
Journey of the Gods

In the land of Alderney there exists many wonders of man and nature, however none are more divine than the gods. Beings born with the ability to collect faith to perform miracles for the mortals. However life isn't as simple as it seems for a newborn god who wishes to be mortal.

Acid_Ash · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Anton and Crow

Anton Is also a strange god like Crow.

Anton has always been tired of the world around him, it's not that he is lazy but the world is just boring. The mortals just do the same thing over and over again, its soo repetitive that Anton finds everything colourless. Theres no helping it if the worlds dull.

As such he spent most of his time just moping around, watching the mortals do their usual things, they're born, grow, work, reproduce, grow, die and repeat. But then came Mariana, she was different, maybe. To be honest, Anton isn't too sure yet.

But she is his first priest so maybe she will be different, so Anton has decided to bless her and follow her around.

Marianas family became ecstatic when her parents found out about Mariana becoming a priest and the blessing.

They believed Anton has a grand plan for their daughter, however as the years went by nothing happened. As such, not knowing how to handle a priest, they planed to send her to the city to see the priests of Arsenia.

Mariana was ecstatic to go as she has spent her entire 9 years of life in the village, usually only the village head and few trusted aids, go to the city.

Anton on the other hand was annoyed, why should he go to the city where all the loud mortals will be? Anton has hardly been to the city either, but he knows it will be just as dull as the village.

Maybe he is lazy.

The carriage ride to the city was a peaceful ride with no monsters or beasts attacking them, as they travelled down the mountain on the old village wagon carrying a hill of shaven wool.

Mariana sat on the back of the wagon, watching her village get further and further away, before tuning to her system interface.

[Name: Mariana Antionette]

[Age: 9]

[Race: Human]

[Bloodline: Human 73%(common) impure 27%]

[Titles: {Priest of Anton}] (you are a priest that follows the beliefs of Anton, +4 charisma, increased likability from devout followers of Anton)

[Level: 5]

[Grade: 1]

[Exp 5/50]


[Health: 70/70] ((strength + endurance)*10)

[Mana: 70/70] (intelligence*10)

[Attack: 4-8] (strength + agility ± endurance/2)

[Strength: 3]

[Perception: 6]

[Endurance: 4]

[Charisma: 8]

[Intelligence: 7]

[Agility: 3]

[Luck: 3]


[Basic husbandry: lv 2](Have a basic understanding of the crops and cattle, at current level you can basic crops and herd grade 1 cattle, you may struggle against higher levelled cattle)

[Sweeping: lv 1](Can clean at a faster pace with more attention to detail, perception and agility +1]

[Basic cooking: lv 1](Have a basic understanding of food and taste, can cook basic recipes)

{Race skills}

{common language: lv 1}(Able to speak the common language of most humanoid races, at your level you can understand Canto)



[Child of the sleepers](Born with a calm peaceful mind but a weaker body, strength, endurance and agility -1, intelligence +2, Luck +1)



[Blessing of Anton](Boosts endurance by 2)

The system interface has always fascinated Mariana, she has always been more of a thinker than a doer. The system knows everything about her and everyone she knows, and it's always there, like it's just a part of nature. However it also congratulates people when they learn something or even level up, is it a natural part of Alderney or is it a species itself?

Some answers no matter how much people work for, Mariana knows that they will never be answered.

As the walls of Plymouth grew closer, Mariana climbed to the front of the wagon.

Large stone walls blocked the view of the city, however she could already see some mercenaries and adventurers leaving for the wildness. With large swords and axes showing off how sharp and shiny the metal is, how can a child like Mariana, who's only ever seen pitchforks being used as weapons before, not be excited.

There wasn't a line waiting out of the city as there were no carriages outside, Mariana has been told that this is usual in the city, as normally only warriors leave the city.

As they passed through the gate, their carriage was searched, names were noted and fees were paid. The price of entering the city with a carriage is 10 silver, however the village head has a special discount that makes the entire entourage only 1 silver. Adventurers also have their own discounts, as they are affiliated with the adventurers guild. Mercenaries don't have any discounts which lessons the amount of people who wish to leave the city.

When the carriage passed through the gates, Mariana was shocked at the difference between her village and the city. There were so many people, and it was so loud. Vendors were shouting out their goods at the side of the street, residents trout through the muddy streets in a rush to get around, so much street food that Mariana has never even heard of before.

Noticing her looks one street vendor offered her a crepe which the village chief had to haggle for; 20 bronze coins for a single crepe was just a rip off, 5 bronze was more like it.

In contrast to Marianas excitement, Anton was absolutely bored. This wasn't his first time in the city; despite it being his first time coming in 30 years, it's still exactly the same as he remembers it. Mortals never change.

Then he sees something that catches his eye. Not in the mortal realm but in the divine realm he sees a small star shining brightly through the fog.

He knows this is another god, but he still can't help but take a listless look full of expectation. In his around 50 years of life, he has never met another god before, this is mostly due to him not leaving Antionette much.

After watching the star in the distance for a few minutes, Anton had decided to get in contact with his fellow deity. Using the system, he decided to send a message over, inviting the god into his divine kingdom.

Gods can of course send messages to one another at a price of divinity, but the price increases depending on the distance. As such most gods don't bother, unless they are a big shot from a pantheon.

When a god is invited into another pantheon safety measures take place between the two gods making it near impossible for the two gods to harm each other. The guest has most of his divinity sealed and is unable to change or damage the gods divine kingdom while the god loses its privilege to massively manipulate its divine kingdom.

The god can still create and destroy a small amount of items in its divine kingdom but its much more difficult.

Soon a system message arrived back stating Crow had accepted the invitation and soon with a flash of light Crow stepped into the kingdom.


'What the hell is this god wearing?...'

Crow was wearing a tight blood red dress that highlighted his hips and somewhat muscular shoulders. His hair flew back in a windless environment with his bold heels clacking across the floor in a loud but pronounced manner, however what surprised Anton was his face. Yes, Crow was wearing scarlet red lipstick and chalk white foundation.

But for some reason crow thought one layer of lipstick was too dull, so now he is smothered in far too much lipstick that even miranda sings would say is too much. He looked like a corpse with the foundation and no blush but the lipstick cut the cake with the clown style he was wearing.

" What? It's my first time meeting someone, did I use too little lipstick? I knew those mortals don't use enough, I mean red has become my new favourite colour, how can you leave it so faint?"


As Crow stepped into Antons divine kingdom still worried that he hasn't prepared enough, scared that the first deity he meets will call him a child for not knowing these things; despite the fact that Crow takes the form of a child already. But after taking one look at anions face, he knew that he put on too little and looked like a child to Anton.

Anton took the form of a human in his younger years, 18 maybe 20 years old. He wore a basic white tunic that was too many sizes large for him, flowing of his bed and onto the floor. He had short pink hair and deep forest eyes with large bags hanging under them, how he has them Crow will never know. He lay on a large bed full on cushions, tightly squeezing a large pillow in a frozen manner.

His divine realm was completely plain, walls of misty fog define the kingdoms boundaries, surrounding a large bed. 'He doesn't even own any wardrobes'.

Anton took a large audible sigh, much to the worry of Crow, 'What kind of lunatic have I invited into my divine kingdom?'