

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Fantasía
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44 Chs


Fortunately, the Pi**chu case was settled thanks to Siyun putting it to rest.

[Siyun: There is a pork cutlet in the shape of a character that is sold at snack bars called Pi**chu. Chung-ssi, have you calmed down now?]

[Chung: Yes… I am sorry.]

[Baekya: No, it's okay. It must have been shocking.]

An affectionate scene of apologizing and forgiving was portrayed. The story then returned to Baekya's casting anecdote.

[Baekya: At first, I thought it was a scam, so I refused.]

[Siyun: Why is that? Why did you think it was a scam?]

[Baekya: ID is a very big company, but I am not particularly handsome, nor was I doing anything eye-catching to attract someone's attention like Minsung hyung was doing. So, I ran away. I think I ran about three laps around the front of the school.]

[Siyun: You were being chased?! The casting manager-nim's persistence is really amaz-… No, but Baekya-ssi. Your fans will be very sad to hear you talk about yourself like that. Our Baekya-ssi is very handsome and cute, right?]

[Yulmu: Yes, that's right. From today, he's the official mascot of our team.]

[Yuyeon: Our hyung is also very good at singing.]

Yulmu and Yuyeon chimed into Siyun's words as if they had been waiting, and the chat window went wild. Siyun said the comments were now moving at an incredible speed and asked them to look at the monitor.

The fans were shedding tears at Baekya's lack of confidence.

- Someone, please show him a mirror ㅜㅜ

- Has anyone seen a cuter creature in this world? I haven't ㅠ You're the first one ever ㅠㅠ

- I guess he's the type to lack self-awareness, haha.

- But the other members do look unusually handsome ㅋㅋㅋ I guess it's about being overshadowed by them?

- I'm from another fandom, but why would someone as cute as him think like that…?

Baekya, after seeing the comments, didn't know what to do with himself as he apologized and offered his gratitude. The casting episode concluded with Baekya promising Siyun to never talk about himself like that again.

Following that, questions about the members' heights, weights, and their usual clothing styles were asked, and a few more questions followed before the song started playing.

[Siyun: We are now back after listening to Part 2's first song 'No Games' by DASE. We will be continuing with DASE here.]

[Group: Whaa~]

[Siyun: The reactions are great. Before we get started on the segment, I can't help but ask about your debut song 'No Games'.]

Siyun asked for an introduction to the song.

[Yulmu: Yes. DASE's 'No Games' metaphorically portrays a man's obsession with love, comparing a fateful encounter to a game of cards.]

Yulmu smoothly delivered his prepared lines without mistakes. It was worth the effort to memorize it since last night.

Siyun followed by mentioning that although their official activities had just started, the song itself was released last year.

'No Games' by DASE was the first song from a rookie group to enter the revamped chart the past year. DASE members became embarrassed as he praised them for their hot debut.

After a few more words about the song, the topic moved on to the music video.

[Siyun: I also watched it, and the outfits were splendid. There is a question from 2300-nim, "Is the concept about young princes?"]

[Jihan: Saying it's about 'princes' feels a little burdening… I think you can just look at it as men from the medieval era. The music video's background setting is also similar to that era.]

Upon hearing this, the chat window fluctuated again. The prevailing opinion was that DASE members generally seemed to lack self-awareness.

[Siyun: From Lee Sohyun-nim, "If Jihan's face isn't that of a prince, then there are no princes in this world." I share the same opinion. You are my juniors, but you are very good-looking.]

[Group: Thank you.]

[Siyun: Your song is also excellent. If you had to choose just one killing part from it, what would it be? Chung-ssi?]

After pondering Siyun's question for a moment, Chung seemed to make up his mind and answered loudly.

[Chung: Baekya!]

[Siyun: Baekya-ssi~ Which of Baekya-ssi's parts do you like the most?]

[Chung: The high note in the second verse, where I also sing along.]

Saying that he couldn't resist singing along to the second verse's catchy chorus, Siyun said he couldn't help but ask if Baekya and Chung could sing that part briefly.

Beginning to sing from a high note was quite pressuring. How embarrassing would it be if his voice cracked?

However, Baekya couldn't refuse. Because he had a quest to complete within the time limit.

It was the quest .

The quest started with a sentence that suggested a rookie must do anything asked. As expected, its real content was hidden behind the 'View More' button.

'That day could have had a very bad ending…'

Just thinking about it made him dizzy.

What was hidden behind the 'View More' was weighing on Baekya's chest like a pile of stones.

'Right. Is the high note that big of a deal right now?'

He could do it a hundred times more.

He began to sing with perfect accuracy, without a single mistake in the pitch. Baekya's solid tenor and Chung's low, smooth voice resonated in the studio.

Then, the system window appeared before his eyes.

