
Joining Blackbeard as his Vice Captain

Translation of a Chinese Novel

SuperDuperSage · Cómic
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57 Chs

#43 A Deal with the Pirate Empress

Boa Hancock, the Pirate Empress, shook her head repeatedly, unable to believe her ears. Carlo's audacious declaration that he could kill a Celestial Dragon echoed in her mind.

How could anyone dare kill a Celestial Dragon? That act alone would mean a complete break with the World Government!

This would be declaring war on the most powerful force on the sea: the Navy, various organizations, and nearly two hundred allied nations. Going against the World Government meant standing against the world itself.

The World Government's power, influence, and military might were unparalleled. Even the combined forces of the New World's pirate emperors might not stand a chance against it. The Navy alone could balance the entire pirate world.

No matter how hard she tried, Hancock couldn't believe this man standing before her, no matter how bold, would actually dare to kill a Celestial Dragon.

Despite seeing Carlo kidnap and imprison one like a pig, she still couldn't fathom that he would kill one. Kidnapping left some room for negotiation, however slight. But killing? That was a different matter entirely.

Killing a Celestial Dragon was an act far worse than freeing the slaves of Mary Geoise, a feat once deemed "unspeakably evil." Hancock's mind raced, unable to accept that the man before her could be serious.


Carlo snickered, shaking his head. In front of everyone, he casually drew the massive sword—Rain Burial—from Blackbeard's waist.

Everyone stared in confusion, even Blackbeard was taken aback.

"Why are you using my sword to show off? Can't you get your own?" Blackbeard thought, feeling his attachment to the sword wane.

"You really are a naive woman," Carlo mocked. "Why is it so hard to believe? I told you, Celestial Dragons aren't as scary as you think."

"Besides, you don't know me. What if I told you I really would?"

Carlo spoke calmly, flicking the blade with his finger to make it sing, showing he didn't care about the Celestial Dragon's fate.

Inside the livestock quarters, Larcher, hearing the blade's ominous sound, trembled even more, cursing Hancock in his mind. "Can you stop asking? You're gonna get me killed!"

"Women really are trouble," Larcherthought, preferring the pig feed over death.

"Would you really kill a Celestial Dragon?" Hancock asked, her voice filled with disbelief as she stared at Carlo.

Carlo didn't respond, just raised an eyebrow, clearly done with the conversation.

"If you're serious, I swear on my title as Queen of Amazon Lily to grant you one request. Anything!" Hancock declared suddenly, her tone solemn.

Her sisters and the Amazon warriors looked at her in surprise but didn't dare interrupt.

Despite her terror of the Celestial Dragons, Hancock hated them just as much. Seeing Carlo's boldness, a flicker of hope and warmth sparked in her cold heart.

"Anything?" Carlo mused, surprised by her offer. There was something suggestive in her tone that he couldn't ignore.

Understanding Hancock's trauma, Carlo could see why she made the offer.

"Our Blackbeard Pirates don't have many needs. How about you join us?" Carlo proposed. "Need time to think?"

Hancock hesitated but then nodded. "If you really kill him, I will join you."

"Sister, you can't!" her sisters protested, worried for their queen and country. But Hancock silenced them with a wave of her hand, her authority unquestioned.

"Well, she's serious," Carlo thought, smiling. "This fool's life wasn't wasted. I get an Empress for my crew in the end."

Hancock's decisive agreement prompted Carlo to waste no time. He gripped his sword and walked towards the livestock quarters, ready to end it all.