A young anime and manga-loving man is one day visited by an otherwordly goddess who promises him to fulfill all his wishes. However, there is a hook. She will give him tasks on his travels and if he fails to finish even one of them, she will eat his soul. Our otaku MC, realizing that he will be able to make a harem of the pretties and bustiest women who have ever existed, agrees to the deal. However, things will not be quite as easy as he imagined. -------------------- I will update this whenever I have time.
Because I love big breasts, you can be sure that the big-breasted girls from mainstream anime will definitely be in the harem. For anyone else I have not decided yet, I will likely make polls and let you guys decide who to add to the harem. You can also give your own recommendations and if they have big breasts I will definitely add them, as for everyone else, will see.
One piece
Fairy tail
Highschool DxD
Highschool of the dead
Uzaki-chan wa asobitai
-Hana Uzaki
Dragon Quest Xi
Final fantasy VII
Those are just the ones I will confirm the right of the bat because they are from popular franchises and are some of my favorite waifus. There will be more added later on of course.