
Side Chapter - No calm before the Storm

Michael looked over the side of the ship at the troubled waters and frowned. The first two days on the ship went off without a hitch, but pretty soon the clouds on the horizon began to turn black. If earlier he had doubts about rough waters, now he was sure that Smollett was well aware of the approaching storm.

Before the start of winter, the North always had problems with provisions. They had plenty of fish and algae, but people need variety in their diet to survive. So rice, meat, and many other products had to be delivered by sea. Food was sometimes so scarce that even the family of the Head of the Tribe had to eat only seaweed.

Michael didn't think that North had such problems, but when he thought about it, it seemed logical. Where can you grow enough grain in the glaciers to feed an entire city? Even with Waterbending, it was difficult, especially considering that in this world, crops growing techniques were... Well, not bad, just outdated from his point of view.

The Waterbenders brothers and Michael changed every three hours to give each other a rest. The night shifts were longer but much quieter because all they had to do was nudge the ship in the right direction and report changes in the sea that only the Waterbenders could feel. For example, the approach of underwater animals.

"Something big is moving under the ship." Michael said one night. "It... God, it's half the size of a ship and it's only a part of its body." Smollett just nodded and didn't even look in his direction. "She is the protector of the Northern Shores of the Earth Kingdom. We don't know who it is, but the sailors named her Donna, mother of the North."

"Donna?" Michael asked in shock.

"Don't ask me. I didn't give that name, though it's appropriate for a gentle mother who looks after her children." He chuckled. It was a strange sound, dry and dead, as if Smollett wasn't used to laughing. "And these same people calling the Father of all Seas - Kraken. What a joke."

Michael did not like the idea that there could be something more dangerous and aggressive in the sea than the Lion-turtle. God knows the Sea Serpents were bad enough. If there was also a Kraken here, then he would have to double his search for the World Gate, because what he didn't want to deal with was the deep sea monsters.

"That's why the Fire Nation doesn't try to clamp down on the Kingdom, they don't have access to the sea from the North, among other things." Smollett ignored Michael's silent shock and continued speaking. "I don't know why Donna lets them get so close to the North anyway. I think it would be better if she kept them within their island. Anything is better than this war..."

After that, only groups of small fish swam under the ship.

The crew on the ship looked at the blackening sky with waryness, everyone knew perfectly well that now their chances of reaching the North were much greater than at the beginning of their departure. With three strong Waterbenders on board, they could protect themselves from the waves, but the wind was still a problem.

Luckily for oblivious sailors, Michael was discreetly pushing the wind into the ship's sails and was going to use his Airbending to help keep the ship from sinking. Desecretly, of course.

But right now, he was working on the Water Clone technique, knowing that it would be quite useful in the future. To begin with, he gathered enough water to create the Clone's body and gave it the shape of a human. The first step to create a new technique is understanding, so he tried to understand how his Chi could recreate the effects of Chakra. Sitting in the hold, he heard the rhythmic tapping of rain and frowned. He immediately evaporated the water for the Clone and went up on deck to watch the storm begin.

As soon as he stepped onto the deck, he immediately noticed that almost the entire crew was looking at the oncoming storm, although it could hardly be called a simple storm. The rain was so heavy that at first Michael thought he was looking at the wall, but then the sky was illuminated by flashes of lightning, and he suddenly felt dread pooling deep in his stomach.

"... Why did I think it was a good idea?"

Smollett, seeing the doubt in his team's eyes, cleared his throat and got people's attention.

"Prepare for the storm. Get planks for a quick fix, if there's not enough, then break the crates we carry provisions in. We'll leave water problems to our Waterbenders, so you don't have to worry about that." Michael, Han and Khan nodded.

The brothers turned to Michael and walked away from the main crew to discuss their strategy.

"Khan and I will watch the bow of the ship, and you will stand behind and monitor breakdowns and possible falls overboard." Khan couldn't get the frown off his face.

"Two pairs of eyes are better than one, so don't take it personally. If someone can't keep up with fixing the ship, then freeze the holes. No one knows how bad this storm can be." Khan looked towards the approaching storm. "I don't think I've ever seen the sea so angry... Like it wants anyone who dares to enter the storm to die."

Michael grimaced, but thankfully his companions didn't notice. There was always a chance this storm wasn't so terrible at first, and it wasn't until Michael stepped aboard the ship that some Spirit decided to make it a real horror.

"Gentlemen! If we don't survive this voyage, then let me tell you the truth! It was an honor to serve with you in this cursed sea, hahaha!" Smollett laughed in his dry voice and Michael saw Han and Khan twitch.

"Oh no... We'll definitely survive now." Khan muttered.

"What?" Michael looked at him like he was an idiot. "Why are you saying it like it's bad?"

This time Han answered him "Smollett... When he laughs like that, it means that he is praying to the Spirit of the sea. But that Spirit always asks for a fee after that. A blood fee that Smollett won't be able to pay in full this time."

Michael was silent for a long time, but one question was on the tip of his tongue. "What is the name of this Spirit?"

A gust of wind whipped across their faces, and Michael had to start using his Waterbending sooner than he thought. Suddenly it seemed that the ship was surrounded by an invisible sphere on which water flowed and fell into the ocean. The brothers looked at each other, but said nothing to his sudden actions.

"Egir. His name is Egir."

For the record, Egir is not the Spirit that stalks Michael. He's someone else.

Simple_Russian_Boicreators' thoughts