
Never make deals with otherwordly beings with a boner in your pants (part 1)

AN: I reuploaded the chapter because I added some things and fixed some mistakes. I was in a hurry when I wrote it.

It was in the middle of the night when one day something incredible happened to me.

I was on masturbating at the pictures of my favorite waifus. Of course, all of them were big-breasted beauties. For me, if a woman truly wants to be beautiful she needs a huge pair of milkers to back it up. That's why the most beautiful women in the world have to look like Boa Hancock and not someone like Teruhashi Kokomi. At least that's how I felt.

How many times did I fantasize about knocking up those busty beauties and making them into my wifes. Call me strange, but I can't get hard if there is no possibility of the woman who I have sex with getting pregnant.

I don't know why but the thought of impregnating a woman is just so erotic that non-reproductive sex just looks lame to me. It's even hotter if the woman who is impregnated has big breasts, so the big breast gene can be spread even more.

Sadly, most erotic works avoid the topic of pregnancy or outright state that the characters are on birth control, which is a major turn-off for me. I personally love children, tho I can't really say that I am good at raising them.

I always dreamed of knocking up one of my busty waifus, but the problem is there are far too many busty women in the anime world who deserve to be knocked up. There is the short stack Hana Uzaki with her short body but incredible melons.

Then there is Tsunade who is already over 50 and has still not been knocked up by anyone, even though she is said to be the most beautiful kunoichi in the world and has the biggest breasts in the series. There are also Orihime and Rangiku from Bleach who have amazing racks and looks. And who could forget the Oppai loli goddess from Danmachi, Hestia.

Also, Rias and Akeno from DxD are like goddess. I have no clue why Issei didn't knock them up till now. Who cares if they are both still in high school, they have incredible bodies, and Rias is filthy rich, so they can support as many children as they want.

Not to forget the nasuverse that's that has a lot of stacked beauties, like the beautiful Artemis who is wasted on a little teddy bear, the legendary Scheherazade with her legendary mammaries, the motherly Minamoto-no-Raikou, the breathtaking beauty Medusa, although I prefer Gorgon because she is bigger and not to forget the epitome of womanhood, Passionlip.

Not, to mention Fairly tail and One piece who are full to the brim with bombshells who are just begging to be knocked up.

There are also many video game characters like Tifa from FFVII and Jade from DQXI and many hentai characters who also deserve to be made into mothers.

With all those beauties, how could I pick just one if I had the choice? Because of that, my biggest wish is to have a harem with all my favorite waifus in them so I could turn them into baby factories and live a happy life with them.

"sight, I would give everything for my wish to come true."

"Do you really mean it?"

At that moment a mysterious voice asked me a question, and I had no clue that it would change my life forever.