[Q. I Will Succeed! (2): 1 Personal Talent Achieved!]

▷Personal Talent: 1/5

▷Aegyo: 0/5

▷Cuteness: 0/5

※ Remaining time: 25 days]

//TN: Aegyo = cute acts

'Isn't aegyo the same as cuteness?!'

He could feel his blood pressure rising again.

But still, perhaps it was because the shock when he first saw it was so great, the stress level luckily didn't rise. On the day Baekya saw that absurd quest, he had to spend two valuable Star Points.

[Siyun: Whoa~ Both of you sing so well! Especially Baekya-ssi's voice is very great. 7035-nim said that they just had an eargasm, and so did I.]

Siyun looked at Baekya with a slightly envious face. He didn't forget to mention that he would like to work with Baekya someday either.

- His voice is like a jade marble rolling on a silver platterㅜㅜ

- Siyun is being for real ㅋㅋㅋ He actually meant it just now.

- Chung? He's so charming… I'm in danger of turning into a fangirl.

The real-time reactions were also positive.

Listeners praised Baekya's voice, and even the messages were full of compliments. Baekya and Chung thanked them once again and expressed their determination to work even harder.

[Siyun: We only have one last segment left. Time really flies.]

The next corner was a segment where the participants would give gifts to the listeners. It was the main corner of 'Begin Again,' where the guests had to take on missions to earn the gifts directly.

[Siyun: If the mission succeeds, we will gift fried chicken coupons to 15 people in total. If the mission fails, a terrifying penalty awaits the DASE members.]

When he asked them to pair up in teams of two to play the game, the members began to wander around in panic.

[Siyun: Shall I help you?]

[Minsung: Please do…]

Siyun, mentioning that usually in things like these, the youngest would be picked first, asked who the maknae was. Chung immediately raised his hand, declaring that he was the maknae.

[Siyun: Is there anyone you want to team up with?]

After some contemplation, Chung picked Yulmu. He believed that Yulmu, with his excellent physical condition, would give them a higher chance of winning.

Next was Yuyeon. After looking around at the remaining members, Yuyeon pointed to Baekya. When asked for his reason, his answer was this:

[Yuyeon: It kind of looked like he was hoping to be picked.]

[Baekya: When did I!]

Yuyeon chuckled as he pulled Baekya closer to him. His deep dimples were charming.

However, Baekya poutily rejected Yuyeon's gesture. The chat window exploded due to their live chemistry.

With this, Siyun quickly sorted out the remaining members, Minsung and Jihan, who automatically became a team.

[Siyun: The order will be Jihan-Minsung team, Yuyeon-Baekya team, and Yulmu-Chung team. Jihan and Minsung, please wear the prepared blindfolds.]

The prepared mini-game was about guessing the object with only the sense of touch on your face while wearing blindfolds. It was a brilliant way to provide fan service.

Only Siyun knew the objects that would be placed between the members' faces.

- This is already so much fun ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- The rabbit is wearing a rabbit blindfold! Aaah Minsung-ah!!! Screenshot, infinite screenshots!

- I was a bit flustered when I saw Jihan's bunny blindfold ㅋㅋㅋ

- Our Siyun is so excited to have his hoobaes with him right now ㅜㅜ

[Siyun: The time limit is 1 minute. You have to guess within 1 minute to succeed.]

Siyun mentioned that each team had five fried chicken coupons at stake. The first game for the fried chicken prize began.

The object that Jihan and Minsung needed to guess was an apple. With Siyun's countdown, an apple was placed between their faces.

The camera captured how Minsung and Jihan were rolling the apple between their cheeks.

- Aaaaahh!!!! So cute!!!

- Look at how their cheeks puff out from the weight ㅋㅋ

- I don't need to eat chicken so guys, please make the guess late ㅠㅠ

- Pay attention to the apple… Don't drop it…

The chat window was rapidly filling with comments. However, contrary to the fans' wishes, the first team shouted the correct answer after only 20 seconds.

[Minsung: Answer! A fruit!]

[Siyun: You need to guess the specific fruit.]

[Jihan: An apple?]

[Siyun: Correct! With the success of the Minsung-Jihan team, five fried chicken coupons are obtained!]

The two members removed their blindfolds and celebrated their victory with a high-five.

Next was the second team. Yuyeon and Baekya got to their positions side by side, both wearing blindfolds.

[Siyun: You saw what the previous team did, right? The object will change but the rules remain the same. You have to accurately guess not only the object but also its type.]

[Baekya & Yuyeon: Yes!]

Both nodded in response to Siyun's explanation.

The second object was a plushie.

[Siyun: And~ Start!]

As Siyun gave the signal, a yellow chick plushie was placed between Yuyeon and Baekya. With the plushie between their faces, the two began to nuzzle the chick plushie with their cheeks.