't have those calories to burn and his transformation was currently being sustained by the dimensional energy that the system was burning. This was unnatural.

By consuming the demon, his calorie bar was being filled, bringing forth the natural power he was supposed to wield.

Slowly, Ginryu licked around his lips, savoring the remnants of the demonic essence that lingered.

Ginryu's gaze in a sickening squelch turned towards the other demons, his hunger now mixed with an insatiable bloodlust.

His silver fur, once pristine, was now stained with the evidence of his brutality. The full moon cast an ominous glow upon him, illuminating his monstrous form and striking fear into the hearts of the remaining demons.

The surviving demons, once united in their loyalty to Muzan, now cowered in the face of Ginryu's unstoppable rage.

Their fear mingled with their loyalty, as thoughts of Muzan's wrath and what they just witnessed haunted their thoughts.

Some, consumed by their loyalty or fear, continued their relentless assault, unwilling to abandon their allegiance.

In this moment, Ginryu felt an overwhelming sense of power, euphoria, and invincibility.

His rage, now fueled by the intoxicating taste of demon blood, knew no bounds.

He let out a menacing howl that pierced through the night, a chilling symphony of dominance that mingled with the whispers of the wind.

The moon, a silent witness, watched as Ginryu fully embraced his monstrous nature. The battle raged on, demons swarming him from all sides.

Yet, with each opponent he faced, Ginryu's relentless fury only grew stronger.

He tore through his foes, his claws becoming stained with the blood of his enemies. The chaos unfolded around him, the once-united demon ranks now falling into disarray.

Fear and panic overtook them as they witnessed Ginryu's unstoppable rampage.

It became clear that there was no controlling this newly awakened beast. The balance of power had shifted, and Muzan's so-called invincibility had been challenged.

Ginryu stood tall amidst the carnage, his yellow eyes gleaming with a wild ferocity and madness. The battle was far from over, and the true extent of his newfound power had yet to be revealed.

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on pat3on and donate.

